The friendly community where everyone can discover & create the best stuff on the web
30 years ago today, the home computer era came to an end with the bankruptcy of Commodore. For fans of the cult computers C64 and Amiga, it is a day of mourning AI has long since arrived in advertising. Mango has launched an advertising campaign whose content was partly created by AI. Firefox presents itself as the first choice for data protection. But the new version collects data for advertisers
オープンソースソフトウエア(OSS)の分散バッチ処理ソフト「Hadoop」を利用する企業が相次いでいる。2011年11月に米国で開催されたカンファレンス「Hadoop World NYC」では、米JPモルガン・チェースなどの最新事例が登場した。前編では本会議で明らかにされた活用動向を紹介し、後編では主にベンダー側の動向を報告する。 2011年11月8日から2日間にわたり、「Hadoop World NYC 2011」が米国ニューヨークで開催された。3回めの開催となる今回は、27カ国から1400人を超えるITマネジャーや開発者などが集まった(写真1)。 Hadoop Worldは東海岸で開催されるだけあってビジネス色が強く、最新事例や提携の発表が多い(表1)。主催は、Hadoop専業であり、Hadoopの生みの親ダグ・カッティング氏が所属する米クラウデラ。今回のスポンサーには、Hadoop関
If we live in a global world, why not establish a global job market based on remote working? What are the main problems? I'm an employer.Quick background: We're a small Django consultancy/web app development company based in the UK. 7 people, all remote, split as three developers, one frontend dev, one designer, one sales, one administrator. I'm a developer/managing director. Our experience with r
At BitNami we are focused (some will say obsessed, really :) on making it easier to deploy and manage web applications in general and in the Amazon cloud in particular. In our experience, one of the main issues mainstream developers and admins have when moving to the Amazon Cloud is that it is sometimes difficult to estimate what the total cost of a deployment. Even the Simple Monthly Calculator i
This document discusses metrics-driven engineering practices at Etsy including collecting and visualizing business, application, and system metrics to gain visibility and make data-driven decisions. Key points include using tools like Ganglia, Graphite, Splunk, Logster, and StatsD to monitor metrics on clusters, applications, logs, and more. The metrics provide insights on site traffic, feature us
A picture tells more than a … Now that you’ve collected all the metrics you wanted or even more , it’s time to make them useful by visualizing them. Every respecting metrics tool provides a visualization of the data collected. Older tools tended to revolve around creating RRD graphics from the data. Newer application are leveraging javascript or flash frameworks to have the data updated in realtim