ブックマーク / faq.ktug.org (1)

  • Math Fonts (with Beamer)

    CMSS CMSS - Default CMSS - Default Text: Computer Modern Sans Serif (CMSS) Math: CMSS Italic + CMR Math Symbols Preamble in this document: \ documentclass {beamer } % Default = " sans " option Example: p(R, φ) ∼ Z ∞ −∞ W̃n(γ) exp h ıR/a �p k2a2 − γ2 cos φ �i (k2a2 − γ2) 3/4 H0(1) n �p k2a2 − γ2 � dγ Miss-match with CMR math symbols! Math Fonts with Beamer CMSS CMSS - Euler VM (1) CMSS - Euler VM (

    kbkbkbkb1 2012/04/27
    Beamer の数式フォント例集
  • 1