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"Data Visualization"の検索結果281 - 320 件 / 501件

  • A Comparison of Data Visualization Libraries for React | Capital One

    Similarities & differences between Recharts, Nivo, Victory, react-vis, & Viser There are so many open source data visualization libraries built upon D3.js (also known as D3, short for Data-Driven Documents); however, no one resource really has a comprehensive comparison of all the data visualization libraries available specifically for React. Therefore, I did this research to see which React data

      A Comparison of Data Visualization Libraries for React | Capital One
    • Building AWS Data Lake visualizations with Amazon Athena and Tableau | Amazon Web Services

      AWS Big Data Blog Building AWS Data Lake visualizations with Amazon Athena and Tableau July 2023: This post was reviewed for accuracy. Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in a data lake using standard SQL. One of the key elements of Athena is that you only pay for the queries you run. This is an attractive feature because there is no hardware to set up,

        Building AWS Data Lake visualizations with Amazon Athena and Tableau | Amazon Web Services
      • How HappyFresh Implements SLO (SLO Series Part 1)

        Customer satisfaction is one of the successful keys that we should prioritize. We need to make sure every customer transaction works as expected. Not only the availability of services, but also the performance. Our approaches in measuring customer satisfaction and reliability level of our services are to implement Service Level Objectives (SLO) for every critical user journey. Service Level Object

          How HappyFresh Implements SLO (SLO Series Part 1)
        • Miro - Google Workspace Marketplace

          Connecting Miro across your Google Workspace™ gives you a better way to collaborate visually, with powerful, yet easy-to-use tools to boost engagement and creativity for distributed teams. How you can use Miro in Google Workspace: - Google Calendar™: Attach a Miro board to a Google Calendar™ event to prep meetings quickly and share access to necessary context ahead of time - Google Meet™: Leverage

          • 汎用的な仕組みでセンサーデータを見える化してみた――前編

            1. 今回のシナリオ これまでは、センサー側にデータの取得、送信機能があったため、ほぼAWS側の手順となっていましたが、今回はより汎用的に、センサーデータの取得から送信機能までを含めたセンサーデータの可視化の手順を見ていこうと思います。 2. 構築するシステム構成 今回、構築するシステム構成は以下の通りです。 使用するセンサーについて 今回使用するのは、エレックス工業株式会社のμPRISMという超小型のセンサーデバイスです。μPRISMの特徴は、7種類のセンサーとBluetoothを搭載した超小型IoTセンサーで、加速度、地磁気、温度、湿度、気圧、照度、UVの測定が可能です。(μPRISM電池タイプ) 今回は、μPRISMをビーコンモードで動作させ、温度と気圧を定期的に信号を発信させてデータを取得することにしました。 また、センサーと接続して情報を発信するモニタリングボックスとして、当社グ

            • mHealth Market Size, Trends Analysis, Growth Report 2032

              ✉ info@marketresearchfuture.com 📞 +1 (855) 661-4441(US) 📞 +44 1720 412 167(UK) Global Market Outlook In-depth analysis of global and regional trends Analyze and identify the major players in the market, their market share, key developments, etc. To understand the capability of the major players based on products offered, financials, and strategies. Identify disrupting products, companies, and tr

              • Microsoft Copilot for Security is generally available on April 1, 2024 | Microsoft Security Blog

                We are inspired by the results of our second Copilot for Security economic study, which shows that experienced security professionals are faster and more accurate when using Copilot, and they overwhelmingly want to continue using Copilot. The gains are truly amazing: Experienced security analysts were 22% faster with Copilot. They were 7% more accurate across all tasks when using Copilot. And, mos

                  Microsoft Copilot for Security is generally available on April 1, 2024 | Microsoft Security Blog
                • Save HTML <svg> as an Image

                  After playing with interactive data visualization using D3.js and React, I wanted to have a "Download" function so that I can easily save the visualization as an image rather than taking a screenshot of a browser window: Practicing D3 Interactive Data Visualization with Fitbit Activity/Sleep Log How Much CO2 Emissions Have Your Flights Made? In short, it can be achieved by writing a JavaScript sni

                    Save HTML <svg> as an Image
                  • GitHub - entronad/graphic: A grammar of data visualization and Flutter charting library.

