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*Usefulに関するエントリは74件あります。 githubwebサービスtools などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『2021年5月10日にAmazonカスタマーサービスによって削除された斉藤幸平著 『人新世の「資本論」』への2020年9月29日投稿のレビュー|Less Than Useful』などがあります。
  • 2021年5月10日にAmazonカスタマーサービスによって削除された斉藤幸平著 『人新世の「資本論」』への2020年9月29日投稿のレビュー|Less Than Useful

    2021年5月10日にAmazonカスタマーサービスによって削除された斉藤幸平著 『人新世の「資本論」』への2020年9月29日投稿のレビュー (注) いきなり削除されていたのでAmazonカスタマーサービスに問い合わせて削除の取り消しを希望したところ、30分ほどでガイドラインに抵触云々のテンプレートの返答が帰ってきて削除の取り消しも拒否されたので、ここに再掲しておく。斉藤幸平氏が批判するAmazonのようなワンクリックで何でも手に入る資本主義の極北みたいなシステムが、資本主義システムを批判する本への☆一つのトップレビューを、知識のコモンズを支えるネットというプラットフォームから削除してしまうっていう状況はなかなかアイロニカルでよい。もっと酷い罵倒したレビューは消されてないのに。しかしよく考えてみれば資本主義システムの欲望ドライブ+マルクス思想って、それってまんま近隣の某大国やん?ってこと

      2021年5月10日にAmazonカスタマーサービスによって削除された斉藤幸平著 『人新世の「資本論」』への2020年9月29日投稿のレビュー|Less Than Useful
    • Code Health: Respectful Reviews == Useful Reviews

      Interesting. I would caution that some of the tips are very culture-dependent. For instance, the example of not criticizing the person - I would rather have someone tell me straight in my face "Your approach is adding unnecessary complexity" than go around in circles and word-dancing around it, I would appreciate the honesty and the respect for my time (the 2nd way of phrasing is longer. but more

        Code Health: Respectful Reviews == Useful Reviews
      • 🌳🚀 CS Visualized: Useful Git Commands

        Although Git is a very powerful tool, I think most people would agree when I say it can also be... a total nightmare 😐 I've always found it very useful to visualize in my head what's happening when working with Git: how are the branches interacting when I perform a certain command, and how will it affect the history? Why did my coworker cry when I did a hard reset on master, force pushed to origi

          🌳🚀 CS Visualized: Useful Git Commands
        • Small Dev tools useful for all developers

          Sort a list of numbers or strings alphabetically or by length

            Small Dev tools useful for all developers
          • Useful utilities and toys over DNS

            Useful utilities and services over DNS dns.toys is a DNS server that takes creative liberties with the DNS protocol to offer handy utilities and services that are easily accessible via the command line. Copy and run the below commands to try it out. World time dig mumbai.time @dns.toys dig newyork.time @dns.toys dig paris/fr.time @dns.toys Pass city names without spaces suffixed with .time. Pass t

              Useful utilities and toys over DNS
            • GitHub - CDSoft/luax: luax is a Lua interpreter and REPL based on Lua 5.4, augmented with some useful packages. It is also a "compiler" that produces standalone executables from Lua scripts.

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                GitHub - CDSoft/luax: luax is a Lua interpreter and REPL based on Lua 5.4, augmented with some useful packages. It is also a "compiler" that produces standalone executables from Lua scripts.
              • GitHub - vanjs-org/van: 🍦 VanJS: World's smallest reactive UI framework. Incredibly Powerful, Insanely Small - Everyone can build a useful UI app in an hour.

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                  GitHub - vanjs-org/van: 🍦 VanJS: World's smallest reactive UI framework. Incredibly Powerful, Insanely Small - Everyone can build a useful UI app in an hour.
                • GitHub - GoogleCloudPlatform/bigquery-utils: Useful scripts, udfs, views, and other utilities for migration and data warehouse operations in BigQuery.

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                    GitHub - GoogleCloudPlatform/bigquery-utils: Useful scripts, udfs, views, and other utilities for migration and data warehouse operations in BigQuery.
                  • CourseComp - Compilation of useful code and more

                    Coursecomp is your starting point for developing and maintaining your web application. Recently, I faced a really bad situation (which could have been much worse) – my WordPress backups stopped without any notice. I have been using an UpdraftPlus Backups plugin, and it was all fine until it stopped. Since I did not know the reason (and there were no evident signs of any abnormalities, broken plugi

                      CourseComp - Compilation of useful code and more
                    • GitHub - johnboiles/obs-mac-virtualcam: ARCHIVED! This plugin is officially a part of OBS as of version 26.1. See note below for info on upgrading. 🎉🎉🎉Creates a virtual webcam device from the output of OBS. Especially useful for streaming smooth, compo

                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                        GitHub - johnboiles/obs-mac-virtualcam: ARCHIVED! This plugin is officially a part of OBS as of version 26.1. See note below for info on upgrading. 🎉🎉🎉Creates a virtual webcam device from the output of OBS. Especially useful for streaming smooth, compo
                      • GitHub - BlackFan/client-side-prototype-pollution: Prototype Pollution and useful Script Gadgets

                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                          GitHub - BlackFan/client-side-prototype-pollution: Prototype Pollution and useful Script Gadgets
                        • GitHub - ddddddO/gdag: Easily manage 🕸DAG🕷 with Go. DAG is an acronym for Directed Acyclic Graph. Output is in PlantUML or Mermaid format. Useful for progressing tasks.

