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As we enter into the new year(2017), I wanted to pause from writing posts on stuffs that excite me like developing something new like some React app or learning and trying out some super awesome library like GraphQL etc and just go few steps back and focus on unit testing and TDD. Not exactly a New Year resolution but something I am going to force myself into doing more from here on wards. Testing
[レベル: 上級] 検索エンジン向けの Lazyload の推奨を Google は先日公開しました。 この推奨に関して、2つの補足をこの記事では紹介します。 1. polyfill は重要 ドキュメントでは、IntersectionObserver API と polyfill の2つの技術を実装するように Google は指示しています。 「SEO」という観点では、polyfill が非常に重要です。 現在の WRS(Web Rendring Service、Google 検索のレンダリングシステム)は、Chrome 41 相当です。 IntersectionObserver API は Chrome 51 からサポートされました。 したがって、IntersectionObserver API で遅延読み込みさせる画像を Google は認識できません。 そこで、polyfill が重
Software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code, adapted for Ruby. This is not a style guide. It's a guide to producing readable, reusable, and refactorable software in Ruby. Not every principle herein has to be strictly followed, and even fewer will be universally agreed upon. These are guidelines and nothing more, but they are ones codified over many years of collective
Docpress Painless Markdown publishing Documentation website generator. Generates great websites from Markdown files. Table of Contents What is it Examples Usage Support Thanks What is it Docpress generates websites from your project’s basic documentation; that is, at the very least, a file. It also supports multiple Markdown pages in docs/. Under heavy development now; guides and instruc