In the coming decades, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies are going to transform many aspects of our world. Much of this change will be positive; the potential for benefits in areas as diverse as health, transportation and urban planning, art, science, and cross-cultural understanding are enormous. We've already seen things go horribly wrong with simple machine learning
Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather. We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself al
Is a playlist that allows you to play a publicly available, free, no-registration-required stream on the video app of your choice infringement? The law and common sense say no. The Motion Picture Association (MPA) says yes. They are very wrong.Here are the basic facts: Pluto TV is a free streaming...
アーロン・シュワルツが26歳の若さで自殺したとの報道以来、インターネット内には彼に対する悲しみの気持ちとインターネット規制の変化の要求を表す言葉が次から次へ洪水のようにあふれ出している。 アーロンは、この電子フロンティア財団の優秀なメンバーの一人で、短い人生ながらとても偉大なことを成し遂げた。彼はコード書きで、政治活動家、起業家、RSSのような有名な技術開発の協力者、そして常にインターネットの自由を愛するロックスターだった。ワイヤードが言及しているように、世界は今後数十年、アーロンの人生がこれほど短命に終わっていなければ彼が果たしたであろう数々の素晴らしいことを手に入れる機会を失うことになるだろう。 ここ2年以上、アーロンはマサチューセッツ州の司法省の検事たちから告発され、不正に重罪の容疑がかけられた執拗な訴訟を闘うためにエネルギーと財産を費やすことを余儀なくされていた。彼にかけられた容疑
Japan is yet another of many countries where Big Content is working closely with policymakers to enact expansive copyright laws in the name of fighting off threats to their profit bottom lines. In terms of copyright policy, it has been an especially big year for Japan. In June, the Japanese government passed a new copyright bill that enacted criminal penalties for downloading, uploading, and simpl
San Francisco - A district court judge in Virginia ruled against online privacy today, allowing U.S federal investigators to collect private records of three Twitter users as part of its investigation related to Wikileaks. The judge also blocked the users' attempt to discover whether other Internet companies have been ordered to turn their data over to the government. The Electronic Frontier Found