                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                      GitHub - entronad/graphic: A grammar of data visualization and Flutter charting library.
                    • Critical Race Theory // Purdue Writing Lab

                      Summary: This resource will help you begin the process of understanding literary theory and schools of criticism and how they are used in the academy. Introduction Critical Race Theory, or CRT, is a theoretical and interpretive mode that examines the appearance of race and racism across dominant cultural modes of expression. In adopting this approach, CRT scholars attempt to understand how victims

                        Critical Race Theory // Purdue Writing Lab
                      • 豪発デザインツール「Canva」、英同業「Flourish」を買収——需要の増すデータストーリーテリングに対応 - BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

                        Tech in Asia では、有料購読サービスを提供。有料記事の閲読、全記事への回数無制限閲読、5万社を超える企業データベースへの無制限アクセス、カンファレンスへの限定割引などの特典があります。詳しくはこちらから。 オーストラリアを拠点とするグラフィックデザイン・スタートアップ Canva は、最新の買収によって、イギリスとヨーロッパでの拡大計画を倍増させようとしている。ロンドンを拠点とするデータ・ビジュアライゼーション・プラットフォーム「Flourish」を買収したのだ。この買収の財務的な詳細は明らかにされていない。 Photo credit: Canva Flourish は、コンピュータ科学者 Robin Houston 氏と元データジャーナリスト Duncan Clark 氏によって2016年に設立された。このプラットフォームは、追加のソフトウェアをダウンロードする必要なく、ビジ

                          豪発デザインツール「Canva」、英同業「Flourish」を買収——需要の増すデータストーリーテリングに対応 - BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報
                        • Dynamic scientific visualizations in the browser for Python users

                          Dynamic scientific visualizations in the browser for Python users As a scientist, interacting with data allows you to gain new insight into the phenomena you’re studying. If you read the New York Times, the D3 docs or you browse distill, you’ll see impressive browser-based visualizations – interactive storytelling that not only accurately represent data but bring your attention to surprising aspec

                            Dynamic scientific visualizations in the browser for Python users
                          • STORYAI |This AI enhances your creativity.

                            The place where creativity and technology meet, where stories are born Discover new insights from content analysis data. The analytical AI, where creativity and technology intersect, satisfies your curiosity. Unexpected stories emerge from there. Get started now Features of STORYAI Unveiling the Truth through STORYAI'sMultimodal AnalysisSTORYAI's advanced multimodal analysis function allows users

                              STORYAI |This AI enhances your creativity.
                            • Bar Graph Maker

                              Bar Graph Maker FeaturesChange the background color according to your choice.Change the position of Legend as you need.Change the color of title and legend to your choice.Download Bar Graph as .jpg, .png or .svg.Set Bar colors as per your choice.Enter data in your favourite format. Comma separated or space separated What is Bar Graph ?A bar graph is a form of visualization where data is presented

                                Bar Graph Maker
                              • How to Execute Raw SQL in SQLAlchemy - GeeksforGeeks

                                CoursesDSA to DevelopmentMachine Learning & Data ScienceGenerative AI & ChatGPTBecome AWS CertifiedDSA CoursesData Structure & Algorithm(C++/JAVA)Data Structure & Algorithm(Python)Data Structure & Algorithm(JavaScript)Programming LanguagesCPPJavaPythonJavaScriptCAll CoursesTutorialsPython TutorialTaking Input in PythonPython OperatorsPython Data TypesPython Loops and Control FlowPython Conditional

                                  How to Execute Raw SQL in SQLAlchemy - GeeksforGeeks
                                • Run Spark SQL on Amazon Athena Spark | Amazon Web Services

                                  AWS Big Data Blog Run Spark SQL on Amazon Athena Spark At AWS re:Invent 2022, Amazon Athena launched support for Apache Spark. With this launch, Amazon Athena supports two open-source query engines: Apache Spark and Trino. Athena Spark allows you to build Apache Spark applications using a simplified notebook experience on the Athena console or through Athena APIs. Athena Spark notebooks support Py

                                    Run Spark SQL on Amazon Athena Spark | Amazon Web Services
                                  • kaggleのkernelから学ぶこんな可視化備忘録 - Qiita

