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161 - 200 件 / 203件

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*privacyの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 203件

  • Firefox boosts privacy by giving “total cookie protection” to all users by default

    Tech/Policy/PrivacyFirefox boosts privacy by giving ‘total cookie protection’ to all users by default Firefox boosts privacy by giving ‘total cookie protection’ to all users by default / The latest feature from Mozilla extends the anti-tracking protections of its browser even further

      Firefox boosts privacy by giving “total cookie protection” to all users by default
    • GitHub - fedidcg/FedCM: A privacy preserving identity exchange Web API

      As the web has evolved there have been ongoing privacy-oriented changes (example) and underlying privacy principles. With those changes some underlying assumptions of the web are changing. One of those changes is the deprecation of third-party cookies. While overall good for the web, third-party cookie deprecation leaves holes in how some existing systems on the web were designed and deployed. Fed

        GitHub - fedidcg/FedCM: A privacy preserving identity exchange Web API
      • Enterprise privacy

        Trust and privacy are at the core of our mission at OpenAI. We’re committed to privacy and security for ChatGPT Team, ChatGPT Enterprise, and our API Platform.

          Enterprise privacy
        • Privacy Sandboxの調査 - Qiita

          1. 概要 Googleが検討中のPrivacy Sandboxに関する調査。調査中のため記載内容に誤りがある可能性があります。 随時更新予定。 2. 前提 2020/3/12時点の調査 3. Privacy Sandboxの概要 GoogleはサードパーティCookieの廃止を決定しましたが、サードパーテイCookieの代替案として「プライバシーサンドボックス(Privacy Sandbox)」を提案しています。 GoogleはPrivacy Sandbox はChromeブラウザ内における広告ターゲティングの許可を継続しつつ、不適切なトラッキングを減らすための手段であると説明しています。 Privacy Sandboxでは、5つのAPIが提供される予定です。広告主は各APIを使って、コンバージョンやアトリビューションに関する集計データを受け取ることが可能となる見込みです。 4. Pri

            Privacy Sandboxの調査 - Qiita
          • Privacy to Earn:SBT(ソウルバウンドトークン)が実現するプログラム可能なプライバシー|shinichiro kinjo

            新しいトークンの規格として話題を集めているSoulbound Token(SBT)、聞いたことはありますか?2022年5月11日にEthereum創設者のヴィタリック・ブテリン氏らによって提出された論文Decentralized Society:Finding Web3' Soul(分散型社会:Web3の魂を見つける)以降、話題になっている概念ですが、その初出は2022年1月26日のヴィタリック氏の以下のブログポストSoulboundに遡ります。 Soulbound tokenとはその名の通り”魂に縛られた”という意味で、譲渡不可のNFTのことを指します。暗号通貨(トークン)やNFT(非代替性トークン)は自由に譲渡可能で、さらにはそれに値が付き200兆円規模のマーケットが生まれています。自由に譲渡できるからこそ、儲かるというインセンティブが機能し、エコシステムが拡張されてきた歴史があるにも

              Privacy to Earn:SBT(ソウルバウンドトークン)が実現するプログラム可能なプライバシー|shinichiro kinjo
            • VPN⁰: A Privacy-Preserving Distributed Virtual Private Network | Brave

              This research presents VPN⁰, the first distributed virtual private network offering a privacy preserving traffic authorization and validation mechanism. This research was conducted by Dr. Matteo Varvello (Performance Researcher at Brave), Iñigo Querejeta-Azurmendi (intern at Brave), Dr. Panagiotis Papadopoulos (Security Researcher at Brave), Gonçalo Pestana (Research Engineer at Brave) and Dr. Ben

                VPN⁰: A Privacy-Preserving Distributed Virtual Private Network | Brave
              • Customer update: AWS and the EU-US Privacy Shield | Amazon Web Services

                AWS Security Blog Customer update: AWS and the EU-US Privacy Shield Recently, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a ruling regarding the EU-US Privacy Shield and Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), also known as model clauses. The CJEU ruled that the EU-US Privacy Shield is no longer valid for the transfer of personal data from the European Union (EU) to the United States (US

                  Customer update: AWS and the EU-US Privacy Shield | Amazon Web Services
                • Brave Launches Next-Generation Browser that Puts Users in Charge of Their Internet Experience with Unmatched Privacy and Rewards | Brave

