livedoor Authの運営終了のお知らせ 2021年3月末をもちまして、livedoor Authの運営を終了いたしました。 長きに渡りご愛顧をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。 livedoorホームへ戻る
livedoor Authの運営終了のお知らせ 2021年3月末をもちまして、livedoor Authの運営を終了いたしました。 長きに渡りご愛顧をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。 livedoorホームへ戻る
Download the generator You can get the GEM 1.5.3 (old) or the 2.0.1 (new). Report a bug You may report bugs, send patches or feedbacks directly to the development list. Need more ...? I can write an Apache module if you need to deliver static pages but still protect them with auth_generator. The best performance in your hands. You can also use this configuration with mod_auth_mysql if you wish. SS
Rails AutoAdmin Plugin How do I? Use this in Rails 1.2.1+? Change the plugin name from auto-admin to auto_admin - and you'll stop getting the nil.empty? error. (Just tested this on Rails 1.2.3 and it still works) Contact the author? / Get patches accepted? Submit them to trac... if I don't deal with
Goldberg HomepageWelcome to Goldberg Goldberg is a Ruby on Rails generator that enables you to set up fully-featured websites within minutes. Goldberg is a holistic solution with security, site navigation and content management all designed to work together. When users log in they have access to actions and pages based on their permissions. The site’s menu adapts to display only the items allowed
include AccessControl access_control :all, :if => false access_control :rss, :if => :is_authorized_for_rss access_control :view, :role => '(admin | user) & !blacklist' access_control :create, :edit, :role => '(admin | moderator) & !blacklist' # runs an arbitrary block access_control :motd do |c| (c.some_controller_method || c.some_other_method) && (rand > 0.5) end とすることで、ロールベースのアクセスコントロールができてしまう。