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  • basic incomeっていつになったら導入されるん?

    ちょっと前ぐらいから将来人工知能が発展したら人間の代わりに労働を代替するので人は働かなくて良くなるとか、AIが代わりに働くようになるので社会インフラが無料になって紙幣自体が要らなくなるみたいな論を結構聞いたし、たまに何処かの政党とかがbasic income導入とかを公約に掲げてたり、海外の国では実験的に一部の村でbasic incomeを導入する実験をしたりあったけど、未だにbasic incomeが導入される話なんて聞かないけど、一体いつになるんだろう? AIが働くようになってただ失業者の数が増えるだけだったら何のメリットもないやん? なんだかんだ言ってbasic incomeは導入されずにこの先何十年も働き続ける羽目になりそう。

      basic incomeっていつになったら導入されるん?
    • Bruce Lee at Basic Income Canada Network

      Get Excited! Registration is open for the BASIC INCOME GUARANTEE (BIG) FORUM May 23-26 in Ottawa (and virtually)! Don’t miss this first stand-alone, pan-Canadian event on basic income, a landmark moment in our nation’s income security journey.

      • Contrary to reports, basic income study still at preliminary stage - News archive for customers

        Contrary to reports, basic income study still at preliminary stage There have been misleading reports in the media about the Finnish experimental study on a Universal Basic Income. Only a preliminary study to explore possibilities has begun. On Monday, December 7, many international media-outlets published misleading stories alleging that a basic income scheme would be launched in Finland in the n

          Contrary to reports, basic income study still at preliminary stage - News archive for customers
        • Switzerland's voters reject basic income plan

          Under the plan each citizen would receive an equal monthly payment, regardless of their circumstances Swiss voters have overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to introduce a guaranteed basic income for all. Final results from Sunday's referendum showed that nearly 77% opposed the plan, with only 23% backing it. The proposal had called for adults to be paid an unconditional monthly income, whether they

            Switzerland's voters reject basic income plan
          • ワークフェア(Workfare)とベーシックインカム(Basic Income)

            ワークフェア(Workfare)とベーシックインカム(Basic Income) 吉原直毅 一橋大学経済研究所 2007年4月18日 1.      ワークフェア ワークフェアとは、生活保護、医療費保護などからなる「福祉」(welfare)の受給者に対して、一定の就労を義務づけ、給付を労働の対価とすることによって、その精神的自立を促すと共に、就労を通じて、招来の経済的自立の基盤たる技術・技能を身に着けさせようという公的扶助に関する改革理念であり,制度である。もともとは米国ニクソン政権下におけるAFDC(要保護児童扶助)改革に際して,造語されたと言われる。代表例として,米国クリントン政権下の96年8月の「個人責任及び労働機会調和法」が挙げられ,AFDCの廃止とTANF(貧困家族一時扶助)の導入を求めた。それによると,各州は2002年までに受給者の5割を週30時間以上就労させなければならず,通

            • Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult

              Five cent coins are pictured in the air in front of the Federal Palace during an event organised by the Committee for the initiative "CHF 2,500 monthly for everyone" (Grundeinkommen) in Bern October 4, 2013. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse BERNE (Reuters) - Switzerland will hold a vote on whether to introduce a basic income for all adults, in a further sign of growing public activism over pay inequality s

                Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult
              • Finland to end basic income trial after two years

                Since January 2017, a random sample of 2,000 unemployed people aged 25 to 58 have been paid a monthly €560 (£475) , with no requirement to seek or accept employment. Any recipients who took a job continued to receive the same amount. The government has turned down a request for extra funding from Kela, the Finnish social security agency, to expand the two-year pilot to a group of employees this ye

                  Finland to end basic income trial after two years
                • Spain is moving to establish permanent basic income in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic

                  An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

                    Spain is moving to establish permanent basic income in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic
                  • Moving Forward on Basic Income | Y Combinator

                    We have a few updates we want to share on our Basic Income Project: Our Research Director Elizabeth Rhodes is joining Basic Income Project as our Research Director. She recently completed a joint PhD in Social Work and Political Science at the University of Michigan, where her research focused on health and education provision in slum communities in Nairobi.   We received over 1000 applications fo

                    • Finland is considering giving every citizen a basic income

                      This post has been corrected. The Finnish government is getting serious about the idea of a national basic income. It has commissioned KELA, the national social insurance provider, to study the concept, calculate the costs, and run an experiment in 2017 to judge the feasibility of rolling it out across the country. If, eventually, the government were to approve of such a plan, Finland could scrap

                        Finland is considering giving every citizen a basic income
                      • No plans to expand Finland basic income trial

                        The Finnish government has decided not to expand a limited trial in paying people a basic income, which has drawn much international interest. Currently 2,000 unemployed Finns are receiving a flat monthly payment of €560 (£490; $685) as basic income. "The eagerness of the government is evaporating. They rejected extra funding [for it]," said Olli Kangas, one of the experiment's designers.

