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Most Western packaging appeared limited, merely ‘contained’ on the canvas or package. Whereas Japanese design is more alive, spirited and energetic. Japanese packaging is created not to just contain the product, but has a unique soul of its own. It’s easy to tell–most of the packaging and product designs are based on nature. In fact, they go to great lengths to add tiny details like faces, eyes an
By default, most of RSS feeds just take the first couple of lines of the content and display those to you. In order to read the whole thing, you have to go to the actual website. WizardRSS changes that by letting you display full RSS feeds of any content. To start, just enter any feed or website URL and WizardRSS will provide you with a new feed URL. A lot of people think that displaying full RSS
FF7の魔晄炉は原子炉のオマージュだと今知った 2011年05月02日00:30 ファイナルファンタジー コメント( 18 ) Twitter はてなBM 魔晄炉と原子炉の関係性 1 名前:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 投稿日:2011/03/15(火) 06:10:39.50 ID:IZSalvL/O 不謹慎なゲームだよな 2 名前:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 投稿日:2011/03/15(火) 06:11:26.29 ID:hJegNn4I0 興味無いね 3 名前:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 投稿日:2011/03/15(火) 06:11:47.02 ID:Yaa7A4lk0 つまり原子炉爆発はFF7のゴンガガ爆発によって予言されていたのか そういえばあそこマップ名「メルトダウン」だったよな 4 名前:以下、名無し