brilliant and want laws changed so I can marry them." Traditional control flow: from requests import get location = get('').json() lat = location['latitude'] lon = location['longitude'] weather = get('' + str(lat) + '&lon=' + str(lon) + '&cnt=1').json() print weather['list'][0]['weather'][0]['description']
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In this article we briefly describe the generic topic of pattern matching in programming languages. We’ll see that this powerful technique is present in our every day programming, even if we may not notice it. A matching is a process of checking whether one thing has the same or similar representation as another thing. There are two basic matches: value to value match value to pattern match Value-
minimatch っていうのは Grunt や gulp.js その他あちこちで(npm もらしい)使われてるグロブマッチライブラリです。最近よく gulp を使ってるんだけど、毎回 gulp.src() の書き方で迷ってしまう。調べた結果 minimatch に行き当たったんだけど各種 glob 実装のドキュメント読んで把握しろ、という感じでよく分からなかったので早見表を作った次第です。 確認用にテストを書いていて、そのテストケースからドキュメントを生成してるので間違いはないはずです。説明が間違ってる、この例も乗せた方が見やすいだろ、とかあればプルリクください。 折角なので日本語版を書いておきますね。 基本 * はパスセパレータを含まない任意の文字列にマッチ ** はパスセパレータを含む任
We’ve been trying to increase the pace of Sass releases, and it looks like we’ve succeeded. A mere five months after the release of Sass 3.3, we’re announcing the release of Sass 3.4.0, codename Selective Steve. Faster releases mean fewer major features per release, so there are only two big new things to talk about (although there are plenty of little improvements you can read about in the change
This one has been slow-cooking since February and it’s good. For the first time in a while, this release focuses on adding some significant new features to Knockout. Almost any developer using KO should seriously consider making use of these, as they can greatly streamline your code. Published Aug 18, 2014 So what’s new? Components Components bring a new and hugely more scalable way of structuring