talked about Capistrano in Rails Summer Festival 2008 by WebCareerRead less
Webistrano is a Web UI for managing Capistrano deployments. It lets you manage projects and their stages like test, production, and staging with different settings. Those stages can then be deployed with Capistrano through Webistrano. Webistrano's purpose is to make the deployment of multi-stage and multi-environment scenarios easy. Further it allows you to track who deployed what, when to which s
Capistrano によるファイル転送手段で標準で用意されてる方法は upload や put でファイルをアップロードする(scp / sftp 経由) Git や Subversion などの SCM からファイルをチェックアウトする であり,rsync はない(と思う)。 なので,Capistrano で rsync しようと思った(あ,でも rails とか用の標準 deploy レシピで使う方法とかじゃないです; 単に task に rsync を書くだけ)。 Capfile は実際 ruby のコードなのでなんとでもやりようはある。 task :rsync_task do source_path = "/source/path/" target_path = "target_host:/target/path/" `rsync -avz #{source_path} #{ta
Capistrano deployment tips collection document summarized in 3 sentences: The document shares tips for using the Capistrano automation tool, including recommendations for colorizing Capistrano commands with the capistrano_colors plugin. It also describes using the capistrano-ext plugin to better organize different deployment configurations and set environment-specific options. The document provide