ブックマーク / www.bbc.com (112)

  • Turkey - from reluctant observer to full player in IS fight

    The Turkish government has long been accused of at best turning a blind eye to the rise of IS - and at worst, actively backing the jihadists against the Assad regime. It has always denied the allegation. But last week came the suicide bombing in Suruc, southern Turkey, in which 32 died and which Turkey blamed on a militant trained by IS. And then a firefight in which IS forces shot at Turkish bord

    Turkey - from reluctant observer to full player in IS fight
    ohtan 2015/07/26
  • Japan's humanoids scoop 1-0 win at RoboCup

    A team from Japan have won the child-sized humanoid football final at the RoboCup World Championships in China. The Brains Kids, from the Chiba Institute of Technology, beat rivals ZJUDancer, from China's Zhejian University, 1-0.

    Japan's humanoids scoop 1-0 win at RoboCup
    ohtan 2015/07/23
  • Iran nuclear talks: 'Historic' agreement struck

    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the sanctions regime was never successful, but that it had affected people's lives World powers have reached a deal with Iran on limiting Iranian nuclear activity in return for the lifting of international economic sanctions. US President Barack Obama said that with the deal, "every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off" for Iran. And President Hassan Rouhani

    Iran nuclear talks: 'Historic' agreement struck
    ohtan 2015/07/14
    イラン核交渉妥結。 制裁撤廃されたイランは、これで一層核研究に勤しめることとなり、サウディが予防的に核武装することとなれば日本でも核武装論議が再燃し、もちろんイランの市場本格参入によって石油価格は下落
  • Greece debt crisis: Eurozone summit strikes deal

    Donald Tusk: "After 17 hours of negotiations we have reached agreement" Eurozone leaders have agreed to offer Greece a third bailout, after marathon talks in Brussels. Amid one of the worst crises in the EU's history, the head of the European Commission said the risk of Greece leaving the eurozone had been averted. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that after a "tough battle", Greece had se

    Greece debt crisis: Eurozone summit strikes deal
    ohtan 2015/07/13
    ギリシャ危機ユーロ圏首脳会議、合意なる。中身はまだ不明。 ってことは、後はギリシャ次第ってことだな。
  • Turkish police hit pro-Uighur protesters with pepper spray

    Protesters in Ankara were hit with pepper spray after pushing a police barricade Turkish police have fired pepper spray at pro-Uighur demonstrators outside the Chinese embassy in Ankara. It comes after protesters attacked the Thai consulate in Istanbul following the deportation from Thailand of about 100 Uighurs to China. Rights groups have criticised such deportations, saying Uighurs face persecu

    Turkish police hit pro-Uighur protesters with pepper spray
    ohtan 2015/07/09
    また、タイがウィグル人約100人を中共に送還したことに怒ったトルコ人達がイスタンブールのタイ領事館を襲撃し、破壊行為を行った。 こんな調子じゃ、中共のシルクロード戦略の行く手は多難だねえ。なお、日本のマス
  • US Army 'to cut 40,000 troops by the end of 2017'

    The US Army is to reduce the size of its force by 40,000 soldiers over the next two years, according to US media. The cost-cutting exercise will also see an additional 17,000 civilian employees cut from the army. The plan, which could be officially announced later this week, would see the US troop level drop to about 450,000 soldiers by the end of 2017. The US army had about 570,000 troops at the

    US Army 'to cut 40,000 troops by the end of 2017'
    ohtan 2015/07/08
    2017年末までに、米陸軍は、更に4万人削減されて45万人に。1940年の27万人に次ぐ低水準だとさ。 人口比で陸上自衛隊並になるわけだが、時代の終わりを感じさせるねえ。それにつけても、20万人もいる海兵隊をを何とかしろ
  • Syria crisis: Islamic State 'kills 120 civilians' in Kobane

    Many of the wounded were taken across the border into the Turkish town of Suruc Islamic State (IS) militants have killed more than 120 civilians since launching a fresh attack on the Syrian border town of Kobane, activists say. IS "fired at everything that moved" after entering on Thursday, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. A separate IS attack on the north-eastern city of Hassakeh has

    Syria crisis: Islamic State 'kills 120 civilians' in Kobane
    ohtan 2015/06/26
    仏リヨン郊外の化学工場をイスラム過激派2人が車で襲い、工場爆破に失敗した(?)後、1人の人が首を切断された状態で発見され、犯人の1人は逮捕された。http://t.co/jBRkPzaaQL 他方、Isis、コバニで住民120名を殺戮。
  • Syria crisis: IS makes deadly return to Kobane

    A CCTV camera from the Turkish side of the border captures the car bomb blast in Kobane Islamic State fighters have attacked the Syrian city of Kobane, months after being driven out in a symbolic battle that made international headlines. They detonated car bombs and launched an assault. Kurdish media say at least 50 civilians have been killed, including 20 in a nearby village. IS has recently suff

    Syria crisis: IS makes deadly return to Kobane
    ohtan 2015/06/25
  • Asia overtakes Europe in private wealth, says BCG

    China is minting new millionaires faster than any other country in the world Asia has overtaken Europe as the world's second-richest region, according to an annual report, external by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The Asia Pacific, excluding Japan, held $47 trillion (£30tn) in private wealth last year as the number of new millionaires rose in China and India. North America is the world's rich

    Asia overtakes Europe in private wealth, says BCG
    ohtan 2015/06/16
    昨年、(日本を除く)アジア・太平洋諸国の個人資産合計が欧州を抜き、来年には北米も抜いて世界一になるとさ。 大東亜共栄圏がいよいよ実現しつつある。いつ、日本人や欧米人が、「日本を除く」発想を超克すること
  • Godzilla finally gets citizenship in Japan

    Most residents of Tokyo's pulsing Shinjuku ward, home to the busiest railway station in the world, are of the homo sapiens variety. Shinjuku has a population density of about 17,000 people , externalper square kilometre but undeterred by this it has granted citizenship to a new resident, who only goes by one name - Godzilla. Name: Godzilla Address: Shinjuku-ku, Kabuki-cho, 1-19-1 Date of birth: Ap

    Godzilla finally gets citizenship in Japan
    ohtan 2015/06/03
    新宿のビルの上にできたゴジラが新宿区民になったと報じている。 アメちゃん(?)が、これでゴジラは中共との我々の戦いに加わってくれるだろ、と訳分からん投稿をしてるけど、どう見ても、このゴジラ、原爆投下機
  • Ramadi battle: Iraq calls for volunteers for IS fight

    Ahmed Maher was the first BBC journalist to travel to Anbar province for five months Iraq's government has called for volunteers to fight against Islamic State and help retake the city of Ramadi. A cabinet statement , externalsaid a voluntary recruitment drive was necessary to fill shortages in squads in the west of Anbar province. Thousands have fled Ramadi since its capture by IS on Sunday. Mean

    Ramadi battle: Iraq calls for volunteers for IS fight
    ohtan 2015/05/20
    Isis、パルミラの3分の1を占拠。http://t.co/taqafpe9pS イラクでは政府が、ラマディ奪還の義勇兵を募る声明を発した。 ダメだこりゃ。イラン「義勇」部隊の、少なくともイラクでの戦闘参加を黙認するほかなさそうだねえ。
  • Asia tops biggest global school rankings

    ohtan 2015/05/13
    世界76カ国の生徒の算数・理科の学力調査で、シンガポール、香港、韓国に次いで日本は4位。 面白いのは、拡大英国中、本国(20位)の成績が一番悪いことだ。但し、出来損ないのアングロサクソンたる米国(28位)の成
  • Election results: Conservatives win majority

    David Cameron has returned to Downing Street with the Tories having defied polls and won the general election. The Conservatives made gains in England and Wales and are forecast by the BBC to secure 331 seats in the Commons, giving them a slender majority. Labour leader Ed Miliband said he would stand down on Friday, saying his party must "rebuild" with a new leader. Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has

    Election results: Conservatives win majority
    ohtan 2015/05/08
    英総選挙の結果保守党が過半数議席獲得の見込み。労働、自由民主、英国独立党各党首は辞任へ。 得票率は、保守、労働両党がそれぞれ37%、31%獲得の見込みなので二大政党制に戻ったということであり、日本に比しての英
  • How the selfie stick was invented twice

    ohtan 2015/04/19
  • Mieko Nagaoka: 100-year-old Japanese swimmer sets 1,500m record

    ohtan 2015/04/06
    既に24の100~104歳の部での水泳世界記録保持者である100歳の日本の女性が、このたび、1500mでも世界記録を達成し、ギネスものだとさ。 日本人にとっては驚く話じゃないというのか、日本の主要メディアの電子版は沈黙しと
  • Iraq crisis: Tikrit push 'no longer led by Shia militia'

    ohtan 2015/03/27
    米軍の近接航空支援の前提は、シーア派民兵に手を引かせイラク政府軍だけでティクリットのIsis掃討作戦を遂行することだった。 こんな馬鹿げた条件をつけてティクリット廃墟化を必然にしたり、アジア投資銀への非参加
  • Spain finds Don Quixote writer Cervantes' tomb in Madrid

    Forensic scientists say they have found the tomb of Spain's much-loved giant of literature, Miguel de Cervantes, nearly 400 years after his death. They believe they have found the bones of Cervantes, his wife and others recorded as buried with him in Madrid's Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians. Separating and identifying his badly damaged bones from the other fragments will be difficult, researc

    Spain finds Don Quixote writer Cervantes' tomb in Madrid
    ohtan 2015/03/17
  • Turkey enters Syria to remove precious Suleyman Shah tomb

    Footage shows Turkish forces travelling back across the border after the evacuation, as Selin Gerit reports Hundreds of Turkish forces in armoured vehicles have entered war-torn northern Syria to evacuate troops guarding a historic tomb, demolishing it and moving the remains to a different site. The remains of Suleyman Shah, who died in the 13th Century, were moved to a site in Syria closer to the

    Turkey enters Syria to remove precious Suleyman Shah tomb
    ohtan 2015/02/22
    トルコが、Isisに包囲される形になっていたスレイマン・シャーの墓(コラム#7196)のシリア領内での移転のための作戦に成功。 前回の移転の場合と違ってシリア政府の同意なしに、コバニ経由で行われたもの。移転先は、
  • Islamic State gains Libya foothold

    ohtan 2015/02/19
    リビア国内状況図付の記事だ。青が世俗派政府系、緑がこの政府を首都から追い出したイスラム主義派政府系で、そこに、Isis(黒)等が暗躍してるってわけ。 黒の勢力は大したことない、と書かれてるが、早晩、非世俗諸
  • Ukraine crisis: Battle rages for Debaltseve despite truce

    ohtan 2015/02/17
    ウクライナの叛徒側は、デバリツェボの大部分を制圧したと表明。ウ政府側はこれを否定した。 しかし、この戦線に関しては、叛徒側からの情報の方が信憑性がある。ウ政府は包囲されているウ軍部隊救出/反撃作戦を敢行