
LevelDBとindexに関するyassのブックマーク (3)

  • MapR M7 技術概要

    2. 2 ©MapR Technologies MapR: データセンターの完全自動化へ •  自動フェールオーバー •  自動再レプリケーション •  ハードウェアおよびソフトウェア障 害からの自律回復 •  負荷分散 •  ローリングアップグレード •  ジョブやデータの損失なし •  99.999% の稼働時間 高信頼処理 高信頼ストレージ •  スナップショットおよびミラーによる 事業継続 •  ポイントインタイムの復旧 •  エンドツーエンドチェックサム •  強い一貫性 •  ビルトイン圧縮 •  RTO ポリシーに基づく拠点間ミラー

    MapR M7 技術概要
  • The Baby Expert

    Benefits of Using a Diaper Bag Backpack Every new parent needs the means to carry supplies wherever he or she goes with his/her new baby. It is the primary reason why so many expectant mothers register for a diaper bag of some sort. If you are at that point in your pregnancy with your first child and you are making a baby registry for gifts, consider registering for a diaper bag backpack. Here are

    yass 2013/09/21
    " Sophia is a modern embeddable key-value database designed for a high load environment. It has unique architecture that was created as a result of research and rethinking of primary algorithmical constraints, associated with a getting popular Log-file based data structures, such as LSM-tree. "
  • SSTable and Log Structured Storage: LevelDB - igvita.com

    By Ilya Grigorik on February 06, 2012 If Protocol Buffers is the lingua franca of individual data record at Google, then the Sorted String Table (SSTable) is one of the most popular outputs for storing, processing, and exchanging datasets. As the name itself implies, an SSTable is a simple abstraction to efficiently store large numbers of key-value pairs while optimizing for high throughput, seque

    SSTable and Log Structured Storage: LevelDB - igvita.com
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