
ブックマーク / research.google.com (2)

  • Detecting Argument Selection Defects

    104 Detecting Argument Selection Defects ANDREW RICE, University of Cambridge, England and Google Inc., USA EDWARD AFTANDILIAN, CIERA JASPAN, and EMILY JOHNSTON, Google Inc., USA MICHAEL PRADEL, TU Darmstadt, Germany YULISSA ARROYO-PAREDES, Barnard College of Columbia University, USA Identifier names are often used by developers to convey additional information about the meaning of a program over

    Nyoho 2018/11/22
    RT @xharaken: Googleの2億行のソースコードを解析した結果、関数に渡す引数の順番を間違える系のバグは、引数の個数が6個以上になったときに著しく増えるので、引数の個数は5個以下が望ましいことがわかったという話。
  • AudioSet

    A sound vocabulary and datasetAudioSet consists of an expanding ontology of 632 audio event classes and a collection of 2,084,320 human-labeled 10-second sound clips drawn from YouTube videos. The ontology is specified as a hierarchical graph of event categories, covering a wide range of human and animal sounds, musical instruments and genres, and common everyday environmental sounds. By releasing

    Nyoho 2017/03/10
    オーディオファイルセット ラベル付き
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