The Proof This page defines in high-level language what the seL4 proofs demonstrate, what we assume, and what the proof implies. It is aimed at an audience with a technical background, but does not assume any expertise in formal verification. What we prove Formal proofs can be tricky. They prove exactly what you have stated, not necessarily what you mean or what you want. Our proof statement in hi
昨日の記事「Isabelle/jEditの野心的な試み「継続的チェッキング」に「ウォ」っとなった」では、Isabelleのユーザーインターフェースが備えている特徴的な機能である「継続的チェッキング」だけを取り上げました。ここで改めて、証明支援系としてのIsabelleシステムを紹介しましょう。客観的な紹介ではなくて、僕の雑駁な印象記です。 内容: Isabelleの独自な世界 Isabelleの未来 Isabelleの独自な世界 「Isabelle/jEditの野心的な試み「継続的チェッキング」に「ウォ」っとなった」より: PIDE構想は、Isabelleプロジェクト/コミュニティを世の趨勢とは離れた孤立化へと導くのか、それとも、時代がPIDEの先進性にいずれ追いつき、PIDEがスタンダードな証明支援系UIとなるのか? なかなかに興味深いですな。 Isabelleが世の趨勢と離れるのか?
Formal methods on some PoS stuffIn Paris, I received a description of a distributed consensus mechanism. If the description below looks ambiguous or impenetrable, this post is for you. I banged my head to formal verification tools called Alloy and Isabelle/HOL to clarify my understanding (code). Here is the description: Message types:* commit(HASH, view), 0 <= view * prepare(HASH, view, view_sourc
The book Concrete Semantics introduces semantics of programming languages through the medium of a proof assistant. It consists of two parts: Part I is a self-contained introduction to the proof assistant Isabelle. Part II is an introduction to semantics and its applications and is based on a simple imperative programming language. It covers the following topics: operational semantics, compiler cor