
ブックマーク / blog.codinghorror.com (2)

  • Identicons for .NET

    19 Jan 2007 Identicons for .NET Don Park invented Identicons last week. An Identicon is a small, anonymized visual glyph that represents your IP address. Don explains it better than I do: I originally came up with this idea to be used as an easy means of visually distinguishing multiple units of information, anything that can be reduced to bits. It's not just IPs but also people, places, and thing

    yuiseki 2010/04/14
  • Recommended Reading for Developers

    02 Feb 2004 Recommended Reading for Developers This list was last updated in March 2015. Why are updates to my reading list so rare? Because computers change a lot in 10 years, but people don't. To make better software, you need to understand how people work, and that is what the books I recommend tend to focus on. Code Complete 2 Steve McConnell's Code Complete 2 is the Joy of Cooking for softwar

    yuiseki 2007/03/25
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