                                    自分が分析レポートを作るときに、機械学習や統計の知識がない人にもわかりやすいレポートを心がけるの備忘録。 A Data Science Framework: To Achieve 99% Accuracy 常に分析を始める前にdescribe()で綺麗にきちんとデータの情報を把握してから分析するようにしたい カテゴリカルな変数と目的変数もきちんと相関出してる。真似したい! このカーネル、とにかく可視化が綺麗!コードは引用元見てください! カテゴリカルな説明変数と目的変数のヒストグラムと、連続値の箱ひげ図。箱ひげ図はこれよりもseaborn使った方が綺麗かもしれない。 同じ説明変数でも、分類ごとに目的変数との関係の棒グラフや折れ線グラフ 説明変数同士で分析しても面白いですね。真ん中のカテゴリカルな変数VS連続値の変数のグラフめちゃ綺麗 3つの要素をこんな風に盛り込むのも面白い 連続値VS連続

                                      kaggleのkernelから学ぶこんな可視化備忘録 - Qiita
                                    • Perspective | Perspective

                                      What is Perspective? Perspective is an interactive analytics and data visualization component, which is especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets. Use it to create user-configurable reports, dashboards, notebooks and applications, then deploy stand-alone in the browser, or in concert with Python and/or Jupyterlab. Features A fast, memory efficient streaming query engine, written i

                                      • Big Data Pharmaceutical Advertising Market Size, Trends 2032 | MRFR

                                        ✉ info@marketresearchfuture.com 📞 +1 (855) 661-4441(US) 📞 +44 1720 412 167(UK) Global Market Outlook In-depth analysis of global and regional trends Analyze and identify the major players in the market, their market share, key developments, etc. To understand the capability of the major players based on products offered, financials, and strategies. Identify disrupting products, companies, and tr

                                        • Amazon Detective – Rapid Security Investigation and Analysis | Amazon Web Services

                                          AWS News Blog Amazon Detective – Rapid Security Investigation and Analysis Almost five years ago, I blogged about a solution that automatically analyzes AWS CloudTrail data to generate alerts upon sensitive API usage. It was a simple and basic solution for security analysis and automation. But demanding AWS customers have multiple AWS accounts, collect data from multiple sources, and simple search

                                            Amazon Detective – Rapid Security Investigation and Analysis | Amazon Web Services
                                          • エースコンバット7公式サイト

                                            GAZE 2020年7月10日号 特集:「戦争の英雄達:環太平洋戦争機密文書解除」 “英雄”。我々は目の前にいるものをそう呼ぶ。陽炎の中、1機、また1機と滑走路に集まる戦闘機。隊列を組み、ゆっくりと進む姿は象の歩みに例えられる。勇ましく高空を飛ぶ様とはまた違った、威厳に満ちた光景だ。翼を並べるのは、かつて雌雄を決したエースパイロット達の機体。環太平洋戦争に関する機密文書の公開は、これらを世界中から集結させた。彼らの向かう先は凱旋か、それとも未来の戦場か。 決意表明 2020年6月30日、オーシア政府は首都近郊のレッドミル空軍基地にてベルカ戦争終結25周年記念式典を開催した。昨年までとは違い世界各国の空軍部隊に対し公式招待がなされ、基地に飛来した外来機は実に120機を超えた。同盟国のみならず、かつての敵対関係であった紛争当事国の機体も多数隊列に並び、基地内はさながら航空ショーの様相を呈した。

                                            • Permutations of given String - GeeksforGeeks

                                              TutorialsPython TutorialTaking Input in PythonPython OperatorsPython Data TypesPython NumbersPython StringPython ListsPython TuplesSets in PythonPython DictionaryPython Loops and Control FlowPython If ElsePython For LoopsPython While LoopsPython BreaksPython Continue StatementPython Pass StatementPython FunctionsPython OOPS ConceptPython Data StructuresPython DSALinked ListStackQueueTreeHeapHashin

                                                Permutations of given String - GeeksforGeeks
                                              • [アップデート] Amazon Location Service に「ポリティカルビュー」機能が追加されたので、何が変わるのか比較してみた | DevelopersIO

                                                [アップデート] Amazon Location Service に「ポリティカルビュー」機能が追加されたので、何が変わるのか比較してみた いわさです。 みなさんも Amazon Location Service のドキュメント更新履歴はチェックしていますよね。 What's New at AWS で公開されていませんが、Amazon Location Service 公式ドキュメントの履歴では 2023 年 5 月 23 日にマップスタイルのオプションとしてポリティカルビューという機能が追加されました。 Location Service ではマップを表示するわけですが、国境の表示があります。 この国境は領土問題などとも関連するわけですが、今回追加されたオプションは地図上に何らかの「政治的な見解」を反映させるオプションです。 少しセンシティブな気もするので、この記事では背景などについては触

