ロシアの大手メーカー、カラシニコフが、レトロなデザインの電気自動車「CV-1」を発表した。イーロン・マスク氏率いる米テスラに対抗できるとしている。 自動小銃「AK-47」のメーカーとして有名な同社は23日、モスクワ近郊で行われたイベントでCV-1を披露。1970年代の旧ソ連のハッチバックに着想を得たデザインだが、革命的で最先端の「スーパーカー」だと説明した。
The world's most detailed scan of the brain's internal wiring has been produced by scientists at Cardiff University. The MRI machine reveals the fibres which carry all the brain's thought processes. It's been done in Cardiff, Nottingham, Cambridge and Stockport, as well as London England and London Ontario.
The logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games has been scrapped after allegations that it was plagiarised. The Games organising committee said there were too many doubts over the emblem for it to be used. A Belgian artist had complained that his design was stolen. Logo designer Kenjiro Sano had admitted copying online material for a previous project, Japanese media reported. In July, a new Olympic st
Graffiti artist Banksy has announced an exhibition at a derelict seafront lido in Weston-super-Mare. The Dismaland show - which will also feature work from Damien Hirst, Jenny Holzer and Jimmy Cauty - will take over the Tropicana site for five weeks. "I loved the Tropicana as a kid, so getting to throw these doors open again is a real honour," Banksy said. The show is his first in the UK since 200