Don't lock your content in a 3rd-party service. Tina writes to files in your repository (MDX, Markdown, JSON, etc)
Faster sites, better business You don’t have the time for slow sites – and neither do your visitors. Business Owners Slow sites are not just a bad experience, they are also bad business. Why spend to acquire traffic only to lose the engagement on the site? Improved performance improves business outcomes like conversions, time on site, and order values. Visitors Performance is the number one factor
New Add-onEasily restore your project to a previous version with our new Instant One-click Backup Recovery
Start building with the Notion API Connect Notion pages and databases to the tools you use every day, creating powerful workflows. Get started Building blocks for developers Aggregate data from many sources into your team’s workspace. Spend less time context switching, and increase visibility across the software and services you rely on. Stay in the loop Twitter Spend more time on Twitter than you
Maximizing your customer experience with our API-centric platform design Develop system-free applications with an enterprise headless CMS. Our backend-for-frontends (BFFs) platform enables a smooth UI/UX that is key to customer experience. Cut development costs by using your favorite programming languages as is. Say goodbye to the backend nightmares of traditional system development. Pick and choo
Resources Articles Drupal JavaScript Initiative: The Road to a Modern Administration UI It's now been over 10 years since Drupal started shipping jQuery as part of core, and although a lot of Drupal's JavaScript has evolved since then it's still based on the premise of progressive enhancement of server-side generated pages. Meanwhile, developing sites with JavaScript has made huge strides thanks t
scriptogr.amはDropboxのストレージスペースを利用した超シンプルなCMS。 Markdown形式で記述されたテキストファイルを所定のDropboxフォルダに置くことによってブログや簡易なホームページを公開できるというサービスです。 使い方も非常に簡単で、先ずはDropboxにログインしてアプリのアクセス許可を与えます。 次にサイト名となるユーザー名を指定しオプションとして自分の名前やサイトの概略などを入力し、次のステップで『Finish』をクリックすれば完了です。 ここでDropboxを覗いてみると新たに『Apps』フォルダが作成されて、その中に『scriptogram』フォルダさらにその中に『Posts』がそれぞれ作成されているはずです。 基本的にはこの『Posts』フォルダに記事となるテキストファイルをアップロードすることで動作するという仕組みです。 あらかじめサンプル
DocPad is the easiest way to create your static website. You have the power of a CMS and simplicity of a notepad. Write your website in the markup of your choice (Markdown, HTML, Jade?), in the editor of your choice (Textmate, Sublime, Notepad?), and deploy anywhere (FTP, Git, localhost?). Total control, total simplicity.
The most integrated CMS ever b2evolution includes everything you need to build websites for sharing and interacting with your community. b2evolution is a Content Management System (CMS) aimed at making it easy to build and maintain websites for sharing information and collaborating with your community. From a simple homepage to a blog, a photo gallery or a newsletter... all the way up to a full-fe