
ブックマーク / aws.typepad.com (2)

  • AWS News Blog

    New — File Release for Amazon FSx for Lustre Amazon FSx for Lustre provides fully managed shared storage with the scalability and high performance of the open-source Lustre file systems to support your Linux-based workloads. FSx for Lustre is for workloads where storage speed and throughput matter. This is because FSx for Lustre helps you avoid storage bottlenecks, increase utilization of compute

    HIROCASTER 2015/10/02
    Cluster新しく作ってうつってくれるのいいなぁ…。 Amazon Web Services ブログ: 【AWS発表】Amazon Elasticsearch Service
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Week in Review – AWS Documentation Updates, Amazon EventBridge is Faster, and More – May 22, 2023 Here are your AWS updates from the previous 7 days. Last week I was in Turin, Italy for CloudConf, a conference I’ve had the pleasure to participate in for the last 10 years. AWS Hero Anahit Pogosova was also there sharing a few serverless tips in front of a full house. Here’s a picture I […] Amaz

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