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GearPumpとbeamに関するkimutanskのブックマーク (1)

  • Apache Gearpump next-gen streaming engine

    Gearpump is an Apache Incubator project that provides a real-time streaming engine based on Akka. It allows users to easily program streaming applications as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and handles issues like out-of-order data processing, flow control, and exactly-once processing to prevent lost or duplicated states. Gearpump also enables dynamic updates to the DAG at runtime and provides visu

    Apache Gearpump next-gen streaming engine
    kimutansk 2016/09/20
    Apache Beam Gearpump Runnerと。基本はGearpump側の対応になるでしょうから、Gearpump側の資料に載っているということは確定と。
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