                  Brave Launches Next-Generation Browser that Puts Users in Charge of Their Internet Experience with Unmatched Privacy and Rewards The Industry’s Most Advanced Browser Offers 3-6x Faster Browsing and a Check on Surveillance Capitalism with a Private Ads and Payment Platform that Benefits Users, Advertisers, and Publishers Brave Rewards Now Available on iOS, Completing Cross-Platform Availability San

                    Brave Launches Next-Generation Browser that Puts Users in Charge of Their Internet Experience with Unmatched Privacy and Rewards | Brave
                  • Cusdis - Lightweight, privacy-first, open-source comment system

                    A lightweight, privacy-first, open-source comment system Cusdis is an open-source, lightweight, privacy-first alternative to Disqus. It's super easy to use and integrate with your existing website. We don't track you and your users.

                      Cusdis - Lightweight, privacy-first, open-source comment system
                    • Privacy Sandboxのイベントを開催しました。 #TechMar - CARTA TECH BLOG

                      2020年6月17日(水)に電通デジタル、サイバー・コミュニケーションズ、VOYAGE GROUPの3社でTech x Marketing meetup #2 Privacy Sandboxというオンラインイベントを開催しました。 techxmarketing.connpass.com VOYAGE GROUPからは @makoga が登壇し「ChromiumのPotential uses for the Privacy Sandboxを読む」というタイトルで発表しました。 speakerdeck.com もともとはタイトルにあるブログ記事の紹介の予定でしたが、それだけだと全体像がつかみにくいということで最初のパラグラフにリンクされているアウトラインとプロジェクトサイトについても紹介しています。 2つめのセッションではサイバー・コミュニケーションズ(CCI)田中さんが「デジマ担当必見!?P

                        Privacy Sandboxのイベントを開催しました。 #TechMar - CARTA TECH BLOG
                      • Appleプライバシー保護の最新事情と適応戦略/Apple privacy

                        Appleプライバシー保護の最新事情と適応戦略 https://fortee.jp/iosdc-japan-2021/proposal/475a40ce-125e-472e-8d21-98a279a42541 @iOSDC Japan 2021

                          Appleプライバシー保護の最新事情と適応戦略/Apple privacy
                        • Don't Play in Google's Privacy Sandbox

                          Last week, Google announced a plan to “build a more private web.” The announcement post was, frankly, a mess. The company that tracks user behavior on over ⅔ of the web said that “Privacy is paramount to us, in everything we do.” Google not only doubled down on its commitment to targeted advertising, but also made the laughable claim that blocking third-party cookies -- by far the most common trac

                            Don't Play in Google's Privacy Sandbox
                          • Most loved programming language Rust sparks privacy concerns | Hacker News

                            I have mixed feelings about this article.0. The issue is real and interesting, especially (for me) its implications for reproducible builds. 1. The issue affects many other programming languages besides Rust. 2. The issue has not been ignored by the Rust team. 3. The headline is a clickbait cheap shot. Whether Rust is "most loved" on Stack Overflow has nothing to do with filepaths in binaries. The

                            • Privacy-aware Rails consoles with console1984 and audits1984

                              August 19, 2021 Privacy-aware Rails consoles with console1984 and audits1984 We just released console1984 and audits1984. The first gem extends Rails consoles to make them auditable and to protect sensitive accesses. The second one is a simple auditing tool. This constitutes the other essential part of the technology we developed at Basecamp to raise the privacy bar in Rails applications, and I am

                                Privacy-aware Rails consoles with console1984 and audits1984
                              • Apple's app transparency rules: Google's privacy labels for Chrome and Search on iOS highlighted by DuckDuckGo

                                Google reveals how much personal data' collected in Chrome, Google app. 'No wonder they wanted to hide it' Google's Apple-mandated privacy labels for its Chrome and Search apps on iOS have drawn criticism from tiny search rival DuckDuckGo, which tweeted "no wonder they wanted to hide it." Apple now requires all App Store developers to label their apps to inform users of what data they collect. Thi

                                  Apple's app transparency rules: Google's privacy labels for Chrome and Search on iOS highlighted by DuckDuckGo
                                • サードパーティ Cookie の段階的廃止に備える  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers

                                  テストを容易にするため、Chrome では Chrome Stable クライアントの 1%、Canary、Dev、Beta クライアントの 20% に対して、サードパーティ Cookie がデフォルトで制限されています。このテスト期間中は、プライバシーに配慮した代替手段への移行など、サードパーティ Cookie の制限に関する準備を開始することが重要です。Chrome では、英国競争・市場庁が抱える競争上の懸念への対処を条件として、サードパーティ Cookie の制限を 2024 年下半期から全ユーザーに拡大します。

