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![なぜ Erlang/OTP を使い続けるのか](;version=1;width=512/
TL;DR check out our sample project and commits to see it in action. JWT or JSON Web Token is quickly becoming the standard of choice for secure API authentication and information exchange. In this post, I will explore how to build a sample Web application using JWT for authentication of clients. Note that there are a variety of authentication stratgies, such as ueberauth, and you’ll have to pick t
Note: This blog post is for Phoenix 1.2. If you’re on Phoenix >= 1.3 check out the Phoenix guides. Since writing the first version of this guide a lot has changed in Phoenix. In this post we’ll show you how to build and test the index and show actions of a JSON API with Phoenix 1.2. We’ll show you some new techniques we’ve learned since the last time. You’ll learn: How to use the built-in Phoenix
(The demo is available 18h a day due to Heroku free nodes limitations, if you see Application Error message - this is the case) React + Redux + Phoenix simple application This application is evolution of RePh and now it provides authorization and different frontend bundles for landing page and application: styles, JS and images are all different. Authorization/registration is done via websockets a
Elixir and Go have both grown significantly in popularity over the past few years, and both are often reached for by developers looking for high concurrency solutions. The two languages follow many similar principles, but both have made some core tradeoffs that affect their potential use cases. Let's compare the two by taking a look at their backgrounds, their programming styles, and how they deal
After giving a talk at ElixirConf this year in Orlando on building our first large Elixir project for Cava Grill, a question that I’ve frequently been asked is “how did you and your team learn Elixir and OTP”. Learning Elixir, like learning any new language, is not something that happens overnight but takes time, dedication and patience. From our experience at Made by Many, we’ve been able to trai
Phoenix With Elm をためしてみましたのでメモ書きとして残しておきます。 Phoenix With Elm全体が気になる方は下記をごらんください。 Phoenix with Elm Phoenix with Elmのリポジトリ #実行環境 OS:OS X Yosemite Erlang v19.0 Elixir v1.3.2 Phoenix v1.2.0 Elm v0.7.1 Node v6.2.2 ElmはJavaScriptにコンパイルされる関数型言語です。 Elm自体は既にインストールされていることを前提として進めております。 にてインストール方法を確認していただければ、特に問題なくインストールは終わるかと思います。 まずは、Phoenixのアプリケーションを作りましょう。 ここは特にきにすることはなく、いつも通り作っていただいて問題はありません
I'm learning Elixir since the end of 2014 when version 1.0 was launched. I'm not a Guru, I'm just starting, but loving it. Like any other new technology, first I like to read some books, do some personal experiments, freelancers, try it with non-critical projects in the company and then do something that solves real problems and fits in the technology purpose. So, I'll talk a little bit about the
I was curious about using OpenGL with Elixir and couldn’t find much very information. Other than a kludge for working with constants defined in Erlang .hrl files it turned out to be not too difficult. The final result draws a triangle on the screen and looks like this: wxWidgets and Erlang Erlang/OTP ships with a port of wxWidgets, so creating a window and obtaining an OpenGL context is relatively
Phoenix の開発者である Chris McCord さんが 2015/11/18 に書いた記事「Phoenix is not Rails」の翻訳です。 僕は Rails 未経験の状態で Phoenix を始めたクチなのですが、最近 Rails もやるようになり、両者を比較して考えることが多くなってきたので、いい機会だと思い翻訳してみました。 誤訳があれば編集リクエストを頂けると幸いです。 まえがき 昨年12月、ブライアン1は年次総括で 開発を Elixir と Phoenix に移行する計画を公表しました。それから1年、実際に Rails から Phoenix へ移行してみて分かったのは、この作業はそれほど大変ではないということです。というのも、Phoenix は Rails と非常によく似た作りをしているからです。もちろん、フレームワークのきちんとした理解にはそれなりの学習が必要で
昨日か一昨日くらいにheorku-buildpack-elixirを使って、herokuに以下の組み合わせを指定したらErlangのインストールでコケた。 Erlang 19.0.2 Elixir 1.3.2 おやおやと思ってソースを見に行って、この行でS3からPrebuiltなErlangを落としてきていることがわかった。まだ新しいバージョンのErlangのPrebuiltさんが置かれていないということなので、issue立てたほうがいいかなぁと思いながら寝落ち。なんという意思の弱さか。 そしてさっきそれを思い出して、curlしてみると $ curl --head HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amz-id-2: l9v
Elixir v1.3 brings many improvements to the language, the compiler and its tooling, specially Mix (Elixir’s build tool) and ExUnit (Elixir’s test framework). The most notable additions are the new Calendar types, the new cross-reference checker in Mix, and the assertion diffing in ExUnit. We will explore all of them and a couple more enhancements below. With this release, we also welcome Andrea Le
t_yano @t_yano Erlang/Elixir(というかBEAM)について「速い」と記事書くと有識者の方々から暗に殴られる事件を数件見つつ、最近読んだbeamのコンテキストスイッチ手法思い出すと、まあ、この動きすごいキレイ(一定頻度でプリエンプティブにスイッチする)だけど、速くはないわなって思った 2016-05-17 21:15:29 t_yano @t_yano BEAM決して速くない、速さを求めるならGoをやれ、安定性を求めるならbeamをやれってことみたい。Erlangイカ本だと、バイナリデータを大量に処理するには向かない、でもAPIサーバなら十分な速度が出るって書いてて、つまり個々の「処理」の速さを求めてはいけないってことかな。 2016-05-17 21:17:35
Engineering Building the platform where people around the world come to search, save and shop Our Engineering team is at the core of bringing our platform to life for Pinners worldwide. Working collaboratively and cross-functionally with teams across the company, our engineers tackle growth-driving challenges to build an inspired and inclusive platform for all. Natasha Magliui Engineering Manager,
This post belongs to the Building Phoenix Battleship series. Designing the game mechanics The lobby channel and game supervision The game setup Placing ships on the board's grid Let the battle begin! Coming soon... Designing the game mechanicsAfter cloning Trello and Toggl I wanted to try something completely different for my next side-project on Elixir and Phoenix. Therefore, after reading more a
All programming languages give you some primitives to use as starting points in your own creations. For example, a language might provide arrays, hashes, and objects that you turn into a system representing students, teachers, and the work that passes between them. Some languages go a little further in what they provide. For example, several languages have primitives that represent code in that la