英保守党へ多額の献金。 David Rowland, 64, who has returned to live in London from the Channel Islands to make the donation, said gave the money because of his concern for “liberty” and to protect the economic future of Britain.
David Cameron promised a Thatcher-style “single-minded” approach to Europe yesterday as Gordon Brown prepared to tell him of the dangers of standing on the sidelines.
Mr Langham, who is accused of downloading child pornography and sexually abusing an underage girl, said the woman, now 25, and her mother are “a family that don’t have relationships, they take hostages”.
Langham 事件。児童ポルノを閲覧していたことは認めたが、二人の少女への性的虐待は否定。”Mr Langham also denies six counts of indecent assault and two counts of serious sexual assault of an underage girl between January 1996 and April 2000. ”
リンゼイ事件の英TIMES の論調も、被疑者のフラットから性暴力を含むマンガが多数発見されたと記載。”Inside his flat, police found piles of manga comic books, containing graphic images of sex and violence.”
The document apparently named a group called Dignity and Honour, a mercenary organisation made up of former KGB spies. It is suspected of being used by the FSB for “deniable” operations.
フランス情報機関も関与? 「The documents Scaramella showed Litvinenko came from a KGB defector who is living under the protection of the French security services. 」