
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


benchmarkとnodejxに関するyassのブックマーク (1)

  • NodeJX vs Vert.x vs Node.JS Cluster | nodeJX

    The main purpose of this benchmarking study is to compare the performance of NodeJX with Node.js. But considering the recent popularity of Vert.x and some of the published benchmarking results indicating a superior performance over Node.js, we decided to include it in our comparison. We didn’t want the benchmarking application to be about serving a static file. Realistically, neither Node.js nor V

    NodeJX vs Vert.x vs Node.JS Cluster | nodeJX
    yass 2014/01/22
    " Overall, Vert.X is faster than Node.JS as suggested by others before. Results of Node.JS CL were comparable to Vert.X. However, nodeJX MT is clearly faster than both Vert.x and Node.js CL "
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