
ブックマーク / aws.typepad.com (449)

  • AWS News Blog

    Build RAG applications with MongoDB Atlas, now available in Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock Foundational models (FMs) are trained on large volumes of data and use billions of parameters. However, in order to answer customers’ questions related to domain-specific private data, they need to reference an authoritative knowledge base outside of the model’s training data sources. This is commonly ac

    minonet 2016/03/24
    【大切なお知らせ】 Amazon Web Services ブログをリニューアル 日頃よりAmazon Web Services ブログをご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます! Amazon Web Services …
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/23
    データの暗号化をシンプルにし、アプリケーションの可用性を向上する新しいAWS Encryption SDKの利用法 本日、AWSの暗号化チームは AWS Encryption SDKを発表します。この新しいSDKによって、開発…
  • AWS News Blog

    Build RAG applications with MongoDB Atlas, now available in Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock Foundational models (FMs) are trained on large volumes of data and use billions of parameters. However, in order to answer customers’ questions related to domain-specific private data, they need to reference an authoritative knowledge base outside of the model’s training data sources. This is commonly ac

    minonet 2016/03/22
    CloudWatch Metrics for Spot Fleets スポットフリートは、ほんの数クリックでご利用頂けます。利用を始めるとフリートのサイズに関係なく(1台のインスタンスから何千台のインスタンスまで)費用対効果の…
  • AWS News Blog

    Build RAG applications with MongoDB Atlas, now available in Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock Foundational models (FMs) are trained on large volumes of data and use billions of parameters. However, in order to answer customers’ questions related to domain-specific private data, they need to reference an authoritative knowledge base outside of the model’s training data sources. This is commonly ac

    minonet 2016/03/19
    Redshiftアップデート:COPYやVACUUMの機能向上、クラスターリサイズの速度向上等 Redshiftの新しいバージョン1.0.1040リリースについて、その新機能や修正一覧の説明とメンテナンスの予告が公開されていま…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/16
    AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)が一般公開に!利用可能リージョンも拡大 みなさんは、現在リレーショナルデータをオンプレミスのOracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Mari…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/16
    Amazon EMR 4.4.0 - Sqoop, HCatalog, Java 8, その他 Amazon EMRのDevelopment ManagerのRob Leidleが最新のバージョンを紹介する以下のゲスト投稿を書…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/16
    Amazon Auroraのリードレプリカで、フェイルオーバーの順番を指定可能になりました 本日、Amazon Auroraクラスタ中のレプリカノードを昇格させる順番をご指定頂けるようになりました。この機能により、フェイルオー…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/15
    Ten Years in the AWS Cloud – How Time Flies! ~ AWSクラウドの10年 10年前の今日、simple blog postでAmazon S3のローンチについて発表しました!そ…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/12
    A Decade of Innovation ~ イノベーション10年の軌跡 AWSのVP and Distinguished EngineerであるJames Hamiltonが、彼のブログでこの10年のAWSの軌跡を…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/11
    GameLiftがアジア(東京リージョン)とヨーロッパに拡大し、Auto-Scaling機能を追加しました。 Amazon GameLiftは、クラウドでセッションベースのマルチプレイヤーゲームサーバを簡単かつ費用対効果が高い…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/11
    Redshiftアップデート:テーブル単位でのリストアが可能に Amazon Redshiftにテーブル単位でのリストア機能が追加されました。これまではスナップショットからのリストアではクラスタ全体をリストアするという方法でし…
  • AWS News Blog

    minonet 2016/03/10
    週刊AWS - 2016年2月15日 週間 AWS – 2016 年 2 月 15 日 先週 AWS の世界で起こった出来事を振り返ってみましょう。 月曜日 2 月 15 日 Amazon GameDev Blog が…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/08
    【新機能】AWS CodeCommit の通知 AWS CodeCommit は、セキュアで高度にスケーラブルなプライベート Git リポジトリを容易にホストできるフルマネージドなソース管理サービスです。今回リポジトリ トリガ…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/08
    【新機能】AWS CodeCommit にリポジトリ トリガーが追加されました AWS CodeCommit でトリガーを作成し、リポジトリ内で変更が発生した場合に通知を送信したり、自動的にコードを実行することができるようにな…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/03/02
    AWS Config Rules Repository のリリース 本日、AWS Config Rules Repositoryをリリースしました。AWS Config Rules Repository はコミュニティベースで…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/02/26
    東急ハンズはどのようにAmazon DynamoDBを使ってコスト効率の高いシステムを構築したか 私は遊歩者です! 新しい街を歩き、隅や割れ目を探索し、それがユニークで特殊なものであることを考えるのが楽しみです。東京を訪問
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/02/23
    Amazon RDSでMySQL5.7をサポート 本日、Amazon RDSにてMySQL5.7をお使い頂けるようになりました。 このリリースでは、MySQLの多くのパフォーマンス向上、スケーラビリティ、セキュリティ向上が含…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/02/17
    週刊AWS - 2016年2月8日 先週AWSの世界で起こった出来事を振り返ってみましょう。 ※東京リージョンで提供していないサービスが含まれています。ご利用の際にご確認ください。 月曜日 2月8日 AWSが…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/02/15
    Amazon SQSコンソールにて、Amazon CloudWatchメトリクスが閲覧できるようになりました Amazon SQSコンソールにて、Amazon CloudWatchのメトリクスを直接閲覧できるようになりました。…
  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    minonet 2016/02/12
    アマゾンウェブサービス、NICEを買収 私達の新しい仲間としてNICEを暖かく迎えたいと思います。私たちは、ハイパフォーマンス・テクニカルコンピューティング分野をリードしているソフトウェアプロバイダーであるNICE社