Easy steps for setting up phones and computers to protect your personal information.
もずはっく日記(2012年11月) 2012年11月24日 アドオンとは上手に付き合っていきましょう 初回投稿日時: 2012年11月24日18時53分22秒 最終更新日時: 2012年12月05日16時42分46秒 カテゴリ: Firefox Mozilla17 SNS: Tweet (list) Firefox 17が先週リリースされましたが、タブ周りに深く食い込んだアドオンのいくつかの開発がこのリリースに残念ながら間に合わず、不便を感じている方も多々居らっしゃるようですね。今回、特に話題になっているのは、Tab Mix Plusと、Tab Utilitiesの二つです。この二つに共通する、二つの特徴があります。そして、この二つの特徴の組み合わせが技術的には割と最悪だったりします。 一つ目の特徴は、どちらも多くの機能を持ち、サイズそのものが大きく、複雑な、「統合型」のアドオンだとい
Less Talk, More Do Christopher Finke writes about things he has done: software, woodworking, and other creative endeavors. Update: URL Fixer was acquired and is now hosted at http://urlfixer.org/ URL Fixer, one of the first add-ons I wrote for Firefox, has been acquired! It is now being managed by the team at URLFixer.org. URL Fixer was inspired in 2006 by this Firefox bug report. Since then, it h
The Prospector team has always been interested in analyzing the data stored locally to an instance of Firefox to experiment with improved interfaces that leverage that data. Previous prototypes have focused on both processing data and changing the interface in a single add-on, but the team sees a benefit of splitting apart the two because more people can get involved and brainstorm ideas of what c
Open issues/risks Do we need a security review? Likely a superficial one Can AMO handle the increased ping load? Can mirrors handle the "instant" demand for an add-on across the entire user base? Would mirrors like this more than a point release? Less data but a lot quicker uptake Stage 1: Definition 1. Feature overview There are many issues that affect our audience after release that shouldn't re
Add-ons extend the core capabilities of Firefox, enabling users to modify and personalize their web experience. A healthy ecosystem, built on trust, is vital for developers to be successful and users to feel safe making Firefox their own. For these reasons, Mozilla requires all add-ons to comply with the following policies. These policies are not intended to serve as legal advice: depending on whe
一部のユーザ環境で、昨日公開された Firefox の最新版へ更新すると、ひとつあるいは複数のアドオンが消えてしまう現象が確認されました。この問題はデスクトップ版と Android 版のどちらでも発生し、Thunderbird にも影響します。実際にはそれらのアドオンと関連するデータは残っており、削除されてはいません。 Mozilla では、ユーザの皆さんへの潜在的な影響を最小限に留めるため最新版の配信 (自動更新) を中止し、すべてのアドオンを正常に表示、使用できるようにする修正版を早急に公開する準備を進めています。それまでの間、もしインストールされているアドオンがアドオンマネージャから消えてしまったことに気付いた場合は、簡単な方法 で元に戻すことができます。 私たちは問題の解決に向け全力で取り組んでいます。皆さんにとってどれほどアドオンが重要なものかはよく理解しており、ご不便をお掛けす
Mozilla applications are regularly updated for security and stability; however, Mozilla does not provide updates for plug-ins. Plug-ins can cause crashes and hangs and may contain security vulnerabilities. Information on security and stability issues affecting Java is available at Oracle's Critical Patch Updates and Security Alerts page. Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun M
에버노트에 뭐가 새로워요?에버노트에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 궁금하신가요? 아래의 기사들을 확인하여 우리가 작업 중인 흥미로운 것들을 모두 볼 수 있습니다. 새로운 소식레거시 버전 Evernote 앱 사용 중지2024년 3월 26일, 저희는 레거시 버전 Evernote 앱에 작별을 고합니다. v10 이전의 Evernote 경험을 단일화하면 보안 수준을 크게 높이고 더 빠른 개발을 위해 더 많은 자원을 투입할 수 있습니다. 더 읽기 14가지 주요 기능이 이제 모든 사용자에게 제공됩니다이 중요한 Evernote 기능들은 검색, 첨부 관리, 노트 액세스 등 핵심적인 제품 성능을 높여줍니다. 이제 누구나 그 기능을 사용해 Evernote의 잠재성을 최대한 활용할 수 있습니다.
Our success in switching to the new rapid release cycle for Firefox has stirred up lots of excitement in the community and I wouldn’t be surprised if that intensifies when we ship the next update to Firefox in 8 weeks time. People keep pointing out that everytime we update Firefox we break add-ons so surely faster releases means add-ons will get broken faster. Many people don’t really understand w
[これは Mozilla Add-ons Blog の記事 Improving Add-on Performance の抄訳です] Firefox のパフォーマンス、特に起動時間とページの読み込み速度は、ユーザにとって大変重要な課題です。カスタマイズもまた同じぐらい重要です。アドオンによるパフォーマンスへの影響はほとんどの場合わずかなものですが、中には大幅に低下させてしまうアドオンもあります。アドオンがそうした低速化の原因となることに多くのユーザが気付いていないという現状も踏まえて、Mozilla ではパフォーマンスの向上に力を入れています。 どのぐらい遅くなるのか? 平均すると、アドオンをインストールするたびに Firefox の起動時間が 10% 程度遅くなります。ユーザのコンピュータ環境、つまりハードウェアやソフトウェアの構成によって左右されますが、ほんのミリ秒単位で済む場合もあれば
close HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content Content-Length: 74606 Content-Range: bytes 0-74605/74606 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Server: Apache Vary: X-Mobile, Accept-Encoding X-Backend-Server: pm-app-amo25 Cache-Control: max-age=86400 X-amo-darklaunch: z Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 01:51:53 GMT Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=986 Accept-Ranges: bytes Via: Moz-Cache-pm-zlb-amo03 x-frame-options: DENY Conn
Firefox performance is extremely important to our users, especially how quickly it starts up and loads websites. Customization is also extremely important, and while most add-ons cause only a tiny performance impact, others can significantly slow down Firefox. Many users don’t realize add-ons can cause these delays, and that’s why we’re committed to improving performance in a big way. How slow are
It’s been just over a year since we introduced Add-on Collections, a way for anyone to create and share groups of add-ons for Firefox. Today we’re very excited to launch a major update to our add-ons gallery that makes it even easier to spot, save, and share your favorite add-ons. A video tour of the new features Mark your favorites and get back to them quickly Most people use collections to keep