ブックマーク / rt.com (4)

  • Clinton testifies: ‘Algerian terrorists got weapons from Libya’ — RT

    godmother 2013/01/25
  • Ben Bernanke wants to resign — RT

    Fed hints at quantitative easing 3 Another round of quantitative easing could be right around the corner: upon concluding the latest meeting of the US Federal Reserve, some of the central bank’s top figures forecast that they may need to implement QE3. Fed prepares for QE3 The central bank of the United States believes that America is still a ways from economic recovery, which could soon prompt th

    godmother 2012/10/24
  • Real US unemployment: More than 15% — RT

    godmother 2012/08/07
  • Thousands of US troops deploying to Israel — RT

    Obama’s new Pentagon strategy: strip benefits and buy more weapons Pensions and health care plans for US troops will be drastically reduced under a new budget presented by US President Barack Obama on Thursday. Not all aspects of the DoD will be annihilated, however. CNN censors vet that supports Ron Paul The establishment’s war against Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul has been evident si

    godmother 2012/01/06
    After Iran threatened to close down the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial path for the nation's oil trade, the US dispatched 15,000 marines into the area.
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