                          package main import ( "fmt" "os" g "github.com/ddddddO/gdag" ) func main() { var dag *g.Node = g.DAG("ゴール(目的)") var design *g.Node = g.Task("設計") reviewDesign := g.Task("レビュー対応") developFeature1 := g.Task("feature1開発") developFeature1.Note("xxが担当") reviewDevelopFeature1 := g.Task("レビュー対応") developFeature2 := g.Task("feature2開発").Note("yyが担当") reviewDevelopFeature2 := g.Task("レビュー対応") prepareInfra

                            GitHub - ddddddO/gdag: Easily manage 🕸DAG🕷 with Go. DAG is an acronym for Directed Acyclic Graph. Output is in PlantUML or Mermaid format. Useful for progressing tasks.
                          • The 6 most useful Gmail settings you may have overlooked

                            Retract emails, get more organized, auto-forward messages, and more with these handy Gmail settings. Sure, you spend most of the day with Gmail open in a browser tab. But have you ever really taken a good, long look under the hood? There are settings galore, some of which you’ll never touch, and others that are truly useful. Here’s a quick look at some of the useful ones. To turn them on, we’ll ne

                              The 6 most useful Gmail settings you may have overlooked
                            • Useful engineering metrics and why velocity is not one of them

                              Here’s my horoscope for today: Things should improve for you as the day progresses, Taurus. You shouldn’t depend on something that may not pan out the way you want. As you can see, it’s useless, just like your team’s velocity metrics and burndown charts. Velocity metrics are as loathsome as the horoscope because neither provides any insight on why something went wrong or how to fix it. Moreover, i

                              • 7 Really Useful Google Widgets to Add to Your Android Home Screen

                                The Google apps that come pre-installed on your phone include a range of handy widgets that'll help you get more done quicker. Here are the best. A beautiful wallpaper, your favorite apps, and some useful widgets on top—that's what a great home screen looks like. While widgets obviously can't do as much work as apps do, some don't get nearly as much praise as they deserve. In this guide, we'll sho

                                  7 Really Useful Google Widgets to Add to Your Android Home Screen
                                • Useful DevTools Tips and Tricks — Smashing Magazine

                                  You might think you know all the tricks when it comes to browser DevTools, but did you know that there are dozens of panels and hundreds of features waiting to supercharge your debugging workflow? Whatever your debugging use case is, there’s probably a tool that’s right for the job. Let’s discover the most popular DevTools tips that can boost your productivity. When it comes to browser DevTools, w

                                    Useful DevTools Tips and Tricks — Smashing Magazine
                                  • GitHub - BuilderIO/micro-agent: An AI agent that writes (actually useful) code for you

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                                      GitHub - BuilderIO/micro-agent: An AI agent that writes (actually useful) code for you
                                    • GitHub - koddr/sweetconfirm.js: 👌A useful zero-dependencies, less than 434 Bytes (gzipped), pure JavaScript & CSS solution for drop an annoying pop-ups confirming the submission of form in your web apps.

                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                        GitHub - koddr/sweetconfirm.js: 👌A useful zero-dependencies, less than 434 Bytes (gzipped), pure JavaScript & CSS solution for drop an annoying pop-ups confirming the submission of form in your web apps.
                                      • GitHub - lukepistrol/TimeMachineStatus: TimeMachineStatus is a little menu bar application for macOS which aims to show more useful information than the system default.

