
2011年12月16日のブックマーク (2件)

  • GUI Architectures

    There have been many different ways to organize the code for a rich client system. Here I discuss a selection of those that I feel have been the most influential and introduce how they relate to the patterns. 18 July 2006 This is part of the Further Enterprise Application Architecture development writing that I was doing in the mid 2000’s. Sadly too many other things have claimed my attention sinc

    GUI Architectures
    maxy 2011/12/16
    --- Masafumi Fujiwara
  • Martin Fowler: eaaDev

    Development of Further Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture When I wrote Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, I was very conscious of the incompleteness of the book. There is much, much more to say about enterprise application development than I could say in one book. So I've been working on capturing further patterns, with the hope that I'll put together more volumes. Progr

    maxy 2011/12/16
    --- Masafumi Fujiwara