www.ng-conf.org ng-conf is a two day, single track conference focused on delivering the highest quality training in the Angular JavaScript framework. 500 to 700 Developers from across the country will converge on beautiful Salt Lake City, UT to participate in training sessions by the Google Angular team, and other Angular experts. In addition to the invaluable training, ng-conf will deliver a pre
Design is the art of considered creation. Our goal is to satisfy the diverse spectrum of human needs. As those needs evolve, so too must our designs, practices, and philosophies. We challenged ourselves to create a visual language for our users that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science. A material metaphor is the unifying
AndroidとiBeaconを使った室内向け測位システムのデモです。まだプロトタイプなので、改良の余地はたくさん残ってますが、用途ごとにチューニング予定です。また、今の段階でもiBeaconを増やせば(3mおき程度)十分精度を保てることがわかっています。 This is a demo movie of Android and iBeacon based in door location system. Because this app is prototype, I will tune up it. If we use iBeacons every 3 meters, I know precision will keep good condition.
Android 4.4 (KitKat) のデベロッパー向け新機能 (API, ツール) についての紹介動画です。 日本の Android 開発者のための公式 Google+ コミュニティ Android Development - Japan もあわせてどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 https://plus.google.com/communities/115564198961961475282 --- KitKat has been optimized to run on a much broader range of devices, with special focus on the millions of entry-level devices that have as little as 512MB RAM. To help, we've created new AP
I created sample game that you can use chain like "Attack On Titan" in Oculus. It's amazing experience! You can play it. Enjoy! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3fa2xndy6jcg5jo/47tgWjdLaG Oculusで「進撃の巨人」の立体機動的なアクションゲームをサクっと作ってみました。 今後はもっと「進撃の巨人」っぽくしてみる予定です。 以下サイトで配布しております〜。(若干違う内容ですが、、、) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3fa2xndy6jcg5jo/47tgWjdLaG
An introduction to the basics of Google Glass. Learn about the touchpad, the timeline and how to share through Glass. Interested in finding out more about Glass? Visit: http://google.com/glass Google+: http://google.com/+GoogleGlass Twitter: http://twitter.com/googleglass Instagram: http://instagr.am/googleglass Facebook: http://facebook.com/GoogleGlass