
2016年1月19日のブックマーク (9件)

  • The Big Search to Find Out Where Dogs Come From (Published 2016)

    An ancient canine skull at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Scientists are still debating exactly when and where the ancient human-canine bond originated.Credit...Andrew Testa for The New York Times OXFORD, England — Before humans milked cows, herded goats or raised hogs, before they invented agriculture, or written language, before they had permanent homes, and most certainly befo

    The Big Search to Find Out Where Dogs Come From (Published 2016)
    kazutox 2016/01/19
  • Of the People

    Both of my parents grew up in really poor, rural areas. They just wanted to get out of there, so they joined the military. Most of my family is in the military. A lot of my friends are in the military. I remember my senior year everyone graduating and being excited about college. But then when we graduated, the war in Iraq started. So instead of all of us walking together, some people were in Iraq

    Of the People
    kazutox 2016/01/19
  • 五人衆謀反次第

    「我ら五人衆、この通りお館様にご忠誠をお誓い申し奉りまする」 武勇で名高い五人衆は、揃って喜多川右府に対し、地面に這いつくばるように平伏した。 しかし、その言葉に反して、五人衆の筆頭である中居弾正は、怒りと絶望に覆われていた。 (彼奴の裏切りさえ無ければ・・・) 中居は、まるでその怒りを抑えこむように、いつしか自分の手をつねっていた。 事の発端は、半年ほど前のことである。 彼ら五人衆を見出し、股肱の臣として、ここまで育て上げた飯島摂津守が、突如、その主君、喜多川右府に反旗を翻したのだ。 原因は、主君による飯島摂津守への嫌がらせである。家中の諸将たちが見守る中、何を思ったか喜多川右府は、刀に刺したを飯島摂津守に突き出すと、「え!」と屈辱的な命令を発したのだった。 もし、これを断れば謀反者として一族郎党滅せられる・・・飯島摂津守は、武功を立てお家を支えてきたという自らのプライドをぐっと飲み

  • World's oldest man Yasutaro Koide dies aged 112 in Japan

    Yasutaro Koide said his long life was due to not smoking or drinking and not overdoing things The world's oldest man has died at the age of 112 in the Japanese city of Nagoya, local officials say. Yasutaro Koide, who was born on 13 March 1903, was officially named the oldest man by Guinness World Records in August last year. At the time he was quoted as saying his secret to long life was not smoki

    World's oldest man Yasutaro Koide dies aged 112 in Japan
    kazutox 2016/01/19
  • 2009-04-24

    2009-04-24 4.23〜草なぎ革命の記録〜 ニュース 日記 読者へ 草なぎ剛が、たった一人でなしとげた革命とはなんであったのか。あるいは、なしとげられなかった革命とはなんであったのか。われわれは何をなし、何をなせなかったのか……。今もってその答えを出すのは容易ではない。かといって、歴史の手にゆだねるこ… 2009-04-24 ブランキを足がかりに、これからなにを読もうか 日記 『天体による永遠』ルイ・オーギュスト・ブランキ - 関内関外日記(跡地) 『天体による永遠』、単行に収められている全編を読了。編のほかに、当時のジャーナリズムの反応(新聞の書評とか)、編者、そして訳者による解説など。 しかしなんだ、「当時の… 2009-04-24 なんかゲームやりたくなってきたんだけれども ゲーム 去年の10月にPSPをうっかり踏みつぶして以来、ゲームから遠ざかっている。PS2は身分不相

    kazutox 2016/01/19
  • Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'

    kazutox 2016/01/19
    2001年、The Onionの予言的な記事
  • THE EXECUTIVE COMPUTER (Published 1985)

    This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. WHATEVER happened to the laptop computer? Two years ago, on my flight to Las Vegas for Comdex, the annual microcomputer trade show, every second or third passenger pulled out

    THE EXECUTIVE COMPUTER (Published 1985)
    kazutox 2016/01/19
  • Bombed in the Kunduz operating theatre

    In the early hours of 3 October 2015, a US aircraft bombed what crew members thought was a Taliban compound in Kunduz, Afghanistan. It was, in fact, a hospital run by Medecins Sans Frontieres. Surgeon Mohammed Safi Sadiqi was in the middle of an operation. Here he describes what happened. This report contains an image some readers might find disturbing. That night, there were about six to eight su

    Bombed in the Kunduz operating theatre
    kazutox 2016/01/19
  • Apple, Samsung and Sony face child labour claims

    Samsung, like all major electronics firm, rely on lithium-ion batteries which include cobalt Human rights organisation Amnesty has accused Apple, Samsung and Sony, among others, of failing to do basic checks to ensure minerals used in their products are not mined by children. In a report into cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, it found children as young as seven working in dang

    Apple, Samsung and Sony face child labour claims
    kazutox 2016/01/19