iPhoneの使いやすさをMacでも。 Macにはメッセージ、写真、メモ、FaceTimeなど、iPhoneと同じアプリがたくさん。使い始めた瞬間から使い慣れた感覚で操作できます。 フル装備。 メール、カレンダー、ネットサーフィンのためのSafariなど、あなたが毎日使うアプリが勢ぞろい。すぐに始められる理由です。Pages、Numbers、Keynoteといった仕事効率化のためのパワフルなアプリも内蔵されているので、書類、スプレッドシート、プレゼンテーションの作成にも取りかかれます。
Mind-blowing performance now comes standard. Mac Pro is a game-changing combination of Apple silicon performance and PCIe expansion for specialized workflows. And every configuration comes with the incredible M2 Ultra — our largest and most capable chip ever. * See Mac Pro in AR Watch the event Performance A seismic chip. M2 Ultra puts our largest CPU in every Mac Pro. Its GPU with massive unified
Over a million people from all over the world have shared their memories, thoughts, and feelings about Steve. One thing they all have in common — from personal friends to colleagues to owners of Apple products — is how they’ve been touched by his passion and creativity. You can view some of these messages below. And share your own at rememberingsteve@apple.com
Safari is the best way to experience the internet on all your Apple devices. It brings robust customization options, features powerful privacy protections, and optimizes battery life — so you can browse how you like, when you like. And when it comes to speed, it’s the world’s fastest browser.1 Learn how to make Safari your default browser Safari comes with industry-leading privacy protection techn