ブックマーク / jsoncanvas.org (1)

  • JSON Canvas

    An open file format for infinite canvas data. Infinite canvas tools are a way to view and organize information spatially, like a digital whiteboard. Infinite canvases encourage freedom and exploration, and have become a popular interface pattern across many apps. The JSON Canvas format was created to provide longevity, readability, interoperability, and extensibility to data created with infinite

    JSON Canvas
    yarumato 2024/03/12
    “JSON Canvas形式は、無限キャンバスアプリで作成されたデータの可読性、相互運用性、拡張性を提供。ファイルには.canvas拡張子を使用。JSON CanvasはもともとObsidian用に作成された。MITライセンス”
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