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"Central Government"の検索結果241 - 280 件 / 1126件

  • アメリカ施政権下の沖縄の法令 - Wikipedia

    アメリカ施政権下の沖縄の法令(あめりかしせいけんかのおきなわのほうれい)では、沖縄戦の米軍上陸以降、1972年5月14日の日本復帰直前までの主な法令をまとめた。 個別の法令の条文は、沖縄県公文書館で参照できる。 布告(Proclamations)[編集] 米国軍政府特別布告(United States Military Government Special Proclamations)[編集] 米国軍政府特別布告第12号「各種裁判所の創設(Creation of Court System)」 米国軍政府特別布告第20号「民裁判所の創設(Civilian Courts)」 米国軍政府特別布告第32号「刑法並びに訴訟手続法典(Codified Penal Law and Procedure)」 米国軍政府特別布告第37号「群島知事及び議会議員選挙(Election of Governors a

    • central government jobs

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      • Charter Cities: Concept

        Charter Cities Charter cities offer a truly global win-win solution. These cities address global poverty by giving people the chance to escape from precarious and harmful subsistence agriculture or dangerous urban slums. Charter cities let people move to a place with rules that provide security, economic opportunity, and improved quality of life. Charter cities also give leaders more options for i

        • Radioactive Hot Spots in Tokyo Point to Wider Problems - NYTimes.com

          Toshiyuki Hattori, who runs a sewage plant in Tokyo, surrounded by sacks of radioactive sludge.Credit...Kazuhiro Yokozeki for The New York Times TOKYO — Takeo Hayashida signed on with a citizens’ group to test for radiation near his son’s baseball field in Tokyo after government officials told him they had no plans to check for fallout from the devastated Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Like Japa

            Radioactive Hot Spots in Tokyo Point to Wider Problems - NYTimes.com
          • Time to Give Japan Credit for its COVID-19 Response – Tokyo Review

            While other nations are praised for controlling the virus, Japan’s low COVID-19 death toll is often treated as a mystery at best, or even as a conspiracy. With the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing and a strong likelihood of future waves of outbreaks, it’s much too early to start talking about national “winners and losers,” apart from the most extreme cases. This is doubly true since there’s still m

              Time to Give Japan Credit for its COVID-19 Response – Tokyo Review
            • Reading list of graduate-level development economics course - hkonoの日記

              大学院の授業のReading List、 とりあえず以下のように作りました。 当然全部は扱いきれませんが、 他にも興味深い関連論文やコメントなどありましたら、 ご教示いただけると幸いです。 READING LIST Textbooks  Bardhan, Pranab and Christopher Udry (1999). Development Microeconomics, Oxford University Press.  Deaton, Angus (1997). The Analysis of Household Surveys, John Hopkins.  Ray, Debraj (1998). Development Economics, Princeton University Press.  Banerjee, Abhijit and Esther Duflo

                Reading list of graduate-level development economics course - hkonoの日記
              • Opinion | What China Can Teach the U.S. About Artificial Intelligence - The New York Times

                Every technology goes through an age of discovery and an age of implementation. During the age of discovery, the critical work takes place in research laboratories, where scientists make the breakthroughs that move the field forward. During the age of implementation, the technology reaches a point of practical utility and begins spilling out of the lab and into the world. Over the past decade, I’v

                  Opinion | What China Can Teach the U.S. About Artificial Intelligence - The New York Times
                • sarkari naukri

                  Get Totally free Alerts on Central Government Jobs Getting a occupation has been really hard for a lot of individuals. It is the desire of every individual to find a work based upon their desires. On the other hand, together with the rising amount of individuals seeking for work, it becomes challenging to uncover one particular. You need to have recognized persons likely from just one corporation

                  • Floundering in the foggy fortress

                    Floundering in the foggy fortressThe DPJ is finding that it needs to befriend its bureaucrats, as well as bash them YOSUKE KONDO, 44, is one of those Young Turks in Japan's five-month-old government who took office eager to rein in Tokyo's illustriously educated cadre of senior civil servants. What distinguishes Mr Kondo, however, is that he seems poised to succeed in this goal. So far the rest of

