4. Apache Spark Streaming* Aapche Flink* Apache Storm* Apache Storm Trident* Apache Gearpump* Twitter Heron* This is the critical part, as it affects many features Micro-Batch Checkpoint per Batch Continuous Streaming Checkpoint “per Batch” Source Operator Sink Acker Source Operator Sink JobManager/ HDFS id offset state str ack Source Operator Sink Driver Storage Storage job status HDFS id offset
The document discusses integrating Akka streams with the Gearpump big data streaming platform. It provides background on Akka streams and Gearpump, and describes how Gearpump implements a GearpumpMaterializer to rewrite the Akka streams module tree for distributed execution across a Gearpump cluster. Key points covered include the object models of Akka streams and Gearpump, prerequisites for big d
Gearpump is an Apache Incubator project that provides a real-time streaming engine based on Akka. It allows users to easily program streaming applications as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and handles issues like out-of-order data processing, flow control, and exactly-once processing to prevent lost or duplicated states. Gearpump also enables dynamic updates to the DAG at runtime and provides visu