See Google's Nexus Q dissected piece-by-piece courtesy of Wired We generally have to wait for a device to hit the FCC or wind up with the likes of iFixit to see it thoroughly dissected, but Google has changed things up a bit for its new Nexus Q media hub. It's provided Wired with a complete teardown of its own that breaks the Made in the U.S.A. device down piece-by-piece with attention to every li
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Etched into the base of Google’s new wireless home media player that was introduced on Wednesday is its most intriguing feature. On the underside of the Nexus Q is a simple inscription: “Designed and Manufactured in the U.S.A.” The Google executives and engineers who decided to build the player here are engaged in an experiment in American manufacturing. “We’ve been absent for s
Fireside chats offer unique access to the developers behind the technology. No marketing types or lawyers need apply. One of my favorite parts of Google I/O is the Android Fireside Chat. All the developers are lined up on stage and then grilled with questions from the audience for an hour. This year's session did not disappoint. In this article I have summarized all the questions asked and answers
I think anyone that grew up in the 80s will remember the Polaroid instant cameras that spit the picture out of the front. I know when I was growing up we always thought watching those pictures develop was the coolest thing ever. Polaroid has a new instant camera called the Z2300 Instant Digital Camera that is a modern version of that 80s instant camera. The Z2300 has an integrated ZINK Technology
Introducing Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) preview platform, and more At Google I/O today we announced the latest version of the Android platform, Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). With Jelly Bean, we’ve made the great things about Android even better with improved system performance and enhanced user features. Improvements include a smoother and more responsive UI across the system, a home screen that automati
Coinciding with the announcement of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, Android developers can now pull down a new revision of Android's SDK tools – revision 20, along with a new version of the ADT Plugin, also r20 (which Eclipse users will need to use SDK r20). The revised SDK tools bring several improvements. One of the notable additions to the SDK tools is System Trace (otherwise known as systrace), a tool
Google Assistant is built to keep your information private, safe and secure. When you use Google Assistant, you trust us with your data and it's our responsibility to protect and respect it. Privacy is personal. That’s why we build simple privacy controls to help you choose what’s right for you. Explore this page to learn more about how Google Assistant works, your built-in privacy controls, answe
Google Playをリビングでも。ストリーミングメディアプレーヤー「Nexus Q」が登場2012.06.28 03:06 Google i/Oの開催直前にGoogle Playでうっかり公開されたNexus Q。この299ドルのクラウドベースのストリーミングボックスは、初のソーシャルストリーミング・メディアプレーヤーであると約束されています。 Nexus QはあくまでAndroidのアクセサリという本質を持っており。手持ちのスマホやタブレットからBluetooth経由で操作するようになっています。コンテンツは自宅のWi-Fiネットワーク経由でインターネットからストリーミングします。Google Play、Music、TV、YouTubeといったグーグル系列のサービスのみの対応とのこと。Nexus QはAVレシーバー、HDテレビ、またはスピーカーに直接接続できます。 どのへんが「ソーシ