                                    サードパーティ Cookie の段階的廃止に備える  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers
                                  • 「Google Chrome」におけるサードパーティ製Cookieの廃止は2023年後半/2022年後半までに「Privacy Sandbox」関連のAPIを開発者コミュニティへ提供

                                      「Google Chrome」におけるサードパーティ製Cookieの廃止は2023年後半/2022年後半までに「Privacy Sandbox」関連のAPIを開発者コミュニティへ提供
                                    • New Firefox privacy feature strips URLs of tracking parameters

                                      HomeNewsSecurityNew Firefox privacy feature strips URLs of tracking parameters Mozilla Firefox 102 was released today with a new privacy feature that strips parameters from URLs that are used to track you around the web. Numerous companies, including Facebook, Marketo, Olytics, and HubSpot, utilize custom URL query parameters to track clicks on links. For example, Facebook appends a fbclid query p

                                        New Firefox privacy feature strips URLs of tracking parameters
                                      • サードパーティ Cookie を使わない広告効果計測 ~Privacy Sandbox の Attribution Reporting API について~ - Gunosy Tech Blog

                                        この記事は Gunosy Advent Calendar 2023 の 16 日目の記事です。 昨日の記事は吉岡さんの「iOSアプリのSWIFT_STRICT_CONCURRENCYをcompleteにした」でした。 プロダクト開発部 Ads チームの yamayu です。 最近は専ら蛮カラな街でインクを塗り塗りしています。 持ち武器のブラスター種に数年ぶりの強化が入り熱いです。 本題ですが、Gunosy Ads では、サードパーティ Cookie に依存しない広告効果の計測への対応を進めています。 その一環として、Google の Privacy Sandbox についても検証を行なっているので、その話について書ければと思います。 サードパーティ Cookie が廃止されるとどうなるのか サードパーティ Cookie を使わずに広告効果を計測する Privacy Sandbox とは A

                                          サードパーティ Cookie を使わない広告効果計測 ~Privacy Sandbox の Attribution Reporting API について~ - Gunosy Tech Blog
                                        • Cloudflare’s privacy-first Web Analytics is now available for everyone

                                          Cloudflare’s privacy-first Web Analytics is now available for everyone12/09/2020 In September, we announced that we’re building a new, free Web Analytics product for the whole web. Today, I’m excited to announce that anyone can now sign up to use our new Web Analytics — even without changing your DNS settings. In other words, Cloudflare Web Analytics can now be deployed by adding an HTML snippet (

                                            Cloudflare’s privacy-first Web Analytics is now available for everyone
                                          • Improved Security and Privacy Indicators in Firefox 70 – Mozilla Security Blog

                                            The upcoming Firefox 70 release will update the security and privacy indicators in the URL bar. In recent years we have seen a great increase in the number of websites that are delivered securely via HTTPS. At the same time, privacy threats have become more prevalent on the web and Firefox has shipped new technologies to protect our users against tracking. To better reflect this new environment, t

                                              Improved Security and Privacy Indicators in Firefox 70 – Mozilla Security Blog
                                            • Data Privacy Day at Apple: Improving transparency and empowering users

                                              Cupertino, California — January 28 is Data Privacy Day, a time to raise awareness about the importance of protecting people’s personal information online. Apple is commemorating Data Privacy Day by sharing “A Day in the Life of Your Data,” an easy-to-understand report illustrating how companies track user data across websites and apps. The report also shares how privacy features across Apple’s pro

                                                Data Privacy Day at Apple: Improving transparency and empowering users
                                              • Updated Privacy Policy & Secure Handling Requirements  |  Chrome Web Store - Program Policies  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                1. How do I determine if my Product is compliant with the User Data Policy or if I need to make any changes? Read these frequently asked questions in order (from top to bottom) and they will lead you through a series of steps to help determine whether any changes are needed. 2. What does "handle" mean in the User Data Policy? What are some common ways a Product handles personal or sensitive user d

                                                • Privacy, sustainability and the importance of “and”

                                                  When other browsers started blocking third-party cookies by default, we were excited about the direction, but worried about the immediate impact. Excited because we absolutely need a more private web, and we know third-party cookies aren't the long-term answer. Worried because today many publishers rely on cookie-based advertising to support their content efforts, and we had seen that cookie block

                                                    Privacy, sustainability and the importance of “and”
                                                  • GitHub - dothq/browser: The browser that fights for your privacy.

