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  • AWS Solutions Architect ブログ

    2017年12月14日、目黒のAmazon Web Services (AWS) Japanオフィスにて、AWS re:Invent 2017前後にて発表されたセキュリティ関連情報を振り返るセミナーが開催されました。 AWS re:Invent 2017とは、2017年11月27日から12月1日までラスベガスで開催されたAWS最大のカンファレンスです。エンドユーザー様、パートナー様を中心に、世界中から40000人以上の来場者を集めました。re:Inventは基調講演やブレイクアウトセッション、ブートキャンプ、パートナー様ソリューション展示、参加者同士のネットワーキングなどからなります。例年同様、一人では回りきれないほど大量で多種多様なイベントが行われました。 そこでセミナーは、セキュリティという観点に絞り、re:Invent 2017での情報を効率的に収集いただくと同時に、来年以降の日

    AWS Solutions Architect ブログ
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Weekly Roundup – AWS Dedicated Local Zones, Events and More – August 28, 2023 This week, I will meet our customers and partners at the AWS Summit Mexico. If you are around, please come say hi at the community lounge and at the F1 Game Day where I will spend most of my time. I would love to discuss your developer experience on AWS and listen to your stories […] AWS Weekly Roundup – AWS AppSync,

    january 2013/12/25
  • AWS News Blog

    Announcing Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink Renamed from Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Today we are announcing the rename of Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink, a fully managed and serverless service for you to build and run real-time streaming applications using Apache Flink. We continue to deliver the same experience in your Flink applications without

    january 2013/11/28
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Weekly Roundup: Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus in Amazon Bedrock, Meta Llama 3 in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, and more (April 22, 2024) AWS Summits continue to rock the world, with events taking place in various locations around the globe. AWS Summit London (April 24) is the last one in April, and there are nine more in May, including AWS Summit Berlin (May 15–16), AWS Summit Los Angeles (May 22),

    january 2013/11/18
  • AWS News Blog

    Announcing Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink Renamed from Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Today we are announcing the rename of Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink, a fully managed and serverless service for you to build and run real-time streaming applications using Apache Flink. We continue to deliver the same experience in your Flink applications without

    january 2013/09/16
    AMI をリージョン跨がりでコピーできる
  • AWS News Blog

    Stop the CNAME chain struggle: Simplified management with Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Starting today, you can configure your DNS Firewall to automatically trust all domains in a resolution chain (such as aCNAME, DNAME, or Alias chain). Let’s walk through this in nontechnical terms for those unfamiliar with DNS. Why use DNS Firewall? DNS Firewall provides protection for outbound DNS requests fro

    january 2013/09/14
    DynamoDB Local。オフラインでもテストできる!
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