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cookingとstoriesに関するconsigliereのブックマーク (1)

  • The American Thanksgiving (Published 2016)

    Americans all come from somewhere. Their families may have roamed the continent for thousands of years before the Mayflower dropped anchor. They may have been on the ship. They may have come on later ones, freely or in chains. They may have come by truck, train or airplane. They came. And their journeys are reflected in the food they or their descendants eat. The Times asked 15 families from acros

    The American Thanksgiving (Published 2016)
    consigliere 2016/11/18
    アメリカ人の「我が家のレシピ」といえば Thanksgiving ディナーだよな。その味には物語が詰まっている。出自の物語でもあるし、家族(反目、和解...etc.)の物語でもある
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