                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                      GitHub - dothq/browser: The browser that fights for your privacy.
                                                    • iOS Privacy: Instagram and Facebook can track anything you do on any website in their in-app browser

                                                      Update: A week later, I’ve published a new post, looking into other apps including TikTok, where I also found an additional JavaScript event listener of Instagram which can monitor all taps on third party websites. Check it out here The iOS Instagram and Facebook app render all third party links and ads within their app using a custom in-app browser. This causes various risks for the user, with th

                                                        iOS Privacy: Instagram and Facebook can track anything you do on any website in their in-app browser
                                                      • The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It (Published 2020)

                                                        Until recently, Hoan Ton-That’s greatest hits included an obscure iPhone game and an app that let people put Donald Trump’s distinctive yellow hair on their own photos. Then Mr. Ton-That — an Australian techie and onetime model — did something momentous: He invented a tool that could end your ability to walk down the street anonymously, and provided it to hundreds of law enforcement agencies, rang

                                                          The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It (Published 2020)
                                                        • Get started with privacy manifests ざっくりまとめ

                                                          Get started with privacy manifestsを視聴したときのメモです。詳しい情報、正確な情報は元動画を参照してください。 これまで Privacy Nutrition Labelsを見ればアプリがどのようにデータを収集して使用しているかがわかる。 また、App Tracking Transparencyを通じてユーザがトラッキングを制御できるようにしてきた。 Privacy Manifests アプリのプライバシーにはサードパーティのSDKも大いに関係してくる。サードパーティSDKがどんなプライバシー情報を収集しているかをアプリ開発者が知るのは困難なので、プライバシーマニフェストを導入した。 サードパーティSDK開発者は PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy という名前のファイルを作成して、SDK内にプライバシーマニフェストを含めることができる。 このファイル

                                                            Get started with privacy manifests ざっくりまとめ
                                                          • Fenced frames overview  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers

                                                            Fenced frames overview Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Securely embed content onto a page without sharing cross-site data. Implementation status This document outlines a new HTML element: <fencedframe>. The Fenced Frames proposal is now in general availability. Chrome Platform Status Proposal Status

                                                              Fenced frames overview  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers
                                                            • Makuake|周りを気にせずWEB会議。Canonの装着型減音デバイスPrivacy Talk|Makuake(マクアケ)

                                                              Privacy Talkでは、迷路のような構造が特徴である音響メタマテリアルを搭載することで、本体内部に音を吸収する空気の通り道をつくりあげています。 独自にカスタマイズした音響メタマテリアルにより、人の声がもつ特定の周波数帯(1,000Hz~4,000Hz)の音を効果的に吸収しながら、呼吸のための空気の通り道を確保。同時に、小型化を可能にしました。 さらにファンを内蔵しPrivacy Talk内の空気循環を促進することで、より快適な着け心地を叶えました。ファンOFF時と比較して、ファンON時の方が話しやすく、また呼気内の水分による湿気がたまりにくくなります。 ダブルマイクの搭載により、ファン稼働音と音声をそれぞれ取得し、ノイズとなるファンの稼働音を打ち消す処理を行います。クリアな音声をオンライン先に届けます。 ボタンを3秒押すと電源が入り、ファンが起動します。 パソコンやスマートフォンと

                                                                Makuake|周りを気にせずWEB会議。Canonの装着型減音デバイスPrivacy Talk|Makuake(マクアケ)
                                                              • 同意設定を管理する(ウェブ)  |  Security and Privacy hub  |  Google for Developers

                                                                フィードバックを送信 同意設定を管理する(ウェブ) コレクションでコンテンツを整理 必要に応じて、コンテンツの保存と分類を行います。 このページは、ウェブサイト上で Google タグを管理し、同意モードの統合を検討しているデベロッパーを対象としています。同意モードについては、同意モードの概要をご覧ください。 同意モードを有効にして使用する方法は、同意取得の実装と、使用するタグ設定プラットフォーム(Google タグ マネージャー(GTM)または Google タグ)によって異なります。 Google の同意モードに対応している同意管理プラットフォーム(CMP)では、以下を利用可能です。 同意を管理するためのタグの作成に使用する、コミュニティ テンプレート ギャラリーのタグ マネージャー テンプレート。 gtag.js を使用して同意を管理するサイト用の JavaScript コード。 同