                                                  [アップデート] Amazon Location Service に「ポリティカルビュー」機能が追加されたので、何が変わるのか比較してみた | DevelopersIO
                                                • Practicing D3 Interactive Data Visualization with Fitbit Activity/Sleep Log

                                                  Practicing D3 Interactive Data Visualization with Fitbit Activity/Sleep Log As I introduced in Datavis 2020: A Free Online Course About D3.js & React, the online course told me the basics of how to effectively and efficiently create interactive data visualization using D3 and React. It's time to practice, and I have built Fitbit Activity/Sleep Explorer putting everything that I learned from the co

                                                    Practicing D3 Interactive Data Visualization with Fitbit Activity/Sleep Log
                                                  • Index | free-programming-books

                                                    Freely available programming books View the Project on GitHub EbookFoundation/free-programming-books Index ABAP Ada Agda Alef Android APL Arduino ASP.NET Assembly Language Non-X86 AutoHotkey Autotools Awk Bash Basic BETA C C# C++ Chapel Cilk Clojure COBOL CoffeeScript ColdFusion Component Pascal Cool Coq Crystal CUDA D Dart DB2 Delphi / Pascal DTrace Eiffel Elasticsearch Elixir Ecto Phoenix Elm Em

                                                    • Vanishing Culture: Punch Card Knitting | Internet Archive Blogs

                                                      The following guest post from digital humanities scholar Nichole Misako Nomura is part of our Vanishing Culture series, highlighting the power and importance of preservation in our digital age. Read more essays online or download the full report now. Punch cards are a fascinating binary data storage format that aren’t just history—they’re still used by knitting machines today! Thanks to the Intern

                                                      • ✨Top React Charts Libraries [2021]

                                                        Recharts Recharts is a Redefined chart library built with React and D3. The main purpose of this library is to help you to write charts in React applications without any pain. Main principles of Recharts are: Simply deploy with React components. Native SVG support, lightweight depending only on some D3 submodules. Declarative components, components of charts are purely presentational. All the comp

                                                          ✨Top React Charts Libraries [2021]
                                                        • Visualizing Distributions with Raincloud Plots (and How to Create Them with ggplot2) - Cédric Scherer

                                                          Visualizing Distributions with Raincloud Plots (and How to Create Them with ggplot2) Introduction A few weeks ago, I came across this tweet: Note: Due to the recent changes on X (formerly known as Twitter) I have replaced the embedded tweets with static images. Quickly, people settled that (a) violin plots are not novel at all but were introduced 23 years ago and (b) providing an overview of the s

                                                            Visualizing Distributions with Raincloud Plots (and How to Create Them with ggplot2) - Cédric Scherer
                                                          • 6 major tech companies have doubled their design hiring goals in last half decade | TechCrunch

                                                            Dylan Field is the co-founder and chief executive of Figma, a cross-platform design and collaboration tool. Before starting Figma, Dylan interned at LinkedIn, Flipboard, and O’Reilly Media. You know design is having its moment when IBM, the stodgy normcore dad of the tech industry, gets in on the action. In the last five years, Big Blue has grown its designer to developer hiring target from 1:72 t

                                                              6 major tech companies have doubled their design hiring goals in last half decade | TechCrunch
                                                            • The Top 100 Software Companies of 2020 | The Software Report

                                                              Please email us at [email protected] or call us at 609-365-7014 and we will get back to you right away. We look forward to hearing from you. The Software Report is pleased to announce The Top 100 Software Companies of 2020. These companies provide some of the most important and impactful software solutions for businesses across the globe. They span a wide array of functionality from data analytics

                                                                The Top 100 Software Companies of 2020 | The Software Report
                                                              • Flourish | Data Visualization & Storytelling

                                                                Beautiful, easy data visualization and storytelling

                                                                • Introducing message archiving and analytics for Amazon SNS | Amazon Web Services

                                                                  AWS Compute Blog Introducing message archiving and analytics for Amazon SNS February 12, 2024: Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose has been renamed to Amazon Data Firehose. Read the AWS What’s New post to learn more. September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. This blog post is courtesy of Sebastian Caceres (AWS Consultant, DevOps), Otavio F

                                                                    Introducing message archiving and analytics for Amazon SNS | Amazon Web Services
                                                                  • 900 Free Computer Science Courses from the World’s Top Universities