                      Floundering in the foggy fortress
                    • Migrants Describe Grief From China’s Strife (Published 2009)

                      Zhang Aiying, right, and Lu Sifeng, mourned their son, Lu Huakun, who was killed during rioting on Sunday in Urumqi, China.Credit...Gilles Sabrie for The New York Times URUMQI, China � As young Uighurs rampaged through the streets of this western regional capital on Sunday, Zhang Aiying rushed home and stashed her fruit cart away, safe from the mob. But there was no sign of her son, who had ventur

                        Migrants Describe Grief From China’s Strife (Published 2009)
                      • China-Japan row reveals deep-seated differences

                        Chinese sea captain, Zhan Qixiong, remains in custody and could be prosecuted China and Japan are currently embroiled in the most serious diplomatic row they have had in several years. And with the captain of a Chinese fishing boat still in detention in Japan, the dispute could get even worse. Although the issue itself seems minor, it reveals deep-seated differences between these two East Asian ne

                          China-Japan row reveals deep-seated differences
                        • How China is Weaker Than it Looks

                          China could yet become a superpower. But a surging economy can’t mask social strains that only political reform can address. There’s an old Chinese fable that was the inspiration behind Andrew Nathan and Robert Ross’s 1990s book, The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress. Centuries ago, a king whose city was about to be attacked decided the only thing he could do to save it was to order the gates be f

                            How China is Weaker Than it Looks
                          • Facial recognition system - Wikipedia

                            Facial recognition software at a US airport Automatic ticket gate with face recognition system in Osaka Metro Morinomiya Station A facial recognition system[1] is a technology potentially capable of matching a human face from a digital image or a video frame against a database of faces. Such a system is typically employed to authenticate users through ID verification services, and works by pinpoin

                              Facial recognition system - Wikipedia
                            • Japan’s rightward shift

                              By Patrick Cronin, Special to CNN Editor’s note: Patrick M. Cronin is senior advisor and senior director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program of the Center for a New American Security in Washington, D.C. The views expressed are his own. Japanese politics are shifting to the right, and the impact on regional security could be crucial. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s surprise victory to head Japa

                                Japan’s rightward shift
                              • China's Charter 08 | Perry Link

                                The prominent dissident writer Liu Xiaobo, one of the first signers of Charter 08, who was taken away by police on December 8, 2008, and is believed to be in police custody The document below, signed by more than two thousand Chinese citizens, was conceived and written in conscious admiration of the founding of Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia, where, in January 1977, more than two hundred Czech and S

                                  China's Charter 08 | Perry Link
                                • PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 53「ホテル大蔵と消費税」/ "Ministry of Finance & Consumption Tax" - PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

                                  English follows Japanese. 【PDCA日記 Vol. 53「ホテル大蔵と消費税」】 私は銀行員時代、当局対応を5年程度していたことがあり、日本の中央官庁が集まっている霞が関(虎ノ門)に毎週のように行っては、窓のない部屋(!)で色々な協議を行っていました。 日本の場合、銀行は金融庁、クレジットカードは経済産業省、貸金業務は財務局という感じで、同じ金融でも業種によって監督官庁が異なるという特徴があります。 アメリカやヨーロッパでも金融当局の窓口が分かりにくいのは同じであり、外国人の元同僚は「日本はまだまし」というくらいで、どの国でもややこしいのは同じようです。 今回紹介する資料「インサイド財務省」は、「ホテル大蔵」とかつて呼ばれた激務の不夜城である財務省の現状について、非常にわかりやすくまとめています。 今年10月から消費税が10%になることが決まっていますが、消費増税

                                    PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 53「ホテル大蔵と消費税」/ "Ministry of Finance & Consumption Tax" - PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary
                                  • Counterinsurgency (Final Draft - June 2006)

                                    FAS Note: This “final draft” of FM 3-24 on Counterinsurgency has been superseded by the final version of the document dated 15 December 2006 and posted here: http://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-24.pdf FM 3-24 FMFM 3-24 June 2006 (Final Draft) COUNTERINSURGENCY (FINAL DRAFT—NOT FOR IMPLEMENTATION) Distribution Restriction: The material in this manual is under development. It is NOT approved doct