                                                                  同意設定を管理する(ウェブ)  |  Security and Privacy hub  |  Google for Developers
                                                                • Study ranks the privacy of major browsers. Here are the findings

                                                                  Microsoft Edge received the lowest privacy rating in a recently published study that compared the user information collected by major browsers. Yandex, the less-popular browser developed by the Russian Web search provider Yandex, shared that dubious distinction. Brave, the upstart browser that makes privacy a priority, ranked the highest. The rankings were revealed in a research paper published by

                                                                    Study ranks the privacy of major browsers. Here are the findings
                                                                  • GitHub - mikewest/privacy-budget

                                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                      GitHub - mikewest/privacy-budget
                                                                    • Great for Privacy, Great for the Environment: DuckDuckGo Is Now Carbon Negative

                                                                      DuckDuckGo is now carbon negative dating back to our founding in 2008 through 2020, and is committed to being carbon negative in perpetuity. We've pioneered new estimation techniques, given our distributed team and non-physical product. We're accounting for our full scope emissions (including upstream and downstream suppliers). Yearly, we're donating 125% of calculated net emissions to Gold Standa

                                                                        Great for Privacy, Great for the Environment: DuckDuckGo Is Now Carbon Negative
                                                                      • The ugly, geeky war for web privacy is playing out in the W3C

                                                                        Concern trolls and power grabs: Inside Big Tech’s angry, geeky, often petty war for your privacy Inside the World Wide Web Consortium, where the world's top engineers battle over the future of your data. James Rosewell could see his company's future was in jeopardy. It was January 2020, and Google had just announced key details of its plan to increase privacy in its Chrome browser by getting rid o

                                                                          The ugly, geeky war for web privacy is playing out in the W3C
                                                                        • Google researchers find serious privacy risks in Safari’s anti-tracking protections

                                                                          When Apple introduced powerful anti-tracking protections to Safari in 2017, advertisers banded together to say they were “deeply concerned” it would sabotage ad-supported content. Now, there’s new information showing that Safari users had good reason for unease as well. Known as Intelligent Tracking Prevention, the mechanism uses machine learning to classify which websites are allowed to use brows

                                                                            Google researchers find serious privacy risks in Safari’s anti-tracking protections
                                                                          • In re: Facebook, Inc. Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation

                                                                            If you were a Facebook user in the United States between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, inclusive, you may be eligible for a cash payment from a Class Action Settlement.

                                                                            • privacy.sexy - Maximize Your Privacy and Security

                                                                              Discover privacy.sexy, the privacy tool to maximize your privacy and security on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Easily use best practices to prevent tracking and make your life secure and private — because privacy is sexy.

                                                                              • Our commitments for the Privacy Sandbox

                                                                                For a further update on this topic, please read our latest blog. We all expect a more private and secure web. The Privacy Sandbox initiative aims to help build it by developing new digital advertising tools to protect people’s privacy and prevent covert tracking, while supporting a thriving ad-funded web. From the start of this project, we have been developing these tools in the open, and sought f

                                                                                  Our commitments for the Privacy Sandbox
                                                                                • LayerXの第3の事業、Privacy Tech事業を始めます、という話|福島良典 | LayerX

                                                                                  企業や産業をまたいだデータ共有をどうやるかもはや懐かしさすら感じる投稿ですが、今のLayerXの事業は、元々祖業であるブロックチェーンコンサルの中で気づいた「お客様の真のニーズ」からプロダクト開発を始めた事業になっています。 実はPrivacyTechの事業は水面下でR&Dを続けていました。上記記事の冒頭より引用した図にある「3つめの真の課題」にアプローチするものが、PrivacyTech事業になります。 (画像中の “Labs” はPrivacyTech事業部の前身だった研究開発部門の名前です。) 「LayerXはブロックチェーンの会社じゃありません、という話」より> 3つ目は「エンタープライズブロックチェーンを使って企業間で情報を共有して非競争領域の業務を楽にできないのかな」とおっしゃるお客様です。この背景にある真のニーズは「どの会社でも同じようなことをやっているような非競争領域の業務

                                                                                    LayerXの第3の事業、Privacy Tech事業を始めます、という話|福島良典 | LayerX