Ein Web2.0 Generator der einen gepunkteten Website-Hintergrund mit wählbaren Farben erzeugt.
All the fonts of this collection are @font-face compatible and licensed for commercial work. Hand-picked from the amazing fontsquirrel.com Museo-Sans Nevis Rough-Draft Quicksand Miso Walkway Sansation Fontin-Sans Anivers Delicious Diavlo Dubtronic JustOldFashion Komika-Axis NeoRetroDraw Adler Angelina Vollkorn Vtks Animal 2
The quality and availability of WordPress e-commerce themes makes WordPress a serious choice as an online shop platform. In fact, WordPress has moved rapidly from being mainly a blogging platform and is now one of the top CMS systems for traditional websites. Lately,... Welcome to our Website Awards for best free WordPress themes. We are hosting this award to showcase the best websites to visit wh
The quality and availability of WordPress e-commerce themes makes WordPress a serious choice as an online shop platform. In fact, WordPress has moved rapidly from being mainly a blogging platform and is now one of the top CMS systems for traditional websites. Lately,... Welcome to our Website Awards for best free WordPress themes. We are hosting this award to showcase the best websites to visit wh
35 Extremely Useful Free Online Tools for Web Developers and Designer by Lars | Last updated Jan 2, 2013 | Tools | 6 comments Creating Web Sites is not a simple task at all and the value of getting some help from useful online tools should not be underestimated. Creating web applications requires deep knowledge and experience with many different tools, techniques, standards etc. and it is hard for
The quality and availability of WordPress e-commerce themes makes WordPress a serious choice as an online shop platform. In fact, WordPress has moved rapidly from being mainly a blogging platform and is now one of the top CMS systems for traditional websites. Lately,... Welcome to our Website Awards for best free WordPress themes. We are hosting this award to showcase the best websites to visit wh
Forms are an essential part of just about every website – yet, we don’t always pay too much attention to their finer details. Several things can be done to improve them, such as adding validation, input masks, and other visual guides. And that’s only scratching the surface. The end goal is to make them both attractive and as easy to use as possible. Here are 10 free tools you can use to make your
25 Creative Personal Portfolio Websites for Inspiration & Ideas A great personal portfolio can significantly increase your chances of gaining more work, building your client list, and ultimately earning more money. It’s a place to share your web design story, showcase your skills and abilities, and demonstrate to potential clients the value that you can bring. Some designers prefer to keep things
Each of these free web-based tools and apps have been built by web designers for web designers. They all offer a time-saving solution to some of those monotonous or even complex CSS tasks you may need to perform from time to time. Without needing to install anything, all you have to do is bookmark, and save them for that day when required. From assessing your website’s accessibility to generating
The free JavaScript plugins and libraries on this page all offer a straightforward and specific function. There are no bloated all-in-one frameworks. Just useful, lightweight and problem-solving solutions to help make the web design and development process much easier and quicker for you. As you would expect, there are plugins below for creating sliders, image galleries, responsive menus, modal wi
The icons, glyphs, or logos of popular social media platforms such as Facebook, X, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others, are often used on websites, mobile apps, email campaigns, and YouTube videos to provide users with an easy way to follow and engage with a person, brand or organization on social media. By using recognizable social media icons, you can make it easier to be found and followe
Action movies provide a form of escapism that no other genre of film can. Their advertising posters' strive to capture the fast-paced, action-packed scenes to fuel your adrenaline! This tutorial focuses on designing an advance or teaser poster which are displayed several months prior to the actual films release. This poster was influenced by the work of Mike Orduñaon and in particular his illustra
A blog about web design, art, technology, music and life by Grace Smith, a freelance Web Designer based in Northern Ireland.User Experience (UX) Design describes the experience a person has as a result of their interactions with a particular product or service. It encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s experience and goes way beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing them wi
It’s essential for Designers to have an good understanding of typography and selection as the importance of typography in design can’t be neglected. The proper selection of typography can convert your normal design into attractive piece of art. Among other things, effective typography manages to achieve three necessary objectives of web designing are Look, Appearance and Outcome which helps you to