2009年6月29日のブックマーク (3件)

  • eForth and Zen

    1. Forth and Zen Comparing Forth and Zen Zen as an Oral Tradition Forth as an Oral Tradition Acceptance of Zen Acceptance of Forth Simplicity in Zen Simplicity in Forth Enlightenment in Zen Enlightenment in Forth 2. eForth Model Origin of eForth eForth Model Changing Environment Universal Microcomputer Universal Forth DOS Implementation Porting eForth 3. eForth Overview Inner and Outer Interpreter

    paz3 2009/06/29
  • はてなブログ | 無料ブログを作成しよう

    ハリイカの焼売と中華炒め ハリイカをよく、見かけるようになりましたよ。生け簀で、泳いでいたものを一杯購入しました 立派な大きな墨袋や肝は冷凍保存して 柔らかな身は季節のお豆、お野菜と合わせて中華の炒めものに。新鮮なにんにくの茎は刻み、香り高く欲そそられますね 下足はミンチにし…

    はてなブログ | 無料ブログを作成しよう
    paz3 2009/06/29

    A FORTH compiler and tutorial - a step-by-step implementation of a FORTH language system. To comment on this please use this LtU forums thread on this FORTH. There are also some exercises suggested in that thread. Download The tutorial is now in two parts: jonesforth.s.txt rename to jonesforth.S (capital letter S) after downloading jonesforth.f.txt rename to jonesforth.f after downloading It requi

    paz3 2009/06/29