                          No plans to expand Finland basic income trial
                        • 拙訳 : 仕事をする権利を得るにはなぜベーシックインカムが必要なのか(WHY BASIC INCOME IS NEEDED FOR A RIGHT TO WORK)(第五節) : a_tocciのブログ

                          2010年03月14日08:31 カテゴリ 拙訳 : 仕事をする権利を得るにはなぜベーシックインカムが必要なのか(WHY BASIC INCOME IS NEEDED FOR A RIGHT TO WORK)(第五節) 3/26(金)、27(土)に来日される予定(twitter で知りました)のGuy Standing教授(英国バース大学)による、「仕事をする権利を得るにはなぜベーシックインカムが必要なのか(WHY BASIC INCOME IS NEEDED FOR A RIGHT TO WORK)」と題する論文の第五節を訳してみました。 原文はこちら http://www.guystanding.com/images/stories/pdf/ja/vol2issue1GuyStanding.pdf *******************************************

                            拙訳 : 仕事をする権利を得るにはなぜベーシックインカムが必要なのか(WHY BASIC INCOME IS NEEDED FOR A RIGHT TO WORK)(第五節) : a_tocciのブログ
                          • 拙訳 : 仕事をする権利を得るにはなぜベーシックインカムが必要なのか(WHY BASIC INCOME IS NEEDED FOR A RIGHT TO WORK)(第一節のみ) : a_tocciのブログ

                            2010年02月01日17:51 カテゴリ 拙訳 : 仕事をする権利を得るにはなぜベーシックインカムが必要なのか(WHY BASIC INCOME IS NEEDED FOR A RIGHT TO WORK)(第一節のみ) 2010年4月15、16 日に開催されるUSBIGネットワーク及びBIENカナダによる合同会議で、基調講演を行う予定のGuy Standing教授(英国バース大学)による、「仕事をする権利を得るにはなぜベーシックインカムが必要なのか(WHY BASIC INCOME IS NEEDED FOR A RIGHT TO WORK)」と題する論文の第一節を訳してみました。 原文はこちら http://www.guystanding.com/images/stories/pdf/ja/vol2issue1GuyStanding.pdf なお、訳文は後から勝手に修正することがある

                              拙訳 : 仕事をする権利を得るにはなぜベーシックインカムが必要なのか(WHY BASIC INCOME IS NEEDED FOR A RIGHT TO WORK)(第一節のみ) : a_tocciのブログ
                            • Basic Income | Y Combinator

                              We’re going to try something new—our first Request For Research. We’d like to fund a study on basic income—i.e., giving people enough money to live on with no strings attached.  I’ve been intrigued by the idea for a while, and although there’s been a lot of discussion, there’s fairly little data about how it would work. It’s true that we have systems in place to give people resources, but the bure

                              • basic income (@BasicIncome_jp) | Twitter

                                ベーシックインカムを日本に導入するために活動中。日本におけるベーシック・インカム情報を収集と共にはき出していきます。 BIに関する情報があったら@でつぶやいて下さい。よろしくお願いします。 情報・ロビー活動報告に特化、意見は書かない方針。 本家@daiheiwa

                                  basic income (@BasicIncome_jp) | Twitter
                                • Universal basic income options to be weighed - Press releases

                                  A working group of researchers from a range of organisations under the project leadership of Kela is exploring ways in which to carry out an experimental study focusing on the implementation of a universal basic income scheme. The project is part of the Finnish Government's analysis, assessment and research plan for 2015. The Government's programme calls for the implementation of a universal basic

                                    Universal basic income options to be weighed - Press releases
                                  • UBI(Universal Basic Income)賛成派 - Abundzu

                                    ※コロナウィルスで不安な状況が続いて居る。 金持ちも、 貧乏人も、 マスク2枚の支給より よっぽど助かると思う。 ↓ ベーシックインカム - Wikipedia 誰が受け取れるか よう分からん30万より、 みんなが貰える方法を考えないと。 この国はグータラな人間、 自己中心的な思考の持ち主が えらい沢山おるけど、 こんな時は助け合うしかないよね。 政治家を批判しても、なんら解決策は見つからんし。 コロナで騒いでいる今、●●の国は戦艦よこしてるし。 アホみたいな株価操作に目隠しをされている状態で、 〇〇〇の国は、日本の経済状況を探っているし。 何処の国も「隙あらば」で。 財源の問題もあるけど、私はベーシックインカムを推奨する。 さてこれを、誰に訴えれば良い? また壁か!