                                    • central government jobs

                                      Locate The Positive Aspects Of Presidency Career Vacancies Portals Locate The Positive Aspects Of Presidency Career Vacancies Portals Tags:   sarkari naukri, indian government jobs Author RSS Feed Sarkri Naukri portals or online work news internet websites provide up-to-date info about newest work notifications. By way of on the net jobs portals, you may accessibility any information on vacancies

                                        central government jobs
                                      • As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’

                                        Chinese people know their country’s internet is different. There is no Google, YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. They use euphemisms online to communicate the things they are not supposed to mention. When their posts and accounts are censored, they accept it with resignation. They live in a parallel online universe. They know it and even joke about it. Now they are discovering that, beneath a facade b

                                          As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’
                                        • Israeli forces open fire at Palestinian protesters

                                          Jon Donnison in Ramallah: "Palestinians are feeling emboldened and inspired by the uprisings elsewhere (in the Middle East)" Israeli forces have fired on groups of protesters at borders with the Palestinian territories, Syria and Lebanon. Reports say that at least 12 people have died and dozens more have been injured. In one incident, thousands of Palestinian supporters from Syria entered the Gola

                                            Israeli forces open fire at Palestinian protesters
                                          • Implementation of Smart Cities will be through an SPV at city level - ET RealEstate

                                            NEW DELHI: The implementation of the Smart City Mission at the city level will be done by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) created for the purpose. The SPV will plan, apprise, approve, release funds, implement, operate and evaluate the smart city development projects. The government came out with these modalities on Thursday at the launch of the smart cities programme, along with two other schemes

                                              Implementation of Smart Cities will be through an SPV at city level - ET RealEstate
                                            • 日英法律名対訳リスト

                                              日英法律名対訳リスト DEMONSTRATION VERSION Data updated on December 10, 2008 Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Fujioka International 藤岡インターナショナル All rights reserved この文書にはコピープロテクトを掛けています。5倍 のデータを収録してプロテクトを解除した製品版 (PDFバージョン+TEXTバージョン)については下記を ご覧ください。 世界で唯一、誤記例からの検索も可能 対訳リストパッケージ製品版のご案内 日本および英米などの国の主な法律、条約、協定、法案、規格、基準 などの名称と主な法律用語の和英対訳リストです。なお日本の法律名 で公式の英訳が存在するものはまだあまり多くありません。また、一 般に特定の法律のタイトルで"ACT"を使用したものは公式英語表 記、"LA

                                              • Japanese town spent Covid-19 relief funds on giant squid statue | CNN

                                                A coastal town in western Japan has drawn ire on social media for using some of the coronavirus relief funds it was given by the government to build a statue of a giant squid in the hopes of boosting tourism. The town of Noto in Ishikawa Prefecture was awarded 800 million yen ($7.3 million) in grants from the central government as part of an aid program aimed at boosting local economies amid the p

                                                  Japanese town spent Covid-19 relief funds on giant squid statue | CNN
                                                • Igor Girkin - Wikipedia

                                                  Igor Vsevolodovich Girkin (Russian: И́горь Все́володович Ги́ркин, IPA: [ˈiɡərʲ ˈfsʲevələdəvʲɪdʑ ˈɡʲirkʲɪn];[a] born 17 December 1970),[1] also known by the alias Igor Ivanovich Strelkov (Russian: И́горь Ива́нович Стрелко́в, IPA: [ˈiɡərʲ ɪˈvanəvʲɪtɕ strʲɪlˈkof]), is a Russian army veteran and former Federal Security Service (FSB) officer who played a key role in the Russian annexation of Crimea, an

                                                    Igor Girkin - Wikipedia
                                                  • The War Against the Nuba | Jeffrey Gettleman

                                                    The jagged, 1,357-mile-long border between Sudan and the newly independent nation of South Sudan is the most contentious on the continent of Africa (see the map below). Tens of thousands of troops are massed on either side and, despite peace negotiations, border skirmishes recently broke out, in which scores of soldiers were killed. The two countries are bitterly divided over how to split oil prof

