I’ve authored a proof-of-concept exploit that you can use to target these devices on your home network today. That demo is live at http://rebind.network. Google Home Google Home MiniThe apps used to control Google Home products make use of an undocumented REST API running on port 8008 of these devices (e.g. The first mention of this service that I’ve been able to find s
We are Google employees. Google must drop Dragonfly. We are Google employees and we join Amnesty International in calling on Google to cancel project Dragonfly, Google’s effort to create a censored search engine for the Chinese market that enables state surveillance. We are among thousands of employees who have raised our voices for months. International human rights organizations and investigativ
I’ve always believed the web is for everyone. That’s why I and others fight fiercely to protect it. The changes we’ve managed to bring have created a better and more connected world. But for all the good we’ve achieved, the web has evolved into an engine of inequity and division; swayed by powerful forces who use it for their own agendas. Today, I believe we’ve reached a critical tipping point, an
Picking up new frameworks and libraries is exciting but also stressful. Even after some evaluation you never really know what skeletons you’re going to find out down the road. My honeymoon period is long over. After about 2 years of using Vue almost daily I can finally write about it with some perspective. DANGER: Opinions ahead. The GoodReactivityData binding is a big deal in the front end world.
Network diagram showing the relationship between subreddits and their moderators. Germany holds elections in late 2017. Analysts have already reported that Chancellor Angela Merkel is being targeted with fake news and online attacks, espceially from hyperpartisan and conspiracy sites. In this report, the DFRLab tracks one fake story about Merkel posted on Reddit, revealing a cluster of sites suppo
A few days ago, I met up with a friend & peer over coffee. Saul: “How’s it going?” Me: “Fatigued.” Saul: “Family?” Me: “No, Javascript.” More accurately, I meant React and the Javascript ecosystem that comes with it. For starters, consider that Pete Hunt asked why React is overwhelming for beginners: There is a major problem in the React community that cripples beginners and hinders experts alike.
・洋服は着ない、持って行かない。服装は機内含め、着物のみ。 ・スーツケース、ダメ、絶対。荷物は風呂敷に包む。 ほぼ毎日着物生活の僕が、昨年秋のラスベガス出張に続き、今夏のUSA出張にも着物オンリーで行ってきましたのでレポートします。着物で海外出張、あるいは海外旅行を考えている男子の参考になればと思います。 今回は2015年7月7日〜7月16日の10日間、目的地はデンバーおよびオーランドです。デンバーでは Gophercon 2015 、オーランドではマイクロソフトの WPC15 に出席する計画でした。 悩んだ点出席する二つのカンファレンスは両方ともIT系ながら、どテック系とITビジネス系で、求められる服装のモードがやや異なります。洋服で言うと、Tシャツ・デニム・スニーカーに相当する格好と、タイなしジャケットありに相当する格好の両方を準備する必要がありました。 さらに、デンバーはステップ気候