
2014年2月12日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Abe, Aquino views on China unhelpful, US general says - U.S. - Stripes

    FILE - In this Oct. 13, 2011 file photo, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force's P-3C Orion surveillance plane flies over the disputed islands in the East China Sea, called the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. China said Friday, Jan. 24, 2014, it has begun issuing warnings to foreign military planes entering its self-declared air defense zone over the East China Sea, showing its determination to

    dwnrvr 2014/02/12
    星条旗新聞掲載(Bloomberg News配信) 米国空軍司令官Herbert Carlisle: "Some of the things, in particular that have been done by Japan, they need to think hard about what is provocative to other nations."
  • Opinion | Japan’s destructive denialism

    Opinion Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events “PREPOSTEROUS,” SAID a U.S. Embassy spokesman in Tokyo. That is a charitable characterization of ahistorical and offensive statements by leaders of Japan’s public broadcasting network, NHK. First it was Katsuto Momii, the newly installed head of the network, wh

    Opinion | Japan’s destructive denialism
    dwnrvr 2014/02/12
    はっきり"destructive historical denialism"と。
  • 時事ドットコム:「首相はなぜ非難せぬ」=NHK会長発言で−米有力紙

    「首相はなぜ非難せぬ」=NHK会長発言で−米有力紙 【ワシントン時事】米紙ワシントン・ポスト(電子版)は11日、歴史認識をめぐるNHKの籾井勝人会長と百田尚樹経営委員の発言を「破壊的な歴史否認主義だ」と問題視し、安倍晋三首相は2人の見解を明確に非難すべきだと主張する社説を掲載した。  同紙は「(従軍慰安婦は)どこの国にもあった」などとした籾井氏らの発言を取り上げ、「日政府はなぜ明快に糾弾する気になれないのか」と安倍政権の姿勢を批判。「百田氏を指名し、籾井氏の起用を立案した(とされる)のは首相だけに、首相の責任は特に重い」と強調した。(2014/02/12-14:54)

    dwnrvr 2014/02/12