                                                      The War Against the Nuba | Jeffrey Gettleman
                                                    • Japan marks one year since quake and tsunami disaster

                                                      With moments of silence and prayers, Japan has begun marking one year since the massive earthquake and tsunami struck the nation, killing just over 19,000 people and unleashing the world's worst nuclear crisis in a quarter century. At dawn in the devastated northeastern coastal town of Rikuzentakata, dozens of people from across Japan gathered to offer prayers in front of a solitary pine tree that

                                                        Japan marks one year since quake and tsunami disaster
                                                      • sarkari naukri

                                                        Sarkri Naukri portals or on the net positions information internet sites offer current details about most recent employment notifications. Via on the net employment portals, it is possible to entry any information on vacancies available inside the fields of presidency, central and point out organizations. A variety of recruitment information providing websites offer you information on Sarkri Naukr

                                                        • Bhopal disaster - Wikipedia

                                                          The Bhopal disaster or Bhopal gas tragedy was a chemical accident on the night of 2–3 December 1984 at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. In what is considered the world's worst industrial disaster,[3] over 500,000 people in the small towns around the plant were exposed to the highly toxic gas methyl isocyanate (MIC).[4] Estimates vary on the d

                                                            Bhopal disaster - Wikipedia
                                                          • sarkari naukri

                                                            Sarkri Naukri portals or on the web jobs news internet sites give up-to-date info about most up-to-date employment notifications. Through on the internet work opportunities portals, you'll be able to obtain any info on vacancies obtainable inside the fields of presidency, central and condition organizations. A variety of recruitment news providing internet sites provide news on Sarkri Naukri for i

                                                            • Japan Country Report | Freedom on the Net 2017

                                                              June 2016–May 2017 Leaked documents revealed Japanese intelligence agencies obtained mass surveillance equipment from the U.S. National Security Agency in 2013 (see Surveillance, Privacy, and Anonymity). Authorities struggled to manage online abuse targeting people of overseas origin; a law was introduced in mid-2016 encouraging public education, but some local authorities asked for better definit

                                                                Japan Country Report | Freedom on the Net 2017
                                                              • 韓国首相、旅客船沈没で引責辞任へ 批判された政府対応の問題点とは【UPDATE】

                                                                韓国南西部で起きた大型旅客船「セウォル号」の沈没事故を受け、鄭烘原(チョン・ホンウォン)首相が4月27日、緊急記者会見を開き、辞意を表明した。事故を巡る韓国政府の対応には、どんな問題点があったのか。 SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - APRIL 27: (SOUTH KOREA OUT) South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong-Won leaves from the Central Government Complex on April 27, 2014 in Seoul, South Korea. Chung Hong-won offered his resignation responding to the criticism over the government's response to the 16 April ferry acci

                                                                  韓国首相、旅客船沈没で引責辞任へ 批判された政府対応の問題点とは【UPDATE】
                                                                • 廣宮孝信の「国の借金」“新常識” 「国の借金1000兆円」(笑)

                                                                  政治ブログランキング、いつもクリックありがとうございます! 新著、全国書店で好評発売中です! アマゾンでのご購入はこちら 「国の借金」アッと驚く新常識 ~"年金絶望世代"も元気が出る (技術評論社 刊) 消費税、ユーロ問題、TPP、 国の借金、破綻と繁栄の世界史、将来への展望etc… 図表が全部、短い説明文付きの「プレゼン形式」など、 分かりやすくする工夫がいっぱい! ◯日本の財政余裕度は世界一。世界で一番「破綻」と縁遠い国! ◯そもそも「破綻」した国は、むしろその後、急成長している場合が多い! という、「究極の二段構え」の“新常識”で、あなたと日本を元気にします! “バーチャル立ち読みコーナー”開設: 《「国の借金」アッと驚く新常識》の一部をPDFでご覧頂けます! →こちら その他詳細な内容紹介: 1.“章別の内容紹介”→こちら 2.“5つのことわざで分かる、簡単マクロ経済入門”→こちら

                                                                  • How will Iran respond to Israel’s attack on its Damascus consulate?