                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                          GitHub - lukepistrol/TimeMachineStatus: TimeMachineStatus is a little menu bar application for macOS which aims to show more useful information than the system default.
                                        • An Illustrated Guide to Some Useful Command Line Tools - WezM.net by Wesley Moore

                                          Inspired by a similar post by Ben Boyter this a list of useful command line tools that I use. It’s not a list of every tool I use. These are tools that are new or typically not part of a standard POSIX command line environment. This post is a living document and will be updated over time. It should be obvious that I have a strong preference for fast tools without a large runtime dependency like Py

                                          • 12 Useful Tips for Using Google Calendar on Android

                                            Google Calendar is installed on most Android phones, but are you making full use of its features? If not, check out these essential tips. Google Calendar is a simple but versatile app that comes pre-installed on most Android phones. It helps you organize your life and work so that you never miss a beat, but the range of features available means you can really personalize your user experience. Here

                                              12 Useful Tips for Using Google Calendar on Android
                                            • Useful VS Code Extensions For Front-End Developers — Smashing Magazine

                                              Meet useful Visual Studio Code extensions for web developers: little helpers to minimize slow-downs and frustrations, and boost developer’s workflow along the way. Recently, we’ve also covered CSS auditing tools, CSS generators and accessible front-end components — you might find them useful, too. We spend so much time in our text editors, and every now and again we encounter those little frustrat

                                                Useful VS Code Extensions For Front-End Developers — Smashing Magazine
                                              • Useful Resources | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                                1.National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) https://www.ndis.gov.au/ 2.Resources on cancer prevention, screening and diagnosis https://www.cancer.org.au/support-and-services/multilingual-resources 3.Quit Smoking https://www.icanquit.com.au/ 4.Contraception / Sexual Health

                                                • 13 useful JavaScript array tips and tricks you should know

                                                  Duomly Posted on Oct 21, 2019 • Updated on Mar 30, 2020 • Originally published at blog.duomly.com This article was originally published at: https://www.blog.duomly.com/13-useful-javascript-array-tips-and-tricks-you-should-know/ An array is one of the most common concepts of Javascript, which gives us a lot of possibilities to work with data stored inside. Taking into consideration that array is on

                                                    13 useful JavaScript array tips and tricks you should know
                                                  • 5 Useful Image Edits You Can Make in Paint.NET

                                                    Paint.NET is a great image editor for beginners. Here are a few handy ways that you can use it to edit your images. A lot of image editors lie at the extremes of the feature spectrum. MS Paint is too basic to accomplish anything serious, while tools like Photoshop are overkill for most people's editing tasks. If you're a Windows user who only needs to make small modifications to images and screens

                                                      5 Useful Image Edits You Can Make in Paint.NET
                                                    • GitHub - phuocng/html-dom: Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript. Give me 1 ⭐if it’s useful.

                                                      Web development goes very fast. I still remember the moments when starting to use jQuery, Prototype, script.aculo.us, Zepto and many more. Nowadays, even if our application is powered by modern tools such as Angular, Vue, React, Svelte, .etc, we have to deal with DOM. The frameworks encapsulate and hide the DOM management directly, but still give us a door to work with DOM via ref, event handlers.

                                                        GitHub - phuocng/html-dom: Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript. Give me 1 ⭐if it’s useful.
                                                      • 環境運動家は中国共産党の「使える愚か者(useful idiots)」なのか

                                                        英国で発表された「紅と緑――中国の使える愚か者」という報告が話題を呼んでいる。以下でポイントを紹介しよう。 著者のパトリシア・アダムスは戴晴の著書『三峡ダム』の英訳を手掛け、自らも三峡ダムに関する本を出版するなど、中国の環境運動と民主化運動に関する研究活動を続けてきた。 中国共産党の危険性は、今や欧米でも日本でも周知である。それにも拘わらず、未だにそれに見て見ぬふりをしている巨大な例外がある。環境運動家とその資金提供者である。 彼らは、最上級の言葉を使って、中国の環境対策を称賛しつづけている。 例えばグリーンピースは「持続可能性を優先したことは、世界における中国の遺産を確固としたものにするであろう」と述べた。世界自然保護基金(WWF)は、「習主席が発表した新たな目標は、世界の温暖化対策を一層強化することについての、中国の揺るぎない支持と断固とした措置を反映している」と述べた。天然資源保護評

                                                          環境運動家は中国共産党の「使える愚か者(useful idiots)」なのか
                                                        • Less Than Useful氏の拙著のレビューに対するコメント――書名さえ間違っている匿名書評/柿埜真吾 - SYNODOS

                                                          本来、書名さえ正しく書けないような人物の匿名の誹謗中傷に著者が答える義務など全くない。実際、実害がなければ、私もそんなことをしようとは思いつきもしなかった。Less Than Usefulを名乗る人物の拙著『自由と成長の経済学』に対する極めて攻撃的な最低評価のレビューはAmazonでしばらく私の本のトップレビューになり、その後、Amazonからは削除されたが、現在はNoteにその書評が掲載されている。この書評は少なからぬ方がみているらしく、しばしばコメントをいただくが、事実無根の中傷であり大変迷惑である。私の例に限らず、ネット上の匿名書評には無責任な人権侵害としか言いようがないものが少なくない。問題提起につながればと思い、敢えて反論を公表することとした。 このNoteのタイトルは、「削除された 柿埜真吾著『自由と経済成長の経済学 「人新世」と「脱成長コミュニズム」の罠』 Amazonに投稿

