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BitMagic - C and C++ library implementing dynamic bitvectors and bit-set algorithms with several types of on-the-fly, adaptive compression. Designed for use in databases, search systems, data-mining algorithms, scientific projects. The core of the library is C++, but it provides C-compatibility wrappers and can be compiled without C++ runtime. Optimizations for Intel SSE2, SSE4.2 and AVX2.
A hash function maps a bit vector onto another, usually shorter, bit vector. The result is uniformly distributed, which means that for an input vector chosen at random, each out bit is equally likely to be 0 or 1 and is not correlated with the other bits (unless the size of the range is not a power of 2 in which case the high bits will show correlations). Typically, m > n and this is why hash func
2011年6月に世界最速として認定されたスーパーコンピュータ「京」。Linuxを搭載したスパコンでどうやって最速を実現したのか――。OSやミドルウエアを改良し、独自ハードウエアの性能を最大限にまで引き出せるようにしたシステムの内部を徹底解説する。 目次