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  • どうして銅像でもめるのか 南北戦争の像の何が問題なのか - BBCニュース

    米南北戦争の戦いが終わってから150年以上がたつが、敗れた側を歴史にどう残すかについて、今も激しい議論が繰り広げられてる。 全米各地には、南部連合に捧げられた像が何百と現存している。南部連合とは、米政府に反旗を翻した南部各州のことだ。そしてこの像がしばしば、奴隷制や黒人抑圧という米国のいやな歴史を思い起こさせるものとなっている。

    どうして銅像でもめるのか 南北戦争の像の何が問題なのか - BBCニュース
    fuldagap 2017/08/20
  • Saudi Arabia's missing princes

    Between 2015 and 2017, three Saudi princes living in Europe disappeared. All were critical of the Saudi government - and there is evidence that all were abducted and flown back to Saudi Arabia… where nothing further has been heard from them. Early in the morning on 12 June 2003, a Saudi prince is being driven to a palace on the outskirts of Geneva. His name is Sultan bin Turki bin Abdulaziz, and t

    Saudi Arabia's missing princes
    fuldagap 2017/08/16
  • The woman helping Mongolians die with dignity

    Fifteen years ago there was no such thing as palliative care - care for the dying - in Mongolia. Now there is, thanks to the efforts of one woman, who persuaded the country's medical establishment that it was possible and worthwhile to prevent people dying in agony. Odontuya Davaasuren was 17 years old, studying paediatrics far from home in Leningrad, Russia when her father died of lung cancer in

    The woman helping Mongolians die with dignity
    fuldagap 2017/06/23
    ”"Many, many patients died at home, in pain, with great physical and psychological suffering," she recalls. "Many times, the families bought so much traditional medicine and other expensive medicines. But that was just false hope."”
  • Raqqa: The desperate fight for Islamic State group's 'capital'

    As a battle to eject so-called Islamic State from Mosul grinds on, across the border in Syria, an alliance of US-backed fighters is advancing on the IS stronghold of Raqqa. The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse is one of the first reporters to reach the city. This has been a long and brutal road. Driving through the suburbs of Raqqa towards the centre, we pass collapsed buildings, hit by American air strike

    Raqqa: The desperate fight for Islamic State group's 'capital'
    fuldagap 2017/06/23
    情報量多くないけど印象的な断片が多い記事。"We pray that God will have revenge against Islamic State," a woman says, clutching a small child. "Everything that's happened to us is because of them."
  • 【マンチェスター攻撃】 英警察とMI5、次はどうする 最高のテロ警戒レベル - BBCニュース

    22日夜にマンチェスターで起きたたぐいの爆弾攻撃を、英国は2005年7月のロンドン攻撃以来、経験していない。単純な理由が3つある。 爆弾攻撃にはある程度の経験と技術が必要で、他人の手助けがないとどちらも習得しにくいかなりの計画と準備が必要で、計画と準備を重ねると英情報局保安部(MI5)その他の治安機関に気づかれやすくなる経験、技術、計画、準備をひとつにまとめあげる能力を備え、かつ計画を遂行して悲惨な結末に到達できる人物は、非常に珍しい

    【マンチェスター攻撃】 英警察とMI5、次はどうする 最高のテロ警戒レベル - BBCニュース
    fuldagap 2017/05/25
  • 【ロンドン襲撃】 ハリド・マスード容疑者とは? - BBCニュース


    【ロンドン襲撃】 ハリド・マスード容疑者とは? - BBCニュース
    fuldagap 2017/03/31
  • How the battle for Mosul unfolded

    The battle for Mosul was a huge military operation to recapture Iraq's second largest city from so-called Islamic State (IS). Mosul fell to IS in June 2014, with IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaiming the creation of a "caliphate" from its ancient and now destroyed Great Mosque of al-Nuri. Thousands of Iraqi soldiers, Kurdish fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen, assisted by US-l

    How the battle for Mosul unfolded
    fuldagap 2017/03/06
  • パリのような攻撃に遭ったら、どうすればいい? - BBCニュース


    パリのような攻撃に遭ったら、どうすればいい? - BBCニュース
    fuldagap 2015/11/24
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