                                                            Less Than Useful氏の拙著のレビューに対するコメント――書名さえ間違っている匿名書評/柿埜真吾 - SYNODOS
                                                          • Useful Patterns by Use Case | React TypeScript Cheatsheets

                                                            Wrapping/Mirroring​Wrapping/Mirroring a HTML Element​Usecase: you want to make a <Button> that takes all the normal props of <button> and does extra stuff. Strategy: extend React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'> // usage function App() { // Type '"foo"' is not assignable to type '"button" | "submit" | "reset" | undefined'.(2322) // return <Button type="foo"> sldkj </Button> // no error return <B

                                                              Useful Patterns by Use Case | React TypeScript Cheatsheets
                                                            • GitHub - adrianlarion/useful-sed: Useful sed scripts & patterns.

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                                                                GitHub - adrianlarion/useful-sed: Useful sed scripts & patterns.
                                                              • GitHub - vlang/vinix: Vinix is an effort to write a modern, fast, and useful operating system in the V programming language

                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                  GitHub - vlang/vinix: Vinix is an effort to write a modern, fast, and useful operating system in the V programming language
                                                                • GitHub - antonioru/beautiful-react-hooks: 🔥 A collection of beautiful and (hopefully) useful React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development 🔥

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                                                                    GitHub - antonioru/beautiful-react-hooks: 🔥 A collection of beautiful and (hopefully) useful React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development 🔥
                                                                  • Adept: Useful General Intelligence

                                                                    An AI teammate for everyone. Adept is building an entirely new way to get things done. It takes your goals, in plain language, and turns them into actions on the software you use every day.

                                                                      Adept: Useful General Intelligence
                                                                    • Useful Front-End Boilerplates And Starter Kits — Smashing Magazine

                                                                      We don’t need to write everything from scratch every single time. With boilerplates and starter kits, we can set up our projects faster, and get to work immediately. We’ve also just recently covered CSS auditing tools, CSS generators, accessible front-end components and VS code extensions — you might find them useful, too. Today, we’re shining the spotlight on boilerplates and starter kits for all

                                                                        Useful Front-End Boilerplates And Starter Kits — Smashing Magazine
                                                                      • 30+ Useful Pure CSS Code Snippets - 1stWebDesigner

                                                                        In this post, we’ve rounded up a collection of useful pure CSS code snippets for elements that are commonly used when designing and developing a website. We’ve included a few that may be less common, but might be useful for you if you are looking for a way to level up or add interest in your project. From parallax to animations to tabs and accordions, this list should be helpful for you to refer t

                                                                          30+ Useful Pure CSS Code Snippets - 1stWebDesigner
                                                                        • Dissecting the Phish: Intro to Phishing Investigations — Useful Online Resources

                                                                          In this blog post, I will be introducing online resources that can be used to investigate Phishing sites. In Collecting the Phishing Samples, I will cover how Phishing samples can be collected from online databases. In Domain/IP/URL Analysis, I will be covering how the domains, IPs, and URLs can be analyzed using online services and WHOIS information. In Sandbox Analysis, I will be covering how on

                                                                            Dissecting the Phish: Intro to Phishing Investigations — Useful Online Resources
                                                                          • 10 Useful Vanilla Javascript Plugins 2021

                                                                            Introduction About 3 months ago I wrote this article: 10 Useful Vanilla Javascript Plugins 2020 In this article, I will add another 10 vanilla js plugins that will make your life easier. 1. GSAP The GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) is a popular set of JavaScript tools for building animations on the web. Anything you see in your web browser can be animated with GSAP Weekly Downloads on npm 2. Pl

                                                                              10 Useful Vanilla Javascript Plugins 2021
                                                                            • 10 Useful React Components for 2020

                                                                              For me, small and specific solutions in the form of single components, make more sense than the all-in-one solutions offered by component libraries. I like to pick and choose my own components, I don’t like long documentations and I’d like to avoid meaningless updates that often break things. A (frontend) library provides a consistent UI — an absolutely crucial thing. But, it may happen that you a

                                                                                10 Useful React Components for 2020
                                                                              • Search BioNumbers - The Database of Useful Biological Numbers

                                                                                Popular BioNumbers Recent BioNumbers Key BioNumbers Key BioNumbers

                                                                                • What Makes a Dialog Agent Useful?

                                                                                  The techniques behind ChatGPT: RLHF, IFT, CoT, Red teaming, and more This article has been translated to Chinese 简体中文. A few weeks ago, ChatGPT emerged and launched the public discourse into a set of obscure acronyms: RLHF, SFT, IFT, CoT, and more, all attributed to the success of ChatGPT. What are these obscure acronyms and why are they so important? We surveyed all the important papers on these

                                                                                    What Makes a Dialog Agent Useful?