                                                                    In this article, I compiled 900 online courses offered by the 60 best universities in the world for studying computer science in 2023. I built the list using a data-driven approach. You can find my methodology below. But if you’d rather go straight to the course list, click here. Methodology First, I identified the leading world university rankings. Since I was interested in computer science speci

                                                                      900 Free Computer Science Courses from the World’s Top Universities
                                                                    • Modernize your healthcare clinical quality data repositories with Amazon Redshift Data Vault | Amazon Web Services

                                                                      AWS Big Data Blog Modernize your healthcare clinical quality data repositories with Amazon Redshift Data Vault With the shift to value-based care, tapping data to its fullest to improve patient satisfaction tops the priority of healthcare executives everywhere. To achieve this, reliance on key technology relevant to their sphere is a must. This is where data lakes can help. A data lake is an archi

                                                                        Modernize your healthcare clinical quality data repositories with Amazon Redshift Data Vault | Amazon Web Services
                                                                      • MLメタデータによる優れたMLエンジニアリング  |  TFX  |  TensorFlow

                                                                        MLメタデータによる優れたMLエンジニアリング コレクションでコンテンツを整理 必要に応じて、コンテンツの保存と分類を行います。 ペンギンを分類するために本番MLパイプラインを設定するシナリオを想定します。パイプラインはトレーニングデータを取り込み、モデルをトレーニングして評価し、それを本番環境にプッシュします。 ただし、後でさまざまな種類のペンギンを含むより大きなデータセットでこのモデルを使用しようとすると、モデルが期待どおりに動作せず、種の分類が正しく開始されないことがわかります。 この時点で、あなたは知ることに興味があります: 利用可能なアーティファクトが本番環境のモデルのみである場合、モデルをデバッグするための最も効率的な方法は何ですか?モデルのトレーニングに使用されたトレーニングデータセットはどれですか?この誤ったモデルにつながったトレーニングの実行はどれですか?モデルの評価結果

                                                                          MLメタデータによる優れたMLエンジニアリング  |  TFX  |  TensorFlow
                                                                        • First Steps #5: Pluto.jl 🎈

                                                                          What's Pluto?Notebook environments (e.g. Jupyter and Observable) have become extremely popularity in the last decade.  They give programmers a way to intersperse code with markup, add interactive UI elements, and show off code in a format more interesting than text files.  People love them (well, not everyone). Pluto.jl is a newcomer (PlutoCon 2021 was just held to celebrate its one-year anniversa

                                                                          • ToDiagram | Data to Diagrams in seconds

                                                                            #Blazingly Fast Search and filter in milliseconds.Search and filter your data in milliseconds with the ToDiagram search bar. Instantly find and highlight specific nodes in your diagram, and filter by text, type, or relationship. Try it now #Chrome Extension Anywhere on the web.Open and edit JSON, YAML, and other data formats directly from your browser with the ToDiagram Chrome Extension. Select an

                                                                              ToDiagram | Data to Diagrams in seconds
                                                                            • FSharp.Charting: Library for Data Visualization

                                                                              Chart.Combine( [ Chart.Line(expectedIncome,Name="Income") Chart.Line(expectedExpenses,Name="Expenses") Chart.Line(computedProfit,Name="Profit") ]) How to get FSharp.Charting The FsLab template includes both FSharp.Charting and XPlot. The Windows version of the library is available as FSharp.Charting on NuGet There is a preliminary Mac/Linux version of the library is available as FSharp.Charting.Gt

                                                                              • Amazon Managed Grafana – Getting Started | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                AWS Cloud Operations Blog Amazon Managed Grafana – Getting Started September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Amazon Managed Grafana is a fully managed and secure data visualization service that enables customers to instantly query, correlate, and visualize operational metrics, logs, and traces for their applications from multiple da

                                                                                  Amazon Managed Grafana – Getting Started | Amazon Web Services
                                                                                • 10 Things We Learned In Full Stack GraphQL Book Club

                                                                                  My colleague Alex and I just wrapped up the Full Stack GraphQL Book Club livestream series so I thought now would be a good time to share some of the main takeaways and things we learned about building full stack applications with GraphQL. When my book Full Stack GraphQL Applications was published I thought it would be fun to organize a book club of sorts - a series of livestream episodes where ea

                                                                                    10 Things We Learned In Full Stack GraphQL Book Club