PLEASE NOTE: This was written in react-navigation 1.x. Things have changed and I will need to updated the blog post for 2.x I’m sure you’ve read the docs on the react-navigation drawer, thus why you’re here. Navigation sounds simple, but it never is. React Native has a short yet sordid history with navigation. Personally, I’ve had to solve the drawer problem three times over the past two years. Al
We recently finished up a large Phoenix project at Infinite Red, and we learned some tips and tricks along the way that I want to share. Overall, we’ve been impressed at how well organized and maintainable a Phoenix project can be beyond 10,000 lines of code. Some of the tips in this post are specific to Phoenix, others could be equally applied to Rails or other web frameworks. None of them are me
Rails 5.0 is approaching, bringing with it niceties for websockets, backend-only API servers, and revamping the command layer. Version 4.0 brought turbolinks, russian-doll caching, the queue API, and a host of improvements. All of these, except maybe turbolinks, were great new features but did not fundamentally alter the way applications are built in Rails. That’s good news! It means Rails is a ma
You’re sold on React Native, but how much do you need to learn to build a “normal” app? This 3-part guided tour will help with that answer. Congratulations!You were cautious. You weighed the pros and cons. You’re ready to get started. Now what? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ How hard is it to actually build something? How much do I need to learn? The goal of this 3-part article is to answer those questions. To survey