                                                                    Iran has vowed retaliation for an Israeli attack on its consulate in Damascus last Monday. The strike was part of a pattern of escalated Israeli attacks in Syria since the eruption of the Gaza war last October. These attacks have often targeted warehouses, trucks, and airports, and Israel’s declared aim for them is degrading Iran’s transnational supply network for the Lebanese group Hezbollah. Kee

                                                                      How will Iran respond to Israel’s attack on its Damascus consulate?
                                                                    • Ukraine Facing Civil War: Lviv Declares Independence from Yanukovich Rule

                                                                      Ukraine's western region of Lviv has reportedly declared independence from the central government. Hours after protesters seized the prosecutor's office in central Lviv and forced a surrender by interior ministry police, the executive committee of the region council - also called the People's Rada – claimed control over the region. "The regime has begun active military action against people. Dozen

                                                                        Ukraine Facing Civil War: Lviv Declares Independence from Yanukovich Rule
                                                                      • Hunting the Phoenix | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | ASPI

                                                                        The Chinese Communist Party’s global search for technology and talent NOTE: In Policy Brief Report No. 35 ‘Hunting the Phoenix’ by Alex Joske and published by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, reference was made to Professor Wenlong Cheng, Professor and Director of Research, Chemical Engineering at Monash University. The author and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute accept Professo

                                                                          Hunting the Phoenix | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | ASPI
                                                                        • 続々・更新おまけ - おおやにき

                                                                          ところでこれは自己弁護ですよ? The Times (March 23 2011)に掲載された、同紙日本駐在のRichard Lloyd Parry氏の記事"I've seen devastation like this just once before - in Ache"から。日記形式で11日から22日までの取材について書いたもののうち、11日、地震が起きた日の内容です。 I am in my office on the 10th floor when the building begins to shake violently, the worst earthquake I have experienced in 16 years in Japan. But central Tokyo has suffered no serious damage, and the early rep

                                                                          • Smart City: Union Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu to meet mayors in Kolkata today - ET RealEstate

                                                                            Smart City: Union Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu to meet mayors in Kolkata today The regional workshop on Smart City Mission will also be attended by Principal Secretaries of Urban Development Departments and other senior officials NEW DELHI: As part of ongoing stakeholder consultations for effective implementation of Smart City Mission, Union Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Nai

                                                                              Smart City: Union Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu to meet mayors in Kolkata today - ET RealEstate
                                                                            • government jobs in karnataka

                                                                              The very best web sites About All Authorities Work Vacancies Data Right now everyone seems to be crazy for government positions mainly because all of us assume that federal government occupation is barely the best way to generate our daily life prosperous and cheerful. But the majority of us come to feel problems to search govt work vacancies to use for them. So, do not worry, this informative art

                                                                              • Запретная Зона CEDAW議事録から その2 内閣府男女共同参画局はぁゃしぃ

                                                                                CEDAW/C/SR.890 (B) http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/docs/SR/CEDAW-C-SR-890B.pdf 日本よりはるかに人権状況の劣悪なアフガニスタンのZOHRA RASEKH(ゾラ・ラセク)委員の質問 44. Ms. Rasekh observed that while Japan had taken impressive steps towards gender equality and implementation of the Convention, there were still practices in the country that were in contravention both of the Convention and of other international human right

                                                                                • 中国で不動産買いますか?

                                                                                  CharltonMediahttp://www.charltonmedia.com/abf/090606/more3.htmによると工事の為に売買される不動産の60%、地域によっては90%の不動産の売買が不正であるとの事。 CharltonMediaはアジアの銀行や銀行系のシステムに関わる記事を提供する会社です。銀行は不動産に対してのローンを提供しますので、このような記事が出てくると、海外の銀行が工場の建設などにたいしてのローンを拒否するかもしれない。 Over a whopping 60 percent of land acquisitions in China are illegal, according to the Chinese government. In a statement published on its website on June 6, China’s Minis