                                      UBI(Universal Basic Income)賛成派 - Abundzu
                                    • Here’s what happened when Iran introduced a basic income

                                      Getty Images - Iranians looking at the skyline of northern Tehran from the 'Nature' bridge in the capital Tehran An earlier version of this story incorrectly named which subsidies were receiving heavy cuts in Iran. It was the oil and bread subsidies, not oil and gas. In recent years, spurred by advances in workplace automation, researchers and industry titans like Elon Musk have espoused the neces

                                        Here’s what happened when Iran introduced a basic income
                                      • Universal Basic Income Explained – Free Money for Everybody? UBI - YouTube

                                        What is UBI? How would free money change our lives. OUR CHANNELS ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ German Channel: https://kgs.link/youtubeDE Spanish Channel: https://kgs.link/youtubeES HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT US? ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ This is how we make our living and it would be a pleasure if you support us! Get Merch designed with ❤ from https://kgs.link/shop Join the Patreon Bird Army 🐧 h

                                          Universal Basic Income Explained – Free Money for Everybody? UBI - YouTube
                                        • BIEN affiliated organisations and their definitions of Basic Income | BIEN — Basic Income Earth Network

                                          BIEN affiliated organisations and their definitions of Basic Income by Guest Contributor | Jan 19, 2017 | Opinion | 2 comments Introduction By Malcolm Torry, director of the UK’s Citizen’s Income Trust (CIT) and co-secretary of BIEN There has been much discussion, at congresses and elsewhere, as to what should be included in the definition of Basic Income. In order to inform the ongoing debate, I

                                          • Finland considers basic income to reform welfare system

                                            The unemployment rate in Finland has risen to 10%, slightly above the European Union average The Finnish government is considering a pilot project that would see the state pay people a basic income regardless of whether they work. The details of how much the basic income might be and who would be eligible for it are yet to be announced, but already there is widespread interest in how it might work

                                              Finland considers basic income to reform welfare system
                                            • 拙訳: フェミニストの視点から見たベーシックインカム(Some thoughts on basic income from a feminist perspective)(第一節と第二節) : a_tocciのブログ

                                              2010年04月08日14:49 カテゴリ 拙訳: フェミニストの視点から見たベーシックインカム(Some thoughts on basic income from a feminist perspective)(第一節と第二節) Radboud大学Nijmegen政治学科上席研究員であるIngrid Robeynsの「フェミニストの視点から見たベーシックインカム(Some thoughts on basic income from a feminist perspective)」の第一節と第二節を訳してみました。 なお、私自身は、ベーシックインカムについてもフェミニズムについても素人であり、 基本的に訳しながら学ぶという姿勢ですので、 誤訳がふくまれる可能があり、また自分が理解できるかたちで訳しているので、文体も論文調ではない部分もありますので、ご了承ください。 原文はこちら ****

                                                拙訳: フェミニストの視点から見たベーシックインカム(Some thoughts on basic income from a feminist perspective)(第一節と第二節) : a_tocciのブログ
                                              • A Dutch city is giving money away to test the “basic income” theory

                                                Some people in the Dutch city of Utrecht might soon get a windfall of extra cash, as part of a daring new experiment with the idea of “basic income.” Basic income is an unconditional and regular payment meant to provide enough money to cover a person’s basic living cost. In January of 2016, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands and its partner, the University of Utrecht, will create several d

                                                  A Dutch city is giving money away to test the “basic income” theory
                                                • Why We Should All Have a Basic Income

                                                  because you are a citizen. This is your basic income which is independent of every other source of income and guarantees you a monthly starting salary above the poverty line for the rest of your life. What do you do? Possibly of more importance, what don’t you do? How does this firm foundation of economic security and positive freedom affect your present and future decisions, from the work you cho

                                                    Why We Should All Have a Basic Income
                                                  • Treasury's corona tax vs. de facto basic income: a debate on Japan's economic policy in the not-too-distant future - Economics Lovers Live 田中秀臣のブログ

                                                    With the spread of the COVID-19, a state of emergency has been declared nationwide. The spread of the infection has not yet been controlled, mainly in the Tokyo area, the Kinki region, and Fukuoka Prefecture. The declaration of a state of emergency is set to end on May 7, after a major holiday season. Media reports suggest that the government will decide whether to postpone the declaration of a st

                                                      Treasury's corona tax vs. de facto basic income: a debate on Japan's economic policy in the not-too-distant future - Economics Lovers Live 田中秀臣のブログ