スパイ衛星 #Yantar2K に搭載された偵察カメラ #Zhemchug4「ゼニットEマウントで使える!」と言われても…w “The case is 66 x 66 x 147cm and the lens has a 42cm diameter, a 132cm length. It weighs 158kg. The combined weight of lens and case is 188kg (413lb)."

cinefukcinefuk のブックマーク 2020/01/12 14:12



A giant Soviet spy satellite lens is for sale

    I’m Kosmo Foto’s founder and editor. I’m a New Zealander who has been living in London since the mid-1990s, shooting film seriously since the year 2000. Kosmo Foto was launched in 2012 and has sinc...

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