
映画に関するn_makotoのブックマーク (3)

  • fxguide

    Mike Seymour talks with Paul Franklin from Double Negative about their work on Batman Begins. Part two of two. Read In our continuing ‘Art of …’ series we turn to one of the central issues for compositors – keying. This weeks fxpodcast, which accompanies the article, covers the Primatte keying plugin with Scott Gross of IMAGICA Corporation of America. Read In our continuing and popular “Art of…” s

  • Rendernode | Design Services for Creative Professionals

    3D rendering can be a godsend in keeping catalog imagery costs down. Over the years, I've found a handful of key considerations that have the greatest impact on the final project cost. Keeping these in mind while planning your next rendering project will keep things as cost-effective as possible. Highlights In this article, I'm going to cover the following topics as they relate to 3D rendering pro

    Rendernode | Design Services for Creative Professionals
  • little things of mine

    久しぶりに技術系の話題を書きます.とは言え,かなり現場寄りな話ですが. PixarのPhotorealistic RenderMan(PRMan)は,13.5からRenderMan Shading Language(RSL)が大改良され,後方互換性はあるものの,今までとはまるで違うshading systemが構築できるようになりました.以下ではこれをRSL 2.0と呼ぶ事にします. ネットにはまだあまり情報がないようですが,以下で概要を知る事ができます. RSL - Introduction to Shader Objects 最も大きな変更点は,シェーダをクラスとして記述できるようになった事です.クラスのメソッドとしてsurface()やdisplacement()などを実装してやると,マテリアルとして機能するようになります.pre-definedなメソッドは他にもいくつかあり,それぞ

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