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"Central Government"の検索結果201 - 240 件 / 241件

  • Microfinance Company Registration | Microfinance Institutions - Corpbiz

    Overview of Microfinance Company Registration The Microfinance Company is the financial institution that gives small-scale financial services in the form of loans, credit, or savings. These companies are initiated to ease the credit system for small businesses as they don't get a loan from banks due to their complicated method. Hence, it is commonly named as a Micro-credit company or organization.

      Microfinance Company Registration | Microfinance Institutions - Corpbiz
    • Production of Local Childcare Culture in Okinawa and the Impact of Policy Change

      The goal of this study is to examine the background and characteristics of the childcare culture in Okinawa, Japan. Particular attention is focused on the implementation of policy changes by the Japanese central government in reaction to Japan's Child Welfare Act. Specifically, we clarify the historical background of the childcare culture in Okinawa, as well as discuss the conflict posed by the af

      • 中央地方関係から見た日本の財政赤字

        This article analyses the difference in the rates of an increase in fiscal deficits between central and local government in Japan. Since the mid 1970s, central government had boosted its own deficits, whereas local government deficits had grown at a slow pace. The existing literature stresses the importance of the institutional arrangement which biased in favour of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Mo

        • 「主権の空白地」の統治をめぐるせめぎ合い

          This article examines how non-state actors struggle to rule the areas void of sovereignty. The areas void of sovereignty is not a new issue in international politics. There have been many such areas within weak states. Traditionally, the existence of such areas has been a domestic, not an international, matter. However, the recent trend of globalization and its effects have changed the situation.

          • 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大初期の中国の対応を中国国内にいた人物が英語誌に掲載した論稿をご紹介する : 古村治彦(ふるむらはるひこ)の政治情報紹介・分析ブログ

            古村治彦です。 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が世界的な問題になって3年余りが経過している。思い返してみればその最初は中国の武漢市であった。その当時、日本でもアメリカでも武漢市での混乱の様子や人々が戸惑い慌てている様子を連日報道していた。中国政府はうまく対応していない、強権的に人々を抑圧している、中国はパンデミックでたいせいに大きな影響が出るのではないかというような主張もなされていた。その後、同じような光景が世界各地で見られた。西側諸国の感染者数や死亡者数(それぞれ1000人あたりの数)を見れば、先進諸国がうまく対応してきたと評価する人は少ないと思う。 アメリカの外交専門誌『フォーリン・ポリシー』誌に感染拡大初期の中国の様子を現地に住む人物が回顧して書いた記事が掲載された。その内容は「中国政府がいかに効果的に新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に対応したか」というものだ。著者エリック・リーは英語で文章

              新型コロナウイルス感染拡大初期の中国の対応を中国国内にいた人物が英語誌に掲載した論稿をご紹介する : 古村治彦(ふるむらはるひこ)の政治情報紹介・分析ブログ
            • 八・九世紀における地方神社行政の展開

              Concerning shinto-related institutions under the Ritsuryo system represented by the custom of state-supported shrines, it has been the conventional opinion that from the late eighth century, as the Ritsuryo codes were more loosely implemented and substantial changes in local communities came about, the Shinto Bureau (jingikan 神祇官) and its authority declined. However, this way of thinking ignores t

              • コンゴ紛争とパックス・アフリカーナの模索-一九六〇-六五年-

                The purpose of this paper is to examine the attitudes of African states towards the two Congo conflicts between 1960 and 1965 from the point of view of the search for “Pax Africana”. “Pax Africana” is the idea that the peace of Africa is to be assured by the efforts of Africans themselves, and has been a basic idea in attitudes to African security at the continental level among African states sinc

                • ヤークーブ・ベグ政権の性格に関する一考察

                  In Eastern Turkestan, the Moslem rebellion of 1864 resulted in the establishment of the government of Ya'qub Beg. It has been one of the main themes of the recent research on this government as to whether its main constituents were the Turko-Islamic natives in Eastern Turkestan (often called the Uighurs) or were those who came from abroad. In this article, the author investigates the government of

                  • ウクライナの恥部: 人身売買の蔓延/ニューズウィーク2016年1月16日の記事より|宮野宏樹(Hiroki Miyano)@View the world

                    Ukraine's Shame: An Epidemic of Human Trafficking ウクライナの恥部: 人身売買の蔓延Ukraine remains one of Europe's most notorious sources of human trafficking. ウクライナは、ヨーロッパで最も悪名高い人身売買の発生源の1つとなっている。 Since 1991, more than 160,000 men, women and children have been exploited for labor, sex, forced begging and organ removal, according to a mid-2015 report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM). 国際移住機関

                      ウクライナの恥部: 人身売買の蔓延/ニューズウィーク2016年1月16日の記事より|宮野宏樹(Hiroki Miyano)@View the world
                    • 前漢初年における宮廷と政府 : 軍功受益階層とのかかわりをめぐって

                      The ruling system of the Early Former Han Period(前漢) consisted of three powers standing side by side: the imperial court, the government and the kingdoms. In this system, the governmental power was monopolized by a Military Meritocracy. The direction of this system was decided by the Pa-Ma Covenant(白馬之盟), which was concluded between the emperor and his ministers in the 12th year of Gao-di(高帝), and

                      • 八朔大祭は、2年に1度9月の第一日曜日に烏の難所(菅原道真の祖先とされる天穂日命)で行われます。 9月中旬に行われる五穀豊穣を祈る熊野法話会(集い)と、11月末の稲刈り後に関涌地区で行われる「まいこんだ」です。 太田川地区での阿弥陀仏法話会に梅若祈願。 ハトムギ茶、トマト、キュウリ、水耕栽培野菜(シルベストリス、パセリ、ネギの新芽)が絶品です

                        無農薬野菜のミレー 【製品名(商品名)】 ひかりの泉〓(オーガニック菌床椎茸: ふくふくしいたけ) 【種類】 Lentinula edodes 【生産地】 福島県西白河郡泉崎村泉崎中核工業団地(農事組合法人 ひかり) 【名前の由来】 From the rich and prosperous state of shiitake mushrooms, which are indispensable to our ingredients. The fungus bed is recycled for compost as a high-quality organic material. 【主な特徴】 The certified farmer system of Izumizaki Village, Nishishirakawa District, Fukushima Prefecture, is

                        • 永盛均田例の研究

                          The author examines the text of Vinh thanh quan cap cong dien le 永盛均給公田例 or the Land Distribution. Regulation of 1711 for the purpose of analyzing the process by which State-owned rice fields in the 15th century were changed into communal land by the 19th century. In Part I he points out the influence that the disintegration of the central government since the 16th century exerted on the administr

                          • 発展途上国におけるエスニック問題

                            Ethnic conflicts are often regarded as dysfunctional, especially among Western scholars, for the national integration and the economic and social development of a country. Their theories are based on the myth of a ‘nation-state’, a concept which assumes that a state should be integrated into a ‘nation, ’ and a ‘nation’, and in this sense an ethnic group as well, should acquire their own territory,

                            • 律令中央財政の出納体制 : 天皇の関わりをめぐって

                              The purpose of the present paper is to examine the financial organization of the ritsuryo central government and the Emperor's involvement in and control of the administration of bureaucratic organization. During the 8th and 9th centuries, the regulations of Sokoryo (倉庫令) stipulated that orders for disbursement should be issued to the Okurasho (大蔵省), the Ministry of the Treasury, and the other min

                              • 庸制の特質を通じてみた古代現物貨幣論 : 古代流通経済における東と西

                                The circulation of material goods in ancient Japanese society has been frequently studied from the viewpoint of tribute paid vertically from local society to the central government. However, barter as a form of horizontal material circulation must also have existed. In fact, in the background of the cho-yo 調庸 system of tribute, there is the existence of trade activities forming the basis of a circ

                                • EUのマルチレベル・ガバナンス論

                                  The paper revisits multi-level governance (hereinafter: MLG) in the EU in both theoretical and empirical terms. For theoretical reconsiderations, it examines some reasons why MLG has been so attractive to many scholars working on EU politics during almost the past quarter century. Two points are noted:first, MLG studies posit that the transformation of a national sovereignty has emerged in the EU;

                                  • 大学の設置形態に関する歴史的・比較的考察 : 国立大学の「独立行政法人化」問題に関連して(特集・科学技術政策の新体制と独立行政法人化)

                                    In October 1999, the Minister of Education proposed the drastic change of legal status of all 99 national universities from the current "governmental institutional establishments" to a new "independent administrative corporation" with legal person status(dokuritsu gyosei houjin)according to the overall administrative reform plan of the central government. Association of the National Universities h

                                    • 律令制下の賑給使と地方支配機構

                                      As one important means of controlling the masses in ancient Japan, the institution of the disaster relief, or shingo, involved the dispatch of envoys (shingo-shi賑給使) from the central government to the provinces. In the present article, the author examines the rationale of rule through such measures by the ritsuryo regime through clarifying substantively the activities of these envoys. Shingo, lite

                                      • 脱植民地化と南アジアの国家形成 -一九四五-四六年

                                        This article discusses the process of formation of the two “nation-states” in South Asia of India and Pakistan, taking into account two different points of view. One concerns how nation or sovereignty was formed, and the other is to view this process in the context of the collapse of British colonial rule or decolonisation. The two processes are closely intertwined, and while the existing literatu

                                        • 平安中・後期から鎌倉期における官司運営の特質 : 内蔵寮を中心に

                                          In the present paper the author takes up the case of the Kuraryo 内蔵寮 (Office of Household Affairs of the Monarch) in order to show the nature and structure of central government offices under the Kyoto monarchical (王朝) regime from the mid-Heian through the Kamakura period. In the first section, the author discusses the Kuraryo's chief executive, the Kura-no-kami 内蔵頭. The major duty of the chief ex

                                          • 情報革命と義和団事件 : 電気通信の出現と清末中国政治の変容

                                            The pupose of this paper is look at the events surrounding the Yihetuan 義和団 Incident in the light of the communications revolution touched off by the invention of the telegraph during the late Qing period and consider the overall political transformation brought about by this technological breakthrough. During the Yihetuan Incident, communication between the capital and the provinces became very d

                                            • 宋代の言路官について

                                              There was a remarkable difference between tai-jian's 台諫 character before and after the reform of government organization in the Yuan-feng 元豊 era. During the first half of the northern Song, tai-jian as the Ears and Eyes of the Emperor 耳目官, hotly debated governmental politics with the Grand Councilors 宰相, but after about this reform tai-jian became, as it were, the Grand Councilors' own man and was

                                              • 明治政府のキリスト教政策 : 高札撤去に至る迄の政治過程

                                                In March Cf 1868, the Meiji government's regulations against Christianity were made public. These new regulations in terms of content were inherited directly from the Bakufu. This decision was due to the complicated state of national affairs which included attacks on the government by the remnants of the Bakufu army and the ongoing clashes between foreigners and anti-foreigners. However, once thes

                                                • 「地域政策」と地方行政

                                                  A distinguishing trait of the decision-making process on the local-government level in Japan is the strong influence exerted by the central government. In fact, local autonomy has been and continues to be greatly circumscribed by interference from the central government. The control from the center is getting stronger, and the local planning bodies are acting as mere agents of Tokyo. Thus local le

                                                  • 中央合同庁舎第8号館 - Wikipedia

                                                    中央合同庁舎第8号館(ちゅうおうごうどうちょうしゃだいはちごうかん、英語:Central Government Building No.8)は、東京都千代田区永田町一丁目にある日本の中央省庁の合同庁舎。 概要[編集] 内閣府庁舎。合同庁舎8号館(右奥)と直結している。 本庁舎は、内閣府庁舎(本府庁舎、内閣府庁舎旧A棟。1962年建築)と相互補完的に庁舎機能を担っており、これら2庁舎は一体的に管理・整備されている[1][2]。 内閣府庁舎の入居官署である内閣官房、内閣府の業務量増加により、内閣府庁舎が手狭になるのみならず、内閣府庁舎外の別館や民間ビル等に庁舎機能が分散されたことから、従来より業務に支障を来していた。その他、施設の老朽化に起因する数々の課題を解決するため、内閣府庁舎敷地の南側に位置した内閣府庁舎B棟を解体し、新たに建設されたのが中央合同庁舎第8号館である。中央合同庁舎第7号館と

                                                      中央合同庁舎第8号館 - Wikipedia
                                                    • 現代ロシアにおける民族理解についての一考察

                                                      Contemporary Russia is considered one of the most multiethnic countries in the world. Consequently, questions such as “how to recognize ethnicity?” can give rise to serious problems. The Russian census is the focus of this discussion. When the first All-Russian Census was conducted in 2002, a number of groups demanded that their ethnicity be recognized. The second All-Russian Census was conducted

                                                      • 中央・地方の二元論を超えて―政治間関係論とその比較分析の可能性―

                                                        While most of the nations in today's world are divided into multiple territorial units each governed by a non-central government, attempts to investigate the mechanisms of political complexity brought about by such spatial and governmental segmentation have been rare, if not totally absent. This essay seeks to overcome this situation by proposing a new analytical approach. Conventional understandi

                                                        • 【英会話レッスン】“Tell me about it”の意味ってわかる? 直訳すると誤解しがちなフレーズ

                                                          【英会話レッスン】“Tell me about it”の意味ってわかる? 直訳すると誤解しがちなフレーズ 35歳・英語力ゼロなのに、会社を辞めていきなり渡英した元編集者。「その英語力でよく来たね(笑)」と日本人含め各国人からお叱りを受けつつ、覚えたフレーズの数々。下手でもいいじゃない、やろうと決めたんだもの。「人のEnglishを笑うな」第58回! 「それわかるわ〜」は会話を盛り上げる、最高のあいづち! ロックダウンが始まる少し前の3月前半、ロンドンでもスーパーの一部商品が買い占められていたことがありました。 「いやぁ、卵が全然買えなくてさ。スーパー3軒回ったけど見つけられなかった」 当時、そうイギリス人の友人に話したところ、彼女はこう言いました。 Tell me about it! Tell=話す、ですから直訳して「それについて話して」と言っているのかと思いました。しかし彼女は、特に私の

                                                            【英会話レッスン】“Tell me about it”の意味ってわかる? 直訳すると誤解しがちなフレーズ
                                                          • 地方財政赤字の政治経済学

                                                            The puzzle of this article is why the amount of local fiscal deficits are larger in Japan, Germany and France before privatization (1975-1986) those that in United States, United Kingdom, and France after privatization (1987-2000). The Answer of this article is that the combination of two factors, (1) bond issuance control discipline and (2) market discipline, determine the amount of local fiscal

                                                            • 明治三二年府県制・郡制改正について

                                                              The codes relating to prefectural (fuken 府県) and county (gun 郡) districting systems were first promulgated in 1890 by the Meiji Government, under the initiative of YAMAGATA Aritomo, and aimed at eliminating the influence of political parties on local self-governance. In response, the political parties demanded that the government revise the two codes in order to expand suffrage in the name of dece

                                                              • クルドと中東の国際関係

                                                                Calling the Kurds a minority is a misnomer, for they constitute the overwhelming majority in Kurdistan. Their tragedy is that the borders of five countries crisscross Kurdistan making them a minority in all of these states, namely, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and the Soviet Union. From the nineteenth century onwards, the Kurds have been struggling for autonomy in the process of which they have taste

                                                                • 律令国家体制の転換

                                                                  The research that has been done on the ancient Japanese state governed under the ritsuryo 律令 codes, which is based on the pioneering work of historians Ishimoda Sho and Yoshida Takashi, has recently been deepened by Otsu Tooru in his comparison with the Tang Dynasty. However, research has yet to be done on the Ritsuryo State from the point of view of fiscal administration on the local level and ho

                                                                  • Assistir Crisis (2021) Dublado Filme Online Grátis mrn - daspobemli

                                                                    CLICK THIS LINK TO WATCH https://allocine.live/movie/580532/crisis.html O PLAYER ESTAR LOGO ABAIXO, PROBLEMAS PARA REPRODUZIR OS VÍDEOS? Clique aqui PARA APRENDER A SOLUCIONAR O PROBLEMA " Clique aqui = https://allocine.live/movie/580532/crisis.html Crisis Dublado Online, Assistir Crisis online grátis, Assistir Crisis dublado online, Crisis Crisis 2021 dublado, Assistir Crisis filme completo, assi

                                                                      Assistir Crisis (2021) Dublado Filme Online Grátis mrn - daspobemli
                                                                    • 1947: 佐藤久翁が日刊あばしり新聞を経て網走新聞創刊, 市建設構想論文募集, 農地委員選挙, 参議院議員選挙法施行. 国民協同党結成, 書記長三木武夫, 漁業会魚霊祭挙行, 制推進会結成, 古屋睦子姉妹が中央映画劇場バレエ公演(石井みどり(1913-2007)舞踊団慰問公演s16‒20, 樺太から鹿児島, 岩手徳島愛媛奈良神奈川山梨静岡滋賀を除), 配給統制組合解散, 衆議院議員選挙法改正公布(中選挙区/単記). 教育基本法/学校教育法(6・…

                                                                      Sounds thread their way through me to the world: At the age of 22, he wrote the school song for the first time in a municipality, at a time when people were doing their best to survive in the hard times after the war. In 1953, music critic Masami Warashina (1915-1993: music director of Mainichi Broadcasting System, translation of "Leonard Bernstein Story"), who had been evacuated to Bihoro Town, A

                                                                        1947: 佐藤久翁が日刊あばしり新聞を経て網走新聞創刊, 市建設構想論文募集, 農地委員選挙, 参議院議員選挙法施行. 国民協同党結成, 書記長三木武夫, 漁業会魚霊祭挙行, 制推進会結成, 古屋睦子姉妹が中央映画劇場バレエ公演(石井みどり(1913-2007)舞踊団慰問公演s16‒20, 樺太から鹿児島, 岩手徳島愛媛奈良神奈川山梨静岡滋賀を除), 配給統制組合解散, 衆議院議員選挙法改正公布(中選挙区/単記). 教育基本法/学校教育法(6・…
                                                                      • 分権改革のインパクト

                                                                        The central government had controlled the local government about the education policy. But, after decentralization reform was performed, control of the central government became weaker. The local government came to implement policies like school choice which had not been able to be implemented in 1980's. Moreover, in the local government which is implementing new policies, the mayor and Parliament

                                                                        • crashとclashの違いと覚え方

                                                                          crash [ˈkrash]は「(大きな音を立てて)衝突する」、clash [ˈklash]は「(武力・意見などが)衝突する」です。 綴りの違いは、「(大きな音を立てて)衝突する」の方は左から2番目の文字が’r’、「(武力・意見などが)衝突する」の方は同じく左から2番目の文字が’l’です。 この2つは、英単語として紛らわしいばかりでなく、日本語に訳してもなお紛らわしいという、まさに厄介者の単語たちです。 でも大丈夫、しっかり覚えられますのでご安心ください。 今日、ここへ来られたあなたは幸運です。 さて、それでは早速覚え方です。 crashは、r君のピノキオのように長い自慢の鼻に、制御不能(せいぎょふのう)となったUFOが、「どーん!」と大きな音を立てて衝突したところだと想像しましょう。 clashの方は、兵隊さんが長い槍(やり)を持って、戦場で鬨(とき)の声を上げているところだと想像してく

                                                                          • 日本はスウェーデンより消費税多い国?高い割合をグラフで簡単解説|消費者 経済 総研|2022/7/1 | リテール エステート・消費者経済総研

                                                                            日本はスウェーデンより消費税多い国?高い割合をグラフで簡単解説|消費者 経済 総研|2022/7/1 消費税が多い国・高い国のメリットデメリットは? 世界の外国、特に北ヨーロッパと、比較した。 日本の消費税の税率は、低い。 だが高幸福度のスウェーデンよりも、日本は多い? 税収内訳の割合(構成比)で、日本の消費税は多い。 その理由とは? 軽減税率も影響か? 対GDP比や、消費税・法人税・所得税等の比率を、 円グラフ等のデータで比較した。 消費税の専門家・評論家の消費者 経済 総研の 松田 優幸が、わかりやすく簡単解説。 - 日本で 2番目に わかりやすい 経済の解説 - - 消費と経済の「 消費者 経済 総研 」- ■番組出演・執筆・講演等のご依頼は、 お電話・メールにてご連絡下さい。 リモートでの出演・取材にも、対応しています 消費者 経済 総研 チーフ・コンサルタント 松田優幸 ■初

                                                                            • 平和構築における「未(非)承認国家」問題

                                                                              Effective peacebuilding in a post-conflict region is one of the important themes in modern international politics. There is consensus that the support for post-conflict regions is indispensable in international society, and in some cases it is even considered their responsibility. However, in this paper, a contrasting situation is presented where obtaining such international support for peacebuild

                                                                              • 地方制度改革と官僚制

                                                                                It had been said that the agency delegated functions and the local financial system centralized the local autonomy system in Japan. The central government decided to abolish the functions in 1990s, whereas Koizumi cabinet failed the fundamental reform of local financial system. Discourse matters to gain agreement for reform. Japanese policy-making process needs “communicative discourse” (Schmidt 2

                                                                                • 中国軍がブロックチェーン活用──トナーカートリッジ、機密情報管理、通信、射撃訓練の評価など | CoinDesk JAPAN(コインデスク・ジャパン)

                                                                                  ハイパーレジャー(Hyperledger)──リナックス・ファウンデーション(Linux Foundation)が支援するオープンソース・ブロックチェーン・アライアンス──は、中国の人民解放軍にもサービスを提供する北京の企業に新しい認定プログラムへの参加を許可している。 5社のみの認定サービスプロバイダー 現在、5つの企業のみが「ハイパーレジャー認定サービスプロバイダー(Hyperledger Certified Service Providers:HCSP)」として認められており、ブロックチェーン技術を検討している企業にサポート、コンサルティング、トレーニング、プロフェッショナルサービスを提供できる。インストール、設定、トラブルシューティングなども提供可能とハイパレジャーは述べた。 3社はアメリカ企業で、IBM、アクセンチュア、チェーンヤード(Chainyard)、一方、2社は中国企業で

                                                                                    中国軍がブロックチェーン活用──トナーカートリッジ、機密情報管理、通信、射撃訓練の評価など | CoinDesk JAPAN(コインデスク・ジャパン)