
ブックマーク / www.nber.org (2)

  • The Reporter

    A free quarterly publication featuring program updates, several summaries of affiliates' research, and news about the NBER. On July 1, the Program on Children was renamed the Program on Children and Families. This change, which better captures the range of research carried out by its 171 affiliates, in part marks a return to the program’s roots. In 1993, the late Alan Krueger launched an NBER proj

    The Reporter
    Schuld 2008/04/25
  • Lectures

    What Are NBER Lectures? Among featured events at the NBER Summer Institute are the Martin Feldstein Lecture, which examines a current issue involving economic policy, and the Methods Lectures, which describe an emerging set of tools and techniques in econometrics. In addition, some keynote addresses and panel discussions at NBER conferences are preserved in lecture format. Affiliated researchers a

    Schuld 2008/02/11
    Harvard大学のGuido Imbens教授とMichigan州立大学のJeffrey Wooldridge教授の計量経済学 via d:id:econ-econome氏、大竹文雄氏(http://ohtake.cocolog-nifty.com/ohtake/2008/02/post_a11a.html)
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