
ブックマーク / ncase.me (6)

  • It's Nicky Case!

    Hi, I'm Nicky! I make shtuff for curious & playful folks. Wanna know when I make new shtuff? Well, the algorithms would rather show you mental-health-eroding clickbait, so let's get around 'em with...

    It's Nicky Case!
  • 群衆の英知もしくは狂気

    アイザック・ニュートン卿は、自分が賢い 人間だと信じていた。微分積分学や重力理論 を発明(inventing)したのだから、金融投資(investing) ができるくらい賢いはずだよね?まぁとにかく、短く まとめると、1720年 に起こった南海泡沫事件という全世界 的な投機ブームで、彼は(現在の価値で)$4,600,000を失ったんだ。 後にニュートンはこう言った。 “私は天体の動きを計算することはできるが、 人々の狂気については計算できない” 彼のために勉強しよう これまで市場、制度、民主制全体は 何度もおかしくなってきた。— 群衆の狂気だ でも君が人間に失望していたときですら、 ハリケーンが起きれば、みんなで協力してきたし、 コミュニティは問題を解決してきた。人々はよりよい 世界のために戦ってきた。— 群衆の英知だ! しかしなぜ 群衆は狂気に向かったり 賢くなったり するのだろうか。

    nagayama 2018/08/14
  • JOY.JS

    Consider the paintbrush: simple enough for a child, complex enough for an Old Master. That's what any artistic tool should strive for, and the art of programming deserves a tool that's more creative, more alive. Joy.js is a tool for making tools like that. EASY & EXPRESSIVE With regular coding: tweak a number, compile, see the result seconds later, tweak again, repeat 'til bored. With Joy.js: chan

    nagayama 2017/12/26
  • The Evolution of Trust

    an interactive guide to the game theory of why & how we trust each other

    The Evolution of Trust
    nagayama 2017/08/03
  • LOOPY!

    In a world filled with ever-more-complex technological, sociological, ecological, political & economic systems... a tool to make interactive simulations may not be that much help. But it can certainly try. It's the ancient, time-honored way of learning: messing around and seeing what happens. Play with simulations to ask "what if" questions, and get an intuition for how the system works!

    nagayama 2017/03/24
  • Parable of the Polygons

    This is a story of how harmless choices can make a harmful world. These little cuties are 50% Triangles, 50% Squares, and 100% slightly shapist. But only slightly! In fact, every polygon prefers being in a diverse crowd: You can only move them if they're unhappy with their immediate neighborhood. Once they're OK where they are, you can't move them until they're unhappy with their neighbors again.

    Parable of the Polygons
    nagayama 2014/12/10
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