
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


gレコに関するanimate_tvのブックマーク (1)

  • Why .TV | Bassir.io

    .TV domain names are highly valuable to media networks that prioritize content creation because they offer a unique and specific online presence. The .TV extension explicitly signifies a platform for audio-visual content, making it a natural fit for media networks looking to showcase their multimedia offerings. It provides a clear and concise branding opportunity that immediately communicates the

    Why .TV | Bassir.io
    animate_tv 2015/11/08
    【ニュース】富野監督が『Gレコ』を若い人たちに見てほしかった、本当の理由を明かす。 第28回東京国際映画祭特集上映「ガンダムとその世界